
Japanese Declaration of War
Monday evening, 8 December 1941 (Tokyo local time)
Imperial Rescript
We, by grace of heaven, Emperor of Japan, seated on the Throne
of a line unbroken for ages eternal, enjoin upon ye, Our loyal and brave subjects:
We hereby declare war on the United States of America and the
British Empire. The men and officers of Our army and navy shall do their utmost in prosecuting the war, Our public servants
of various departments shall perform faithfully and diligently their appointed tasks, and all other subjects of Ours shall
pursue their respective duties; the entire nation with a united will shall mobilize their total strength so that nothing will
miscarry in the attainment of our war aims.
To insure the stability of East Asia and to contribute to world
peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by Our Great Illustrious Imperial Grandsire and our Great Imperial Sire
succeeding Him, and which We lay constantly to heart. To cultivate friendship among nation and to enjoy prosperity in common
with all nations has always been the guiding principle of Our Empire's foreign policy. It has been truly unavoidable and far
from Our wishes that Our Empire has now been brought to cross swords with America and Britain. More than four years have passed
since China, failing to comprehend the true intentions of Our Empire, and recklessly courting trouble, disturbed the peace
of East Asia and compelled Our Empire to take up arms. Although there has been re-established the National Government of China,
with which Japan has effected neighbourly intercourse and cooperation, the regime which has survived at Chungking, relying
upon American and British protection, still continues its fratricidal opposition. Eager for the realization of their inordinate
ambition to dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, giving support to the Chungking regime in the name of peace, have
aggravated the disturbances in East Asia. Moreover, these two Powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military
preparations on all sides of Our Empire to challenge us. They have obstructed by every means our peaceful commerce, and finally
resorted to a direct severance of economic relations, menacing gravely the existence of Our Empire. Patiently have We waited
and long have We endured, in the hope that Our Government might retrieve the situation in peace. But our adversaries, showing
not the least spirit of conciliation, have unduly delayed a settlement; and in the meantime, they have intensified economic
and military pressure to compel thereby Our Empire to submission. This trend of affairs would, if left unchecked, not only
nullify Our Empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of East Asia, but also endanger the very existence
of Our nation. The situation being such as it is, Our Empire for its existence and self-defense has no other recourse but
to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.
The hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors guarding Us from
above, We rely upon the loyalty and courage of Our Subjects in Our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by Our Forefathers
will be carried forward, and that the sources of evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably established
in East Asia, preserving thereby the glory of Our Empire.
The 8th day of the 12th month of the 16th year of Showa.
Signature, Title
TOJO, Hideki
Prime Minister, Minister of War
HASHIDA, Kunihiko
Minister of Education
SUZUKI, Teiichi
Minister of State
INO, Sekiya
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
KOIZUMI, Chikahiko
Minister of Health and Social Affairs
IWAMURA, Michiyo
Minister of Justice
SHIMADA, Shigetaro
Minister of Navy
TOGO, Shigenori
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Communications
KAYA, Okinobu
Minister of Finance
KISHI, Nobusuke
Minister of Commerce and Industry
HATTA, Yoshiaki
Minister of Railway
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 (UP) - Here is the official translation
of the Japanese Emperor's proclamation of war as read by Premier Tojo to the empire, and picked up here by the NBC listening
"We, by the grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan, and seated on
the throne of a line unbroken for ages eternal, enjoin upon thee, our loyal and brave subjects. We hereby declare war upon
the United States of America and the British Empire.
"The men and officers of our army and navy shall do their utmost
in prosecuting the war. Our public servants of various departments will perform faithfully and diligently their appointed
tasks and all other subjects of ours shall pursue their respective duties.
"The entire nation with united will shall mobilize their united
strength so that nothing will miscarry in the attainment of our royal aims.
"To insure the solidity of these ages and contribute to world
peace is the far-sighted policy which was formulated by our great, illustrious, imperial grandsire and our great imperial
sire's experience, and which we lay constantly to heart; to cultivate friendship among nations and to enjoy prosperity in
common with all nations - has always been the guiding principle of our empire's foreign policy.
"It has been unavoidable and far from our wishes that our
empire has been brought to cross swords with America and Britain.
"More than four years have passed since China, failing to comprehend
the true intentions of our empire, and recklessly causing trouble, disturbed the peace of East Asia and compelled our empire
to take up arms.
"Although there has been re-established the National government
of China, with which Japan has effected neighborly intercourse and co-operation, the regime which has survived at Chungking,
relying upon American and British protection still continues its opposition.
"Eager for the realization of their inordinate ambitions to
dominate the Orient, both America and Britain, supporting the Chungking regime, have aggravated disturbances in East Asia.
Moreover, these two powers, inducing other countries to follow suit, increased military preparations on all sides of our empire
to challenge us. They have obstructed by every means our peaceful commerce and finally resorted to direct severance of economic
relations, menacing gravely the existence of our empire.
"Patiently have we waited and long have we endured in the hope
that our government might retrieve the situation in peace.
"But our adversaries, showing not the least spirit of conciliation,
have unduly delayed a settlement, and in the meantime they have intensified the economic and political pressure to compel
thereby our empire to submission.
"This turn of affairs would, if left unchecked, not only nullify
our empire's efforts of many years for the sake of the stabilization of East Asia, but also endanger the very existence of
our nation.
"The situation being such as it is our empire, for its existence
and self-defense, has no other recourse but to appeal to arms and to crush every obstacle in its path.
"The hallowed spirits of our imperial ancestors guard us from
above and we rely upon the loyalty and courage of our subjects in our confident expectation that the task bequeathed by our
forefathers will be carried forward and that the source of the evil will be speedily eradicated and an enduring peace immutably
established in East Asia, preserving thereby the glory of our empire."
Letter from Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the Japanese Chargé d'Affaires in London on 8 December 1941
On the evening of December 7th His Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom learned that Japanese forces without previous warning either in the form of a declaration of war or of an ultimatum
with a conditional declaration of war had attempted a landing on the coast of Malaya and bombed Singapore and Hong Kong.
In view of these wanton acts of unprovoked aggression committed
in flagrant violation of International Law and particularly of Article I of the Third Hague Convention relative to the opening
of hostilities, to which both Japan and the United Kingdom are parties, His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo has been instructed
to inform the Imperial Japanese Government in the name of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that a state of war
exists between our two countries.
I have the honour to be, with high consideration,
Your obedient servant,
Winston S. Churchill
The British
War Cabinet of Winston Churchill Cabinet.
Churchill, standing, centre, back row. The cabinet included Sir John Anderson, Leslie Hore-Belisha, Sir Kingely Wood, Anthony Eden, Sir Edward Bridges, Lord Halifax,
Sir John Simon and Sir Neville Chamberlain.
Winston Churchill
House of Commons
8 December 1941
Broadcast by BBC Radio
There are numerous drafts of the text of the Prime Minister's
speech and an audio recording.
As soon as I heard last night that Japan had attacked the United
States, my first feeling was that Parliament should be immediately summoned. We are fighting for the maintenance of a parliamentary
system, and it is indispensable to our system of Government that Parliament should play its full part in all the important
acts of the state and on all the great occasions in the conduct of the war. The great number of members who attended in spite
of the shortness of the notice shows the zeal and strictness with which the members of both Houses attend to their duties.
You will remember that a month ago, with the full approval of
the nation and of the Empire, I pledged the word of Great Britain that should the United States become involved in a war with
Japan, a British declaration would follow within the hour. I therefore spoke to President Roosevelt on the Atlantic telephone
last night with a view to arranging the timing of our respective declarations. The President told me that he would this morning
send a message to Congress, which of course as you all know is the instrument, the constitutional instrument, by which alone
a United States declaration of war can be made.
And I assured him that we would follow immediately. However,
it soon appeared that British territory in Malaya had also been the object of a Japanese attack, and later on it was announced
from Tokyo that the Japanese High Command-not the Imperial Japanese Government-but the Japanese High Command had declared
that a state of war existed with Great Britain and the United States.
There has been for a long time in Japan a number of military
societies-secret societies-which have asserted their view of what the policy of Japan should be by murdering the Ministers
whom they thought were not sufficiently "jingo" for their tastes. And it is to these bodies that the most strange and violent
action of Japan's, so fateful for her future, must be ascribed.
In view of the attack, and of this declaration, there was no
need to wait for the declaration by Congress, and in any case there was the complication that American time is nearly six
hours behind ours. The Cabinet, therefore, which met at half-past-twelve today, have authorized an immediate declaration of
war upon Japan. Instructions to this effect were sent to our Ambassador in Tokyo, and the Japanese chargé d'affaires in London
and his staff have been given their passports.
Meanwhile, hostilities have already begun. The Japanese began
a landing in British territory in Northern Malaya at about 6 o'clock-that's 1 a.m. local time yesterday-and they were immediately
engaged by our troops who were there waiting for them.
The Home Office measures against Japanese nationals were set
in motion a little after 10 last night. You will see, therefore, that no time has been lost, and you will see also that we
are actually ahead of our engagements.
The Dutch Government in the East Indies-the Royal Netherlands
Government-who preside over the important Oriental possessions of Holland, at once marked their solidarity with Great Britain
and the United States. At 3 in the morning the Netherlands Minister informed our Foreign Office that his Government were telling
the Japanese Government that in view of the hostile acts perpetrated by Japanese forces against two powers with whom the Netherlands
maintain particularly close relations, they consider that, as a consequence, a state of war now exists between the Kingdom
of the Netherlands and Japan.
I don't know yet what part Siam will be called upon to play
in this fresh war, but we have reports that Japanese troops have landed at Singora near the Kra Isthmus, which is in Siamese
territory on the frontier of Malaya, very close to where the landing was made in our own territory. Just before Japan went
to war-on the day before-I had sent the Siamese Prime Minister, or Thailand Prime Minister, the following message: "There
is a possibility of imminent Japanese invasion of your country. If you are attacked, defend yourselves. The preservation of
the true independence and sovereignty of Thailand is a British interest, and we shall regard an attack on you as an attack
upon ourselves."
This afternoon we have had the speech of the President of the
United States, addressed to the Congress under the most formal and solemn circumstances, and calling for an immediate recognition
of a state of war.
It is worth while looking for a moment at the manner in which
the Japanese have begun their assault upon the English-speaking world, and particularly upon the United States. Every circumstance
of calculated and characteristic Japanese treachery was employed. The Japanese envoys, Nomura and Kurusu, there in Washington,
were ordered to prolong their mission in the United States in order to keep conversations going while the surprise attack
was being prepared-an attack which was to be delivered before any declaration of war. The President, you will remember, on
Sunday had made an appeal to the Emperor of Japan, reminding him of the ancient friendship between the United States and Japan,
by which Japan has greatly benefited, and impressing upon him the importance of preserving the peace in the Pacific. The attack
upon the United States ships in Pearl Harbor, thousands of miles away from Japan, was the base and brutal reply.
No one can doubt that every effort to bring about a peaceful
solution was made by the Government of the United States. We have all seen the immense patience and composure which they have
shown in the face of the growing Japanese menace. But now all that is over. And now that the issue is joined in a most direct
manner, it only remains for the two great Democracies to face their task with whatever strength God may give them.
We must hold ourselves very fortunate, and I think we may say
that our affairs have not been ill-guided, when we reflect that in all our period of weakness after Dunkirk we were not attacked
alone-while we were alone-by Japan-or indeed at any time in 1940, before the United States had fully realised the dangers
which threatened the whole world. In all that period we were in very great danger of having an attack made upon us in the
Far East to which we could not have made any adequate resistance. But so precarious and narrow was the margin upon which we
then lived, that we did not dare express the sympathy which we have all along felt for the heroic people of China. We were
even forced for a short time in the Summer of 1940 to agree to the closing of the Burma Road by which they get their supplies.
We had to bow for the time to the force of the hurricane. But later, as time passed, at the beginning of this year-as soon
as we had regathered our strength after the Battle of Britain had been won-we reversed that policy, and the House will remember
that both I and the Foreign Secretary have felt able to make increasingly outspoken declarations of friendship.
When I said this in the House this afternoon, there was general
assent that we have moved steadily forward, as our strength has grown, in our declarations of friendship to the Chinese people
and their great leader, General Chiang Kai-shek.
We have always been friends with the Chinese since the beginning
of this vile outrage upon them more than four years ago, and last night I cabled to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, assuring
him that henceforward we would face the common foe together.
Although the imperative demands of the war in Europe and in
Africa have strained our resources, vast and growing though they be, you and all the Empire will notice that some of the finest
ships in the Royal Navy have reached their stations in the Far East at a very convenient moment. Every preparation in our
power has been made, every preparation which our resources allowed-and you must not forget the many calls upon us-has been
made. And I do not doubt that wherever we are attacked we shall give a good account of ourselves.
The closest accord has been established with the powerful American
naval and air forces, as also with the strong, efficient forces belonging to the Royal Netherlands Government in the Netherlands
East Indies. All this has been arranged. We have our great preoccupations here in Europe, but at the same time everything
that our resources, everything that forethought can do, has been done to prepare for this long threatened storm in the Far
East which has now broken upon us and on our friends across the Atlantic Ocean.
When we think of the insane ambition and insatiable appetite,
which have caused this vast, melancholy extension of the war, we can only feel that Hitler's madness has infected the Japanese
minds and that the root of the evil and its branch must be extirpated together.
My friends, let me say this. It is of the highest importance
that there should be no underrating of the gravity of the new dangers we have to meet, either here in this Island, or those
dangers which the United States have to meet. The enemy has attacked with an audacity which may spring from recklessness,
but which may also spring from a conviction of strength.
One thing is certain: The need for greater effort in munitions
production. That must impress itself upon every mind tonight. It is quite certain that some of the supplies on which we had
counted, which had been diverted to Russia, will have to be made good by us. It may well be that in the next few months we
shall have a gap to fill. It is particularly necessary that all munition workers, all those who are engaged in war industries,
should make a further effort proportionate to the magnitude of the perils and to the magnitude of our cause. Particularly
does this apply to tanks, and above all to aircraft-aircraft will be more than ever necessary now that the war has spread
over so many wide spaces of the earth. I appeal to all those in the factories to do their utmost to make sure that we make
an extra contribution to the general resources of the great alliance of free peoples, which has been hammered and forged into
strength under and amidst the fires of war.
The ordeal to which the English-speaking world and our heroic
Russian Allies are being exposed will certainly be hard, especially at the outset, and it will probably be long. But when
we look around us, upon the sombre panorama of the world, we have no reason to doubt the justice of our cause, nor have we
any reason to doubt that our strength and our will-power will be sufficient to sustain it.
We have at least four-fifths of the population of the globe
upon our side. We are responsible for their safety-we are responsible for their future. And as I told the House of Commons
this afternoon, in the past we had a light which flickered, in the present we have a light which flames, and in the future
there will be a light which will shine calm and resplendent over all the land and all the sea!
Another draft of the text of the
The Prime Minister's
House of Commons
8 December 1941
The Prime Minister Mr. Churchill:
As soon as I heard, last night, that Japan had attacked the
United States, I felt it necessary that Parliament should be immediately summoned. It is indispensable to our system of government
that Parliament should play its full part in all the important acts of State and at all the crucial moments of the war; and
I am glad to see that so many Members have been able to be in their places, despite the shortness of the notice. With the
full approval of the nation, and of the Empire, I pledged the word of Great Britain, about a month ago, that should the United
States be involved in war with Japan, a British declaration of war would follow within the hour. I, therefore, spoke to President
Roosevelt on the Atlantic telephone last night, with a view to arranging the timing of our respective declarations. The President
told me that he would this morning send a Message to Congress, which, of course, as is well known, can alone make a declaration
of war on behalf of the United States, and I then assured him that we would follow immediately.
However, it soon appeared that British territory in Malaya had
also been the object of Japanese attack, and later on it was announced, from Tokyo, that the Japanese High Command —
a curious form; not the Imperial Japanese Government — had declared that a state of war existed with Great
Britain and the United States. That being so, there was no need to wait for the declaration by Congress. American time is
very nearly six hours behind ours. The Cabinet, therefore, which met at 12.30 to-day, authorised an immediate declaration
of war upon Japan. Instructions were sent to His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo, and a communication was despatched to the
Japanese Chargé de Affaires at 1 o'clock to-day to this effect:
Foreign Office, December 8th.
On the evening of December 7th His Majesty's Government in the
United Kingdom learned that Japanese forces, without previous warning, either in the form of a declaration of war or of an
ultimatum with a conditional declaration of war, had attempted a landing on the coast of Malaya and bombed Singapore and Hong
In view of these wanton acts of unprovoked aggression, committed
in flagrant violation of international law, and particularly of Article 1 of the Third Hague Convention, relative to the opening
of hostilities, to which both Japan and the United Kingdom are parties, His Majesty's Ambassador at Tokyo has been instructed
to inform the Imperial Japanese Government, in the name of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom that a state of
war exists. between the two countries.
I have the honour to be, with high consideration,
Your obedient servant,
Winston S. Churchill.
Meanwhile, hostilities have already begun. The Japanese began
a landing in British territory in Northern Malaya at about 6 o'clock — 1 a. m. local time —
yesterday, and they were immediately engaged by our Forces, which were in readiness. The Home Office measures against Japanese
nationals were set in motion at 10.45 last night. The House will see, therefore, that no time has been lost, and that we are
actually ahead of our engagements.
The Royal Netherlands Government at once marked their solidarity
with Great Britain and the United States at 3 o'clock in the morning.
The Netherlands Minister informed the Foreign Office that his
Government were telling the Japanese Government that, in view of the hostile acts perpetrated by Japanese forces against two
Powers with whom the Netherlands maintained particularly close relations, they considered that, as a consequence, a state
of war now exists between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Japan.
I do not yet know what part Siam, or Thailand, will be called
upon to play in this fresh war, but a report has reached us that the Japanese have landed troops at Singora, which is in Siamese
territory, on the frontier of Malaya, not far from the landing they had made on the British side of the frontier. Meanwhile,
just before Japan had gone to war, I had sent the Siamese Prime Minister the following message. It was sent off on Sunday,
early in the morning: There is a possibility of imminent Japanese invasion of your country. If you are attacked, defend yourself.
The preservation of the full independence and sovereignty of Thailand is a British interest, and we shall regard an attack
on you as an attack on ourselves.
It is worth while looking for a moment at the manner in which
the Japanese have begun their assault upon the English-speaking world. Every circumstance of calculated and characteristic
Japanese treachery was employed against the United States. The Japanese envoys, Nomura and Kurusu, were ordered to prolong
their mission in the United States, in order to keep the conversations going while a surprise attack was being prepared, to
be made before a declaration of war could be delivered. The President's appeal to the Emperor, which I have no doubt many
Members will have read — it has been published largely in the papers here ---
reminding him of their ancient friendship and of the importance
of preserving the peace of the Pacific, has received only this base and brutal reply. No one can doubt that every effort to
bring about a peaceful solution had been made by the Government of the United States, and that immense patience and composure
had been shown in face of the growing Japanese menace.
Now that the issue is joined in the most direct manner, it only
remains for the two great democracies to face their task with whatever strength God may give them. We must hold ourselves
very fortunate, and I think we may rate our affairs not wholly ill-guided, that we were not attacked alone by Japan in our
period of weakness after Dunkirk, or at any time in 1940, before the United States had fully realised the dangers which threatened
the whole world and had made much advance in its military preparation. So precarious and narrow was the margin upon which
we then lived that we did not dare to express the sympathy which we have all along felt for the heroic people of China. We
were even forced for a short time, in the summer of 1940, to agree to closing the Burma Road. But later on, at the beginning
of this year, as soon as we could regather our strength, we reversed that policy, and the House will remember that both I
and the Foreign Secretary have felt able to make increasingly outspoken declarations of friendship for the Chinese people
and their great leader, General Chiang Kai-Shek.
We have always been friends. Last night I cabled to the Generalissimo
assuring him that henceforward we would face the common foe together. Although the imperative demands of the war in Europe
and in Africa have strained our resources, vast and growing though they are, the House and the Empire will notice that some
of the finest ships in the Royal Navy have reached their stations in the Far East at a very convenient moment. Every preparation
in our power has been made, and I do not doubt that we shall give a good account of ourselves. The closest accord has been
established with the powerful American forces, both naval and air, and also with the strong, efficient forces belonging to
the Royal Netherlands Government in the Netherlands East Indies. We shall all do our best. When we think of the insane ambition
and insatiable appetite which have caused this vast and melancholy extension of the war, we can only feel that Hitler's madness
has infected the Japanese mind, and that the root of the evil and its branch must be extirpated together.
It is of the highest importance that there should be no under-rating
of the gravity of the new dangers we have to meet, either here or in the United States. The enemy has attacked with an audacity
which may spring from recklessness but which may also spring from a conviction of strength. The ordeal to which the English-speaking
world and our heroic Russian Allies are being exposed will certainly be hard, especially at the outset, and will probably
be long, yet when we look around us over the sombre panorama of the world, we have no reason to doubt the justice of our cause
or that our strength and will-power will be sufficient to sustain it. We have at least four-fifths of the population of the
globe upon our side. We are responsible for their safety and for their future. In the past we have had a light which flickered,
in the present we have a light which flames, and in the future there will be a light which shines over all the land and sea.
FDR Address to Congress
12:30 p. m. (local time), 8 December 1941
Mr. Vice President, and Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Senate
and House of Representatives:
Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy,
the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
The United States was at peace with that Nation and, at
the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its Government and its Emperor looking toward the maintenance of
peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American Island of Oahu,
the Japanese Ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent
American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it
contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack.
It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan
makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese
Government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused
severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In
addition American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against
Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong: Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces
attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway
Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending
throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already
formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation.
As Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy I have directed
that all measures be taken for our defense.
But always will our whole Nation remember the character
of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated
invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and
of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this
form of treachery shall never again endanger us.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that
our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces with the unbounding
determination of our people we will gain the inevitable triumph so help us God.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked
and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese
Joint Resolution of
Congress (House and Senate)
Signed by FDR, 4:10 p. m., 8 December 1941
Declaring that a state of war exists between the Imperial Government
of Japan and the Government and the people of the United States and making provisions to prosecute the same.
Whereas the Imperial Government of Japan has committed unprovoked
acts of war against the Government and the people of the United States of America:
Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the state of war between the United States and the Imperial Government
of Japan which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized
and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry
on war against the Imperial Government of Japan; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all the resources
of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States.

