24. Second World War

Continued from previous page, 23. The War in Europe and Africa

                 Oliver's Site
 Table of Contents | 1. Earth | 2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man | 3. Civilisation | 4. Fertile Crescent | 5. Egypt | 6. Indus Valley | 7. Yellow River (Haung He/Huang Ho) | 8. Hittites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians | 9. New World (B. C./Pre-Columban) | 10. Greeks and Persians | 11. Rome ( - B. C. - A. D. 96) | 12. Saul of Tarsus | 13. Rome ( - A. D. 275) | 14. Rome and Byzantium (Nova Roma) | 15. Islam | 16. Charlemagne | 17. Vikings | 18. Turks, Crusaders, Mongols, Moors, Explorers and Conquistadors | 19. Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s) | 20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s | 21. The Great War | 22. Inter-War Years | 23. The War in Europe and Africa | 24. Second World War | 25. War in the Pacific | 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa | 27. End of Japanese Imperialism | 28. Ending the War | 29. Conquest of Space | 30. Averting Nuclear War | 31. End of Empire | 32. Man on the Moon | 33. Arms Race and Limitation | 34. Lifting the Iron Curtain | 35. The 21st Century | 36. Outer Space | 37. | 42. 


Germany after the Treaty of Versailles, 1919

Related image
Germany lost the Great War of 1914 - 1918.

Germany lost its colonies and much territory by the Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, effective 1920.

Germany lost all of its colonies, which were in Africa, China, 
and the Pacific.

Germany lost 13% of its land (in black in the above map) with 12% of its population:

In the west, Germany lost Alsace-Lorraine to France and Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium.

The Saar was turned over to France to administer under the League of Nations.

The Rhineland (in dark green) was demilitarised.

In the north, northern Schleswig voted to join Denmark.

In the east, Memel Land was lost to Lithuania.

Danzig was turned over to the League of Nations, to be administered as a Free City.

West Prussia and Posen went to Poland.

Parts of Upper Silesia went to Poland. The fate of the rest of Silesia was to be decided by vote.

Germany lost 80% of its naval fleet.

Germany lost almost half of its iron production.

Germany lost 16% of its coal production.

Germany from 1919 to 1936:

Germany returned Alsace-Lorraine to France.

Germany gave up Schleswig, which voted to re-join Denmark. 

Germany ceded Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium.

Germany gave up the Saar, which was then administered by the League of Nations to 1935.

The Rhineland was 'demilitarised' until 1936.

The shot that triggered the war | Wwi maps, Treaty of versailles, Europe map

After the Great War, the Treaty of Versailles created nine 'new nations', or recreated old nations.

With the dissolution of Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the countries of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia were created.

Poland was reconstituted from its former lands in Austria-Hungary, Germany and Russia. 

Romania was created from Russia and Poland.  

In the Baltic, Russia gave up Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Related image

In the east, Germany gave up part of Silesia and the area known as the Polish Corridor (indicated by the colour green).

In the west, Germany gave Alsace-Lorraine back to France (colour green) and gave Eupen-Malmedy to Belgium. Germany  gave up claims to the Saar. The Rhineland (light blue colour) was 'demilitarised'. 

In the east, the dissolution of Austria-Hungary created the countries of Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia and made up parts of Romania and Italy (north) (colour yellow).  

In the east, Russia gave up Finland and the Baltic states   -   Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Russia gave up territory that made up most of Poland. Russia also gave up Bessarabia, which was taken by Romania. (All in the colour light purple.)

Bulgaria gave up Thrace (colour grey).

The Ottoman Empire was dissolved. Anatolia became Turkey. The French controlled Syria under a League of Nations mandate (colour dark purple). The British controlled Iraq, Trans-Jordan and Palestine under a League of Nations mandate (colour orange).      


Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance


2 May 1835

Image result for Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance
Soviet ambassador to France, Vladimir Potemkin, signs the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance in  Paris on 2 May 1935. Standing at the centre in the photo is French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval. 

Related image
French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval signs the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance in  Paris on 2 May 1935.



The Anti-Comintern Pact

Image result for The Anti-Comintern Pact

Germany and Japan form Anti-Comintern Pact


25 November 1936











Totalitarian Aggression Causes of World War II. Versailles Peace Treaty  1919 War Reparations Territorial Issues Disarmament All lead to German  discontent. - ppt download

German aggression from 1936 to 1938



German and Italian aggression from 1935 to 1939


 Related image

German territorial changes from 1935 to 1939





Charles Trenet

Chanson d'automne (Paul Verlaine)




The Second World War

From the invasion of Poland by Germany in September 1939

to the German defeat of France in June 1940

Causes of World War II


Episode from the World History documentary series





The Gathering Storm


Episode # 1 of 13 of the documentary series World War II in Colour






Poland from 1635 to the present





Poland, erased from the map in 1795, was recreated after WW1, in 1918




Poland in 1933



Basic History of Poland


Encyclopaedia Britannica





Brief history of Poland







History of Poland's borders


Animated maps







Poland, Danzig, Memelland and East Prussia


Germany, Polish Corridor, Danzig, East Prussia, Memelland and Lithuania



Origins of WW II


German film with English dubbing











Nazi - Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Hitler - Stalin Pact
Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact
23 August 1939
Germans and Soviets sign non-agression pact and agree to divide Poland. Baltic States to go to Soviets. Germany to get Danzig and Polish Corridor.

By this pact, Germany recovered territory lost during the Great War and its aftermath. The Germans recovered land that became Poland.   

By this pact   -   and subsequent agreements in the following months   -   the Soviet Union (Russia) recovered territory lost during the Great War and its aftermath: Finland, the three Baltic states, Bessarabia, and the eastern half of Poland.

Image result for molotov - ribbentrop pact

From left to right: Joachim von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister; Josef Stalin, Soviet Premier; Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet Foreign Minister. Moscow, 23 August 1939.  

The Hour Before Midnight
Episode # 2 of 10 of the 1995 documentary series Russia's War - Blood Upon the Snow

Hosted by Henry Kissinger

(53:31 min.)


Episode 1 of the 2008 BBC/PBS documentary series Behind Closed Doors

N. A.


Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact


Le Pacte Hitler Staline

Documentaire (2018) (1:42:38)

Du pacte germano-soviétique à Barbarossa

Bernard Lugan, Philippe Conrad et Dominique Venner

Le libre journal de Serge de Beketch

Radio Courtoisie

Le 5 septembre 2001



Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia

1938 - 1939                                 1939 - 1940




Cabinet Considers New Situation


British Movietone newsreel





Days of Tension


British Pathé














The Second World War


The War in Europe


1939 - 1945



History of World War Two


1939 - 1945


Short description over a map





World War Two in Europe and the Pacific


Every Year


Animated map






World War II


Episode # 38 from the Crash Course World History series with John Green






World War II Leadership


Excerpt of lecture by Victor Davis Hanson at Hillsdale College, Michigan


Review of the war and discussion of Churchill and Roosevelt






The above is one chronology. There are many. Some include events omitted by others.



The German strategy in Poland

Germans attack Poland, September 1939





First shot of the war

04:45  -  1 September 1939  


The German battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein shells the Polish garrison at Westerplatte in Danzig.



Schleswig-Holstein fires on Polish positions at the Port of Danzig on Sept 1, 1939.

The German battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein shells the Polish garrison in Westerplatte in the port city of Danzig (Gdansk) on 1 September 1939. The garrison surrendered on 7 September.



Silent film footage





Battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein Shells the Westerplatte


German documentary film short 







Opération Himmler

Alain Decaux raconte

le 18 mars 1971 (27:35)




German Invasion of Poland


1 September 1939


Excerpt from documentary







Invasion of Poland by Germany in 1939 


1943 US goverment film






Germany invades Poland


Address by Adolf Hitler


September 1, 1939


(4 parts)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2-PVDFsGPo


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJpsus10jS8


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK5C4zsqbmg


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-BbMdyHOKw




Germany invades Poland


Address by Adolf Hitler, September 1, 1939


Live CBS Radio coverage






BBC News


1 September 1937






British Declaration of War


Radio Broadcast by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, 3 September 1939









Prime Minister's Statement 


BBC News with announcements 


3 September 1939





Message from King George VI


Buckingham Palace


September 3, 1939













France declares war on Germany


Prime Minister Edouard Daladier, September 3, 1939






Germany Invades Poland


France and Britain Declare War on Germany






world war 2 articles


































Front page of Fairbanks (Alaska) Daily News-Miner, 4 September 1939




Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies' Declaration of War


3 September 1939





US President Franlin D. Roosevelt


Radio Address


3 September 1939





U. S. A. at the time


(Excerpt from a documentary)






Great Britain


Episode from the documentary series The Road to War







The S. S. Athenia


German Submarine sinks British ocean liner


118 civilians lost



Related image

The British passenger liner, the SS Athenia



Image result for ss athenia 1939 - sinking

The Sinking of S. S. Athenia







SS Athenia


(1922 - 1939)







Athenia Survivors Go Home


British Pathé newsreel





BBC News


4 September 1939





BBC News


Athenia survivors


6 September 1939





Athenia survivors


British Movietone News





Winston Churchill and the Athenia






 Image result for ss athenia 1939 - sinking

New York Times, September 4, 1939




Canada Declares War on Germany


Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King and the Minister of Justice Ernest Lapointe


Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) radio broadcast from Ottawa


10 September 1939





Why did it take Canada a week longer to declare war than the UK and France?






This is Poland


British documentary produced in late 1939 after the invasion of Poland by the Germans and Soviets (20:26)


Omits mention of Soviet invasion






Part 4 of five-part documentary (2000) about the Hitler Youth (1925 - 1945)

In black and white (47:26)










Soviets and Mongolians roll back Japanese Invasion of Mongolia

Battle of Khalkhin Gol

11 May - 15 September 1939 

 Related image

From left to right: General Grigori Shtern; Mongolian leader Marshal Choibalsan; and Commander Georgy Zhukov, commander of the 1st Soviet Mongolian Army Group, at Khalkhin Gol,


Forgotten Battle that Shaped WW2


70th Anniversary (2009)







Namohan, 1939

Soviet-Japanese Conflict and the Outbreak of WW2

Lecture by Stuart Goldman at the Mongolian Embassy, Washington, D. C.

12 May 2012










Soviets invade Poland


17 September 1939











Germany and Soviets divide Poland



The Captive Heroes of Brest (-Litovsk)


Russian documentary about the German attack on Brest-Litovsk in June 1939






German and Soviet soldiers meet in Poland


September 1939






The Nazis Strike


Part 2 of the US government propaganda film series Why We Fight (1943)






Review of September 1939


French film






Hitler's Shadow

In the Service of the Führer

Interview with Karl Wilhelm Krause, Hitler's valet from 1934 to 1939



Apocalypse: The Second World War


French documentary series in English


Episode 1: Aggression (1933 - 1939)


Rise of Nazism, Polish Campaign, The Phoney War






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t6IKwHpdIQ (with captions)


German invasion of Poland, September 1939 [LCID: pol81270]


Occupation of Poland 1939.png




Katyn Forest Massacre


The Soviets divided Poland with Germany in 1939.


The Soviets transported 22,000 captive Poles from eastern Poland to Russia, executed them in the Katyn Forest in the suburbs of Smolensk, and buried them in mass graves in 1940.


The Germans attacked and overran Soviet-occupied Poland in 1941.


In 1943 the Germans dug up the mass graves.


The Soviets claimed the Germans had killed the Poles.


The Polish government-in-exile in London asked the Red Cross to investigate. Stalin broke off relations with the exiles.


In 1990, the Soviets admitted killing the Poles.




Im Wald von Katyn


Dokumentarische Bildstreifen


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8jqENCJARw (1:14:17)



Katyn Forest Massacre


1943 German and Soviet films with English narration


2 clips


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y8VNDOBGJM


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35qbDxZcjD0




The Katyn Massacres


1973 episode of the British TV programme Echo





The Katyn Case - Epilogue


Documentary on Russia Today








Un Massacre Programme









2007 Polish movie






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4BH9UFJnkk (1:55:51)




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG7qybObtTw (1:56:55)


or with English sub-titles:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4BH9UFJnkk (1:55:51)




Le massacre de Katyn (1940 - 1943)


Communisme & Guerre Froide


Un jour dans l'histoire sur Canal Académie de Christophe Dickès avec Alexandra Viatteau, auteur, 31 - 05 - 2009








3 AVRIL – 13 MAI 1940










Alain Decaux raconte








Churchill and Poland


The Sikorski Case


2011 BBC documentary film about the death of the leader of Polish exiles Wladislaw Sikorski in Gibraltar in 1943






La mort du général Sikorski


Alain Decaux raconte











The War at Sea


The German battleship Admiral Graf Spee




Admiral Graf Spee retires to the neutral port of Montevideo, Uruguay



The Admiral Graf Spee scuttled by her crew on off Montevideo, Uruguay on December 17, 1939



Battle of the River Plate


December 1939

British win first major naval battle of the war



The Battle of the River Plate


Episode from the British documentary series Timewatch




Or in 5 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fu5UvC4SyY


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO0T-vIxTxw


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsd8JnJTxMs


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5oZZYidPI4


5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzBDIgXBKsg



War at Sea!


Battleship Graf Spee Scuttled


News Parade newsreel by Castle Films


With narration








or the same as a silent film with titles


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoKve93TTnI


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQjkEICwSWg





The Battle of the River Plate

Off the coast of Uruguay

December 13, 1939

The Battle of the River Plate

British movie 1956

also known as

Pursuit of the Graf Spee

With Anthony Quayle and Peter Finch






Hitler's Lost Battleship

Documentary about the Kriegsmarine Schiff (RMS) Admiral Graf von Spee

National Geographic


In German:

Hitlers verlorenes Schlachtschiff

Die Admiral Graf Spee



KMS Graf Spee

Description of the ship and its history


The Last Broadside

Episode from the documentary series Lost Ships

Divers search for the Graf Spee


Graf Spee - Pocket Battleship Scuttled by Nazis


Graf Spee in Montevideo

British Pathé


Montevideo, Uruguay


Battleship Graf Spee Scuttled

Castle Films


Funeral of Captain Landsdorf

Buenos Aires, Argentina

9 January 1940

British Movietone




Battle of the River Plate

The Hunt for Graf Spee

Animation over a sea chart

Starts at the 01:29 mark

The battlecruiser Admiral Graf Spee roamed the South Atlantic and southern Indian Oceans, sinking merchant shipping. The Royal Navy caught up with her off the River Plate of South America.


The Battle of the River Plate

December 1939

Animation over a sea chart


The Myth of the German Pocket Battleship

08:00 minutes


The Battle of the River Plate





Russo-Finnish War



Scandinavia, the Forgotten Front -


Finnish Winter War


Episode 2 of the sixth season of the Battlefield documentary series






The Nordic War 1939-45


Finland's Battle for Independence


Finnish documentary in English


(7 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxpcIrL5Qxk


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhK7MlaPm24


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF4CC_FNJA8


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11UvQ7oH-Ro


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?



6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc_v5TKCWoc


7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0TpcOK_w88




The Winter War


Documentary (53:35)






The Soviet-Finnish Winter War


Lecture by John Suprin, Department of Military History, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College the Dole Institute of Politics, 7 February 2013 (1:00:41)






The Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union


Finnish documentary



Air War over Finland









On the Isle Of May

Connie Boswell

Melody from Tschaikowsky - D Major String Quartette



Woody Herman



Ginny Simms and Harry Babbitt

Kay Kyser and his orchestra



Russ Carlyle



Kenny Baker



Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Andante cantabile

String Quartet No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11

Sol Gabetta

Münchner Rundfunkorchester








Germany invades Denmark and Norway


April 9, 1940



Invasion of Denmark


British newsreel




German newsreel






The Battle for Norway 1940




(In Geman with English subtitles)






Battle for Norway


Excerpt from the Battlefront documentary series




(or in 3 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7blFqE35bY


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPSNrdfiAq4


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAhJF5JoUJQ




Fall of Norway




(2 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR0MXNmBX0E


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWqBeiq8uSc&feature=relmfu




Germany's War Aims in Scandanavia


Broadcast # 22 of rhe radio series America Looks Abroad (15 min.)


April 14, 1940






The Norwegian Campaign


Its Lessons and Effects


Broadcast # 25 of rhe radio series America Looks Abroad (15 min.)


May 5, 1940






Vidkun Quisling


Episode about Norway's leading collaborator with the Germans in WW2 from the documentary series Nazi Collaborators











Germany and France at War

1939 - 1940


The Phony War

September 1939 - May 1940



La drôle de guerre

Partie 2 du documentaire La Grande Histoire de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale








   British Troops Occupy Iceland
                  10 May 1940
Lort Gort on Iceland
British Pathé newsreel


The Battle of France

Germany defeats France

May 10 - June 25, 1940


Related image

Related image



Seigfried Line


La ligne Siegfried








Maginot Line


André Maginot








The Maginot Line


Documentary (42:29)





La ligne Maginot (1920-1960)


2000 ans d'histoire sur France Inter de Patrice Gélinet avec Jean-Pascal Soudagne, journaliste, 05.01.2010




Blitzkrieg (Lightning War)


Episode 2 of 13 of the documentary series

World War II in Colour

Recounts the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 to the defeat of France in June 1940





The Capture of Fort Eben Emael


Episode about the German invasion of Belgium in May 1940 from the documentary series History’s Raiders


In 5 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD_rX71O78I&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIPawSa4o3Q&feature=related


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P729E4wap-Y&feature=related


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWfqJxSRn48&feature=related


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4giMGaPMJM&feature=related



Germany Defeats Belgium, Holland and France




Newsreels with narration in English






10 mai 1940


l'Allemagne nazie envahit la Belgique et la Hollande







German film about the German Airborne Invasion of Holland in May 1940


Follows one unit







À la défense de la Belgique


Journal de Guerre






The Battle of the Netherlands 1940


Silent film with captions in English






German invasion of Belgium and France 



Film footage with commentary






Germany Has Invaded Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg


Broadcast # 26 of the radio series America Looks Abroad


May 12, 1940






The Battle of France

Episode from the documentary series Battlefield






Episode 5 of Season 1 of the BBC documentary series War Walks with Richard Holmes





Crushing Defeat (1939 - 1940)


Episode 2 of the French documentary series in English Apocalypse: The Second World War

Blitzkrieg, Fall of Dunkirk, Invasion of France, Battle of Britain




or with captions






Mai 40


Les 30 jours du désastre







Run Rabbit Run (1940)

Episode from British TV programme Time to Remember (1959 - ) with British Pathé newsreel footage

Part 1.

Reel 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSmONQ5PkZA

Reel 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AIJFWu-9z4

Part 2.

Reel 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AIJFWu-9z4

Reel 4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA4u6jYz1ps


Juin 1940, le Grand Chaos














The Battle of Dunkirk

  26 May - 4 June 1940



The Other Side of Dunkirk


2004 BBC documentary






The French Air Force in the Battle of France


Exerpt from a documentary






The Fall of France


Lecture by Mark Gerges (2015)







Maurice Gustav Gamelin


General Gamelin With The Army In Britain




British Pathé newsreel






Maxime Weygand


Weygand New C-In-C




British Pathé newsreel






Le Général Weygand de 1940 à 1965


Radio Courtoisie (2015)






Le général Weygand . . .


Adrien Abauzit répond à François Asselineau










Dive Bomber


Junkers Ju 87 Sturzkampfflugzeug (Stuka) ("dive bomber")





Ju 87 (Stuka)


Episode 8 of 14 of the documentary series Wings of the Luftwaffe






The Junkers 87 Stuka Dive Bomber




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYrzTYiXj-4


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgcgM0IsyK0


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH94C3mswpU


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEVFfsowc_0








"We Shall Never Surrender."


Speech of Winston Churchill to the House of Commons, 4 June 1940


Played twice




Divide and Conquer

Third of seven films of the US government propaganda series Why We Fight directed by Frank Capra during WW2














Alan Brooke and the Brittany Redoubt

History Briefs

Great Stories from the Past




Mussolini declares war on Great Britain and France

Rome, 10 June 1940





















June 1940



Late 1970 - early 1971 photo (Source: PPRueNe)



Italy declared war on Great Britain and France on 10 June.


The following day, 11 June, Italian planes attacked Malta, a British naval base, one of three in the Mediterranean Sea (the others were at Gibraltar and Alexandra), half-way between the Suez Canal and the Straights of Gibraltar.




The Battle for Malta















The First Allied Bombing Raid of Berlin

A lone French bomber, a Farman

7 June 1940

Mark Felton


French Heavy Bomber Farman F.222 / F.223

Bomber, called Jules Verne, Bombed Berlin, 7 June 1940

Rex s Hangar



The French Government


Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and War, Paul Reynaud, centre, front, with cabinet ministers, in Paris on 6 June 1940. In the back row, on the right, is Brigadier-General Charles De Gaulle, Under-secretary of State for National Defense and War (sous -secrétaire d’État à la défense nationale).                     

On 10 June the French government declared Paris an open city.

On 14 June the French army left Paris and the Germans entered.  


German Victory Parade in Paris
The German army entered Paris on 14 June 1940.

Related image
German army marches down the Champs-Élysées on 14 June 1940
Deutsche Wochsenshau 




The Battle of France in the USA

Broadcast # 31 from the weekly radio broadcast series America Looks Abroad

16 June 1940








British troops evacuated France and returned to England throughout late May and June. 


German troops entered Paris on 14 June.


The French government withdrew to Bordeaux.


Image result for de gaulle en angleterre le 17 juin 1940

Prime Minister Winston Churchill and General Charles De Gaulle in England on 16 June 1940.


On 16 June, General Charles De Gaulle sailed to England to discuss the war with Prime Minister Churchill.

Reynaud and his government, in Bordeaux, resigned later that day, 16 June.  

De Gaulle flew back to France.


On the same day, the President of France, Albert Lebrun, asked Reynaud's deputy prime minister, Maréchal Philippe Pétain, to form a new government to conclude an armistice with the Germans   -  and accept the German occupation of northern and western France.



Image result for Marechal Petain en juin 1940


Le Maréchal Pétain

Image result for le Maréchal Pétain, décide de cesser la guerre avec l'Allemagne - journaux


Le Président du Conseil, le Maréchal Pétain, décide de cesser la guerre avec l'Allemagne


Le 17 juin 1940





Image result for le Maréchal Pétain: il faut cesser le combat avec l'Allemagne - journaux


Philippe Pétain prend le Pouvoir


France 1940


Histoire de Comprendre (2000)


Alexandre Adler




Many Frenchmen fled to French North Africa in the hope of continuing the fight against Germany. Some went to America. Others went to England.


De Gaulle flew back to England on 17 June to organise French soldiers there into a fighting force, the Free French.


Charles De Gaulle arrives in England on 17 June 1940.


On the afternoon of the following day, 18 June, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, addressed the House of Commons.


"This was their finest hour."



Six hours later, De Gaulle broadcast to France a call to arms over the BBC in London.





L'appel du 18 Juin


DeGaulle et Churchill, juin 1940




Clip 1 (45:00)




Clip 2 (42:00)





Excerpts from documentary




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C9pHMCKkjM

17 June

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFyqN_CfXy0

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2XwewYSNgE&feature=related

18 June

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEQZ78FcEEs&feature=related


 Related image
DeGaulle's appeal was recorded by the BBC at 18:30. After the British war cabinet decided it could be broadcast, it was broadcast at 22:00.

Swiss intelligence services recorded the broadcast and kept a transcript of it. The transcript differs from the published appeal that appeared in the British press on the following day, 19 June.
A Day in June
Franco-British Council


L'Appell de 18 juin



L'appel du général de Gaulle




L'Eclair du 19 juin 1940 - ADH PAR 992

Front page of 19 June issue of the French newspaper L'Eclair

Messages du Marechal Pétain les 16 (00.00, 17 juin et 20 Juin 1940



The Free French and 18 June 1940

Photo of General Charles De Gaulle in London recording an appeal to the French for broadcast by the BBC in June 1940.


Few people in France heard the appeal of General De Gaulle broadcast from London over the BBC on the night of 18 June. However, more heard the subseqeunt broadcast of 22 June.


Résistance et France Libre

Analyse de l'appel 18 juin 1940 du Général de Gaulle



Appel du 22 juin 1940 par le General De Gaulle



General de Gaulle - appel - 22 Juin



Appel du 18 juin 1940

Discours enregistrée le 22 juin 1940 par le Général de Gaulle





Appel du 18 Juin - Ile de Sein



Appel du 18 juin - Souvenirs de l'Ile de Sein



L'ile de Fidélité

Les Actualités Française (1946)



Le jour où De Gaulle a choisi la guerre









22 June 1940

Le wagon de l'armistice à Compiegne le 11 novembre 1918.

Le wagon de l'armistice de 11 novembre 1918 à Compiegne le 22 juin 1940.


The Coach that made History

Description by a blogger of the railroad coach in which the Armistice of 1918 and the Armistice of 1940 were signed in Compiegne, France (26:44)



An account of the event recorded by American journalist William Shirer

Audio only (12:46)




Compiègne, 21 June 1940

German General Wilhelm Keitel, commander of the German army, standing, left, reads terms of the armistice. The German leader (Fuhrer), Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler, is seated at the table beside Keitel. French General Charles Huntziger, head of the French delegation, is seated on the opposite side of the table, centre, right.


Compiegne, 22 June 1940

General Huntziger, centre, at the right side of the table, receives armistice for his signature from German delegation.


Sieg über Frankreich

Victory over France

Die Deutsche Wochsenschau


or, another version, perhaps edited:


same, much shorter, by British Pathe:


 Image result for le Maréchal Pétain: il faut cesser le combat avec l'Allemagne - journaux


L'armistice de 1940

Radio Courtoisie

7 janvier 2008






 Related image
Adolf Hitler in Paris on the morning of 23 June 1940. On the left in the photo is Hitler's favourite architect, Albert Speer (1905 - 1981). On the right is one of Germany's most famous sculptors, Arno Breker (1900 - 1991). Speer designed many buildings in Germany.

Hashtag History: The Forerunner Fascist, The Tiny Tyrant, Napoleon  Bonaparte, from Provincial Pauper to Europe's First Modern Dictator |  Taylor Rockhill

Hitler visited Napoleon's Tomb

Hitler in Paris

23 June 1940



France in June 1940

German news feature





French soldiers in London post De Gaulle's Appeal at the end of June 1940.



French Admiral Emile Muselier joined De Gaulle in London on 30 June 1940.


Free France finds a Fighting Leader

British Paramount News

French Admiral Muselier joins De Gaulle


Emission sur Charles DeGaulle

Radio Courtoisie (14 février 1992)



The Free French Forces

Episode # 12 of 13 of the 2002 documentary series Gladiators of World War II - Fighting Units of the War

Describes the Freee French in WW2





Edit into the above text

June 1940

L'Appel du 18 juin

Ce jour la tout a changer

Michel Vuillermoz, Clément Roussier, Christian Rodska






Germany invaded France in May 1940.

The French government withdrew from Paris to Bordeaux in June.

The Germans marched into Paris.

The French government resigned.

A new French government was formed by Maréchal Philippe Pétain to arrange an armistice with the Germans.


- The Germans let the French govern France. 

- The French retained control of French overseas departments and territories.

- The Germans divided France into zones of occupied and unoccupied territories.


- The Germans occupied and controlled the northern and western zones   -   about 60% of the country.


- The French government administered the occupied zone of France. But the French government was severely restricted by the German occupation.

- The southeast of France was left unoccupied by the Germans and to be controlled by the French. 


La ligne de démarcation


1940 - 1943


État Français


2000 ans d'histoire







Front page of New York Times, 24 June 1940







France signs Armistice with Italy

24 June 1940






The German Occupation of the four British Channel Islands


Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Sark

Jersey child abuse case 'was not covered up' - Wikinews, the free news  sourcechannel islands England | Jersey channel islands, Guernsey island, Channel  islandschannel islands map

Modern maps of the Channel Islands.

The Channel Islands are British.

Germany occupied the Channel Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Sark from 20 June 1940 to 9 May 1945.


Jersey was Occupied


2 1940


German newsreel





Occupation by the Nazis


The German Occupation of the British Channel Islands


1990 British radio programme (60 min.)





The Channel Islands at War


Four clips from a British documentary about the Channel Islands during the war


Germans bomb Guernsey and Jersey


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGaZl_95ftY


Full evacuation of Alderney; Guernsey and Jersey surrender


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64gzctT-1hA


The Isle of Sark


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNZWSoIUP7w


German occupation


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klWYyo7ZSr4



Occupation Memories


German occupation of Guernsey





The Nazi Occupation of Jersey


2013 radio discussion on the Jersey island radio program The Reunion about the German occupation of the island of Jersey from June 1940 to May 1945





Life in Jersey under German Occupation


Interview with Bill Morvan


Part 1.




Part 2.





Island at War


2004 British TV series about the German occupation of the British Channel Islands in WW2


Episode 1 of 6: Eve of War


Start here and each of the five parts (clips) follows automatically in sequence:




2. Living with the Enemy


5 clips


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMFiW29VZvE


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTnxqkaN5L8


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuRvyWi1nuQ


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJnqT5tFeFo


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuuYZtNyF6A


3. To Catch a Spy




Or in 5 clips manually


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4TDUktWqw4


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSCzVflVKtw


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ujfoanpbY0


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAS-Rl0DeQ0


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub-NsycACTk


4. Strange Mercies


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuctFTy3U_Q


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a52I9qy_DKw


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3f8K9B1_Pc


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bGCTOJWPak


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqlPrIYHitk


5. Unexpected Revelations


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmN5aMlhitA


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0b_5oOwl6M


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xinYAYupotY


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tii02LMQ-sQ


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAaehtjcaSk


6. Unusual Successes


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-juLA4Bdrjg


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl_RO4rzQ_8


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSGDCleteb0


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7Qos3xRRow


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zP2UXeJU9R4





British attack French fleet

To prevent the French naval fleet in the Mediterranean from falling to the Germans, the British navy attacked it.


Mers-el-Kébir, Algeria

July 3, 1940


Mers El Kebir, July 1940

American documentary



Churchill's Darkest Decision

Documentary film

(4 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c_Xi5IvrS8

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JQLhefiSw8

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulEHCBn1Gic

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElC8DvE67w0

Similar documentary in French:

Mers El Kebir (1940)

(4 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA08YU9DkoA

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOlT5lr39Qk

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz5R3uBHJ4c

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPeAjrYdYkQ


Mers el Kebir - Operation Catapult





(1940) (en couleur)



Mers el Kebir


France 2



La bataille de Mers el-Kébir


2000 ans d'histoire (Seconde Guerre Mondiale)







Germany invaded France in May 1940.

The French government withdrew from Paris on 10 June.

The Germans marched into Paris on 14 June.

The French government, meeting in Bordeaux, resigned on 16 June.

A new French government was formed by Maréchal Philippe Pétain on 16 June to arrange an armistice with the Germans.

- The French government moved from Bordeaux in German-occupied southwestern France to the town of Clermont-Ferrand and then to Vichy in unoccupied southeastern France on 1 July 1940.


French leaders Maréchal Philippe Pétain, chief of state and head of government, and Pierre Laval, deputy head of government and Pétain's designated successor, in Vichy in July 1940.

Pétain dismissed Laval in December 1940 but recalled him in April 1942.


Pétain, Laval, Darlan, Weygand . . .


Related image

Image result for le premier cabinet du gouvernement petain f

Maréchal Pétain, in black hat, centre front row, with his government, in Vichy on July 1940. Pétain formed the government on 16 June in Bordeaux. Pétain was head of state and head of the government.

To the left of Pétain is Pierre Laval. Laval joined the government on 23 June as Minister of Justice. On 12 July, Laval was made deputy head of government and designated by Pétain to be his successor. Laval was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Laval was the # 2 man in France.

To the right of Pétain is General Maxime Weygand, commander-in-chief of the French army and Minister of Defense.

On 4 September 1940 Weygand was appointed to reorganise the French army in Africa and left France.

In the back row, on the left, is Admiral François Darlan, commander-in-chief of the French navy and head of the merchant marine.

L'Armée de Vichy (1940-1944)

État Français

2000 ans d'Histoire sur France Inter (2004)

Patrice Gélinet avec Robert O. Paxton

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oU-QhCRimfk

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpgujPCAgsU




The New Order in France

Broadcast # 35 of the radio broadcast series America Looks Abroad

14 July 1940








      French Bomb Gibraltar

                18 July 1940


Gibraltar (1940)


In response to the British attack on the French naval fleet, the French government at Vichy conducted aerial bombing raids of the British colony of Gibraltar



Battle of Dakar

23 September 1940



British and Free French fail to take Dakar from the French


La bataille de Dakar

23 Septembre 1940

(2 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_286618&feature=iv&src_vid=N5ZR-pS17e4&v=FLZ1qLdXmjM

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_80506&feature=iv&src_vid=FLZ1qLdXmjM&v=N5ZR-pS17e4


French bomb Gibraltar

18 - 25 September 1940

In response to the British attack on Dakar, the French government at Vichy again conducted bombing raids over the British colony of Gibraltar



Front page of New York Times, 25 September 1940









     The Battle of Britain


       Summer and Autumn 1940



British Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I


The First of the Few

British movie with Leslie Howard and David Niven (1942)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PodKS6kTcE  (01:52:41)


The First of the Few

Spitfire Prelude

Composed by William Walton for the movie



The Man who designed the Spitfire

Episode 2 of the documentary series Heroes and Weapons of WWII




!976 BBC documentary (55:34)



The Spitfire!

Episode from the documentary series Modern Marvels









Supermarine Spitfire


Episode from the documentary series World War II Fighters





The Spitfire

Episode from the BBC documentary series Inside Story



Spitfire Ace

Four-part documentary

Part 1. The First of the Few


Part 2. Dogfight


Part 3. Command and Control


Part 4. The Greatest Day



British Hawker Hurricane Mk 1


Hawker Hurricane

From the documentary series World War II Fighters



Film footage from the Battle of Britain



German Messerschmitt Bf 109E


Film footage:



Bf-109 - Legend

Episode 1 of 14 from the documentary series Wings of the Luftwaffe



Messerschmitt - Flugzeuge für Krieg und Frieden



Willy Messerschmitt (Biographie)









Fighter Attack


Episode about German fighter planes of WW2 from the documentary series Wings of the Luftwaffe







The Britons hold off the Germans


              Summer 1940




The Battle of Britain


Episode # 4 from the 1943 U. S. government documentary film series Why We Fight
















Battle of Britain


Episode from the Battlefields series with Peter and Dan Snow


Removed from You Tube



Britain at Bay

Episode # 3 of 13 from the World War II in Colour documentary series

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buxgWAlzyrY (60:45)


The Battle of Britain


Episode from the Battlefield documentary series




Battle of Britain

Documentary from the Battlefield Detectives series



Battle of Britain - The Real Story


Removed from You Tube


Bloody foreigners

Untold Battle of Britain



Night Fighters

Episode from the 2010 Canadian documentary series Warriors of the Night about the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) from 1939 - 1941



Their Finest Hour




"Never was so much owed by so many to so few" -

Winston Churchill (20 August 1940)



Winston Churchill and The Battle For Britain

Documentary (56:20)









The Evolution of the Spitfire

The Admiralty & Air Ministry



Spitfire Ace

Part 1. First of the Few


Part 2. Dogfight


Part 3. Command and Control


Part 4. The Greatest Day


The First of the Few

British movie with Leslie Howard and David Niven (1942)




The First of the Few

Spitfire Prelude

Composed by William Walton for the movie



2018 movie



The Man who designed the Spitfire

Episode 2 of the documentary series Heroes and Weapons of WWII


How The Spitfire Became An Aviation Masterpiece

The Birth Of A Legend




Late 1970s





Fighting the Blue / Spirits in the Wind

Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding

Leader of RAF Fighter Command - 1940




The Pilot Who Bombed London

From the outset of the war in Septembr 1939, British and German bombing raids were limited to strategic targets and away from cities.

A German bombing raid of the British midlands bombed London in error in late August 1940. The British responded by bombing Berlin. The Germans then bombed London.


or in three clips on You Tube:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xbCoyThhRQ

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZezqWB1nI

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySHknULBu14





King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace after an attack by the Luftwaffe on September 13, 1940.


The Royal Road

British Council (1942 - 1943)








The Duke of Windsor in the Second World War

The Duke and Duchess of Winsdor in the Bahamas during the war. The Duke was governor of the Bahamas from 1940 to 1945.

The Duke of Winsdor with Bahamians as governor



Edward VIII - The Traitor King?


1995 British documentary




Or in 11 clips


start here, with clip # 1, and the remaining clips follow automatically:






Britain's Nazi King?


2013 National Geographic documentary










The Bahamas Murder Mystery


Sir Harry Oakes












The British Empire Under Fire

Broadcast # 45 of the radio broadcast series America Looks Abroad

6 October 1940






Ireland during the Second World War


1941 map of British Isles


The Irish government remained neutral and denied the Allies use of Irish ports; Irish Republican Army (IRA) conducted sabotage in England and plotted with the Germans for the Axis invasion of Northern Ireland (Ulster) from Eire.


Eamon de Valera - Ireland's Hated Hero


In 5 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2Y7YAy_bT0

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppmznpM_xxw

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXsumQ8BCMw

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwpPezLokoI

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baPF6JiJ85Y

This last clip is # 7 of another download on You Tube

Or the same in 7 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ei8W0LVCuk0

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjrqIsKHMqw

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvb8HwX85xg

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0CYJDlzYuU

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOAcwyv8QFU

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwUT9scjGl4

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baPF6JiJ85Y


Face Off

De Valera versus Churchill

Documentary about De Valera's relationship with the British government during the war


Or in 6 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UseZIQ5UlU8

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shrStTXuTfU

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gZa90Urvk0

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8b8Jv69Apg&feature=relmfu

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPMElv2IaDY&feature=relmfu

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfDDPkZY95U


About Irish neutrality



Winston Churchill critical of Irish neutrality during the war




Eamon De Valera explains Eire's neutrality during the war in a reply to Churchill on Irish Radio, 1945

Excerpt from broadcast



The Age of De Valera

1981 documenary in four episodes (fourth episode mentions the Second World War)

Two uploads

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6I_SVOZk6g

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dscE0ymTobs


The Irish Republican Army (IRA)

Documentary from the Nazi Collaborators series

(3 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCNn7jKvS40&feature=relmfu

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQjnHZfMoUE

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtspdIfJeEY

In 5 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM6TGDyuV0Y

2. N. A.

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iZwqff4SpA

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isAtl5uIzSI

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CVFwrOjHno

See also (in 3 clips):

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-EESKP6J00

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-x3GJDmaco

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXjNgJM0XDU


History of Ireland


(omits the war; in 2 parts)


Part 1.




Part 2.





The Story of Ireland

5-part documentary series

1. Age of Invasions


2. Age of Conquest


3. Age of Revolution


4. Age of Union


5. Age of Nations



A Short History of Ireland

Omits mention of the war (1:03:46)





Hitler's Britain

British documentary film considers German plans to occupy Britain that would have been implemented had the Germans won the Battle of Britain in 1940.


13 clips

Click here to begin (all clips proceed automatically)




The Axis
Tripartite Pact
Berlin Pact
27 September 1940
Germany, Italy and Japan sign a ten-year
defensive military alliance
German newsreel
Silent German newsreel
Italian newsreel
La cerimonia della firma del Patto Triapartito tra Italia, Germania, e Giappone
Italian newsreel
The following countries joined:
Hungary (20 November 1940)
Romania (23 November 1940)
Slovakia (24 November 1940).
Bulgaria (1 March 1941)
Yugoslavia (25 March 1941)
When Yugoslavia joined the Axis, opposing Serbs staged a coup d'état in the capital, Belgrade.
Italy and Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania invaded and divided the country.
Croatia, created by the division, joined the Axis on 15 June 1941.


War in the Mediterranean


British raid Italian port of Taranto

11 - 12 November 1940

The first aerial attack from a ship in history.

British Fairey Swordfish bi-plane torpedo bombers took off from the British aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious at night and crippled half of the Italian fleet in Taranto Harbour, the main Italian naval base.


Fairey Swordfish bi-plane torpedo bombers and the HMS Illustrious 


File:Swordfish (7582559196).jpg

Fairey Swordfish bi-plane torpedo bomber

The Raid on Taranto

The Battle of Taranto

11 - 12 November 1940

Episode 26 of 28 of the documentary series Dangerous Missions


or in 5 clips (automatic)


Or each of 5 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZzueAyKPW0

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwBHj0rhWDQ

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrSdV8Mu4A8

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKj9jwW4apU

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=243xrsbuYl4

In French:



The Italian Pearl Harbor

The Taranto Raid



Operation Judgment

The Battle of Taranto
With Dan Snow



HMS Illustrious

British Pathé newsreel (1939)



Italian Fleet Crippled

British Movietone newsreel



Taranto - The Proof

British Movietone newsreel



"Deck Landing"

Royal Navy training film (1942)



Fairey Swordfish

Short documentary







Lend and Lease
17 December 1940
President Roosevelt explains the need for Lend and Lease
Roosevelt's Great Words
British Movietone News
Excerpt of FDR's speech to Congress
17 December 1940


Arsenal of Democracy

American President Roosevelt speaks about the danger of the Axis and the need to aid Britain

29 December 1940

British Pathé






War in the Pacific
German ships harrass the Indian and Pacific Oceans
1940 - 1941
The Komet and the Orion

The Orion

The German auxillary cruiser (raider) Orion (Kurmark) sank a British ship in the South Atlantic in April 1940.

The Soviets agreed to escort the Komet across the Artic to the Pacific. The Komet set sail in July and reached the Pacific in September. (See below.)

In June the Orion sank one ship off New Zealand and laid mines off New Zealand that sank four ships, including a New Zealnd ocean liner, the RMS Niagra. In August she sank two ships.
On 15 October the Orion captured and sank the Norwegian merchant vessel Beljeanne (formerly the Ringwood) near the Caroline Islands.
With the Komet, the Orion sank two vessels in November. She sank five merchant vessels, including two with the Komet, off Nauru in December.
She captured a British ship in the South Atlantic in July 1941.
The Orion carried one hydroplane, obtained from the Japanese.
The Komet

German auxillary cruiser (raider) Komet, was conducted across the Arctic by Soviet ice breakrs to the Pacific Ocean in late 1940.
The Komet carried one hydroplane.
The Komet met the Orion and the oiler/supply ship Kulmerland in the Caroline Islands in the western Pacific in October 1940.
In Novermber, together with the Orion, she sank a steamship and a large New Zealand ocean liner, the MS Rangitane.
In December, the Komet sank three ships off Nauru and, with the Orion, sank more two ships off Nauru. She shelled Nauru.
The Komet sank two British merchant ships and captured a Dutch merchant ship in the Pacific in August 1941.
The Komet was sunk by British ships in the British Channel off the French coast in October 1942.
The Orion, Komet and Kulmerland took hundreds of prisoners from the survivors of he ships captured and sunk. After the Battle of Nauru more than 500 of them were dropped off some 1,000 nautical miles to the west on the island of Emirau (Emira) in the Bismarck Archipelago (Territory of New Guinea, administered by the Australians under a League of Nations mandate). Few of the ships' European officers and technicians were released. Most were eventually interned in Germany.
Germans attack Nauru
The Battle of Nauru
6, 8, and 27 December 1940
The Komet, disguised as a Japanese merchant vessel, and the Orion sank five merchant ships - from Britain, Norway and New Zealand  -  en route to Nauru on 6, 7 and 8 December. The Komet shelled the port on Nauru on 27 December.
The German attack on Nauru and shipping interrupted shipments of phosphate to Australia and New Zealand, as well as to Japan. Tne Japanese objected to Komet's disguise as a Japanese merchant vessel and the German interference in the phosphate production of the island.
Nauru resumed phosphate production ten weeks later but the raid greatly reduced its output.






The Secret of Radar Revealed

1945 newsreel



Radar and its Applications

1962 documentary



The Men who Invented RADAR








1941 Allied and Axis Powers


Congress passes and President Roosevelt signs Lend and Lease Act
17 March 1941


The War in the Atlantic

A German submarine commander, top, peers through a periscope of his undersea craft and locates the ships of a British convoy, bottom, in this undated photo during World War II. U-boats lurked off Charleston, searching for shipping leaving the harbor.

 (AP Photo)

German submarine commander at periscope and a British convoy viewed through a periscope.


U-Boat Base

Episode from the documentary series Nazi Megastructures

Germans build submarine base at Lorient in France (1940 - 1944)



U-Boat - Sea Wolves


(2 hrs. 34 min.)





The Hood, Bismarck, Tirpitz and Scharnhorst


The Bismarck


The Battle of Hood and Bismarck


The HMS Hood sunk in the Denmark Straight on May 24, 1941

Part 1. The Mighty Hood (1 hr., 15 min., 32 sec.) 


Part 2. Sink the Bismarck (1:15:54)





How the Bismarck sunk HMS Hood



Sink the Bismarck

Episode from a documentay series



Nazi Supership

Episode from a documentary series (45:47) 



The Bismarck

Episode from the documentary series Seconds from Disaster

The Bismarck sunk on May 27, 1941



Consolidated Patrol Bomber (PBY) 

The US gave the Royal Bavy flying boat patrol bombers produced by Consolidated Aircraft Corporation  

The Catalinas, as RAF pilots called them,shadowed the Bismarck.

Newsreels and film footage



Fairey Swordfish

The Swordfish torpedo bombers disabled the German battleship Bismarck



Sink the Bismarck!

British movie (1960) (1:37:33)



The End of the Scharnhorst


The Scharnhost sunk on December 26, 1941



Sinking the Tirpitz

Episode from the documentary series History's Raiders

Tirpitz sunk on Novemeber 12, 1944



The Dam Busters' Great Escape

Documentary about sinking the Tirpitz







Sink the Bismarck!

1960 British film

Kenneth Moore, Edward R. Murrow

1 hr. 37 min.




        The War in the Balkans


The Soviet Union forces Romania to give up two eastern border provinces in June 1940.

Romania allies with Germany in July and German troops enter Romania in preparation for its invasion of the USSR in 1941.

Romania joins the Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan) in November.

Hungary joins the Axis in November 1940.

Slovakia joins the Axis in November 1940.

Greco-Italian War (Italo-Greek War), October 28 1940 - April 23 1941

Italy twice fails in attempts to invade Greece through Albania

Bulgaria joins the Axis in March 1941.

Yugolsavia joins the Axis in March 1941. The Yugoslavian army, opposed to joining the Axis, stages a coup d'etat.

The Germans invade Yugoslavia in April 1941.

Germany invades Greece in support of Italy in April1941.

Germans force British and allied troops out of mainland Greece.

Germans invade Crete in May 1941 and force the British out in June.


Shock (1940 - 1941)

Episode 3 of the French documentary series Apocalypse: The Second World War in HD

- Desert War

- Yugoslav Front, Battle of Greece, Battle of Crete

- Operation Barbarossa, Battle of Smolensk, Battle of Moscow


or (American narrator, with captions)


Campaign in the Balkans
Episode (6 - 5) from the documentary series Battlefield (2002)
Excerpt from a documentary uploaded as WW2
Invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia
The Battle for the Mediterranean
Episode (6 - 6) from the documentary series Battlefield (2002)

Invasion of Yugoslavia

Image result for battle of Yugoslavia and Greece 1941
Map of the Invasion of Yugoslavia

Related image
Map of the Invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

Invasion of Greece

 Image result for battle of crete 23 May - 1 June 1941 (map)

Map of the German and Italian invasion of Yugoslavia and Greece

Auf  Wiederseh'n

Charlie and his Orchestra

Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer

Lutz Templin, bandleader

Lyrics by the the Propagandaministerium

Broadcast from Berlin


Battle of Crete

20 May - 1 June 1941

Image result for battle of crete 1941 (map)
Map of the Battle of Crete 

Battle of Crete
British documentary
Documentary by the U. S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Or in 2 clips:
The Battle of Crete
Episode from the documentary series Great Battles of WWII
Lucky Laycock's Escape from Crete
Episode from the documentary series Narrow Escapes of World War II (51:56)
Crete falls to German forces
Excerpt from a British documentary
Les Paras d'Hitler sautent sur la Crète
L'authentique histoire de cette bataille
Former world heavyweight boxing champion Max Schmeling, a paratrooper in the Wehrmacht, wounded at the Battle of Crete, May 1941


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The Times-Star, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 29 May 1941


Max Schmeling
German movie (2010) dubbed in French
Greek Tragedy
Two-part documentary Australian about the Australian Campaign in Greece & Crete in 1941
Part 1.
Part 2.
Massacre of Kondomari
For having fought with the British in the Battle of Cretet, German paratroopers massacred 23 to 60 men in the village of Kondomari in Crete on 2 June 1941
Stuka Pilot Migeod over Crete (1941)
2010 Interview
Clip # 21 - Attack
Clip # 22 - Partisans

Lord Louis Mountbatten, Captain of the HMS Kelly, sunk at the Battle of Crete on 23 May 1941
British Movietone News (1941)
In Which We Serve
1942 British movie by Noel Coward
The movie was inspired by the story of the sinking of the HMS Kelly in the Battle of Crete in May 1941

British Liberate Abyssinia from the Italians
May 1941
Eritrea's Last Stand
British Pathé
Keren Occupied
British Pathé Gazette
The Fall of Addis Ababa
British Pathé Gazette
Haile Selassie Enters Addis Ababa
British Pathé

             The Near East
                        May - June 1941

Image result for german designs on the oil in the middle east (map) 1941

German designs on the oil in the Near East

British occupy Iraq, May 1941


The Syria and Lebanon Campaign June 1941

British and Free French take Syria and Lebanon from Germans and Vichy French

Image result for Map. Source: England's Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 1940-1942 by Colin Smith, 2009 - Australian and UK forces in Syria in 1941

Image result for Map. Source: England's Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 1940-1942 by Colin Smith, 2009

Source: England's Last War Against France: Fighting Vichy 1940-1942 by Colin Smith, 2009


La campagne de Syrie (1941)

Seconde Guerre Mondiale

Franck Ferrand avec Christian Destremau, historien. 16.11.2011

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjyanTdt1ck


Charles Trenet

La romance de Paris (1941)


Rudolf Hess
No. 3 Nazi defects
10 May 1941
Germany Rudolf Hess Spandau
Rudolf Hess, Deputy Fuhrer
Rudolf Hess
After the Röhm Putsch
Koenigsberg (1934)
British Pathé
Rudolf Hess Opens the 6th Nazi Party Congress
Nuremberg, September 1934
Excerpt from Triumph of the Will (1935)


Image result for rudolf hess triumph of the will

Rudolf Hess in Triumph of the Will



Entire film:


Triumph des Willems


(Triumph of the Will)


Rudolf Hess is prominently featured in the 1935 movie by Leni Riefenstahl about the September 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg









Related image
Seated together in the photo are Rudolf Hess, left, Adolf Hitler, centre, and Hermann Goering, right, on 1 January 1938.
Hitler was the Führer (Leader) (Head of State) and Reichskanzler (Chancellor) (Head of Government).
Hess was the Deputy Führer since 1934.  
In 1939, Hitler designated Goering his successor and designated Hess to succeed Goering.   
In July 1940, Hitler made Goering Reichsmarschall (Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief).
In February 1941, Goering took the post of Vice-Chancellor.

 Image result for rudolf hess in messerschmitt in early 1941

Rudolf Hess climbing into the cockpit of a Messerschmitt Bf 110E-1/N twin-engine two-seater heavy fighter-bomber, modified to his specification, for a practice flight in the spring of 1941. 
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On 10 May 1941, Hess flew solo a Messerschmidt Bf 110E-1/N twin-engine two-seater heavy fighter-bomber from Germany to Scotland. He bailed out over Scotland.

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Hess's flight path

Image result for rudolf hess in messerschmitt in early 1941

Wreckage of Hess's plane in Scotland.

Related image

Related image

Related image
German High Command
Excerpt from the documentary with Walter Cronkite 
Newsreel footage
Further Views on the Topic of Rudolf Hess
The Riddle of Rudolf Hess
Episode from the documentary series Unsolved Mysteries of the Second World War
In 3 clips:
Rudolf Hess
Well into the 1980s, the British tabloids (and some broadsheets) were obsessed with Rudulf Hess, running front-page articles about him frequently. (If not on the front page, on the second or third page.)


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Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact
Japanese–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Moscow, 13 April 1941
A five-year pact
Japan also to respect Mongolia's borders
Soviets also to respect Manchukuo's borders
Either signatory - the Soviets or the Japanese   -   may enounce the pact after four years, on 13 April 1945.
Silent film footage
Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact
Wkipedia audio

 Image result for soviet japanese neutrality pact




German-Soviet War

Die Ostfront (Eastern Front)

The Great Patriotic War

1941 - 1945



Unit VIII: Lesson 88: Operation Barbarossa - History 137:Spring 2017 
Germany's first offensive against the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarosa), June to December 1941
The Germans launched their offensive against the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941. They attacked on three fronts from the Baltc in the north to the Black Sea in the south.
Hungarians and Romanians joined the Germans.

Behind Closed Doors


Episode 1 of six-episode 2008 documentary series Behind Closed Doors by BBC and PBS (58:10)



Who Started World War II?

Was Stalin planning a pre-emptive invasion of Germany in 1941?

Lecture by Viktor Suvorov at the US Naval Academy, 2009







The East Front

The German-Soviet War (1941 - 1945)

Myths and Realities

Lecture by David Glantz

Soviet archives made available since 2000 reveal that 40% of the major battles of the eight campaigns of the war were forgotten . . .



Russia could have won World War 2 alone

Interview with Geoffrey Roberts, British historian, author on Russia Today



The Battle for Russia

Episode from the 1996 documentary series Battlefied



Operation Barbarossa


Episode from the documentary series World War 2 Battles




Hitler v Stalin

August 1939 – June 1941

Episode 1 of 4 of the 2007 documentary series Warlords




Eastern Front Animated 1941

By Eastory

Animated map 




1941 Brest-Litovsk

German newsreel of German capture of Brest





Brest Fortress


Battle scenes


movie reenactment





Museum of "The Heroes of Brest Fortress"





Brest Fortress


The symbol of Soviet WWII resistance





Siege of Leningrad

The Germans kept Leningrad under siege from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944.

The Finns recaptured lands to the north taken by the Soviets in the Winter War in 1939 and 1940. 



Situation map:



The Siege of Leningrad

Episode from the documentary series Battlefield



The Siege of Leningrad

Documentary with Burt Lancaster from the 1978 series The Unknown War (5 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXQlJrttpOU

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjmRZ9rZKzo

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd_9ix8kP7c&feature=relmfu

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YSBwJd3tOM&feature=relmfu

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPVEX9tyjEI


Army Group North Leningrad


or the same, with different narrator, as

The Russian Front: Army Group North (Leningrad)

start here:



Stalin and the Betrayal of Leningrad








The Germans captured Kiev on 19 September 1941.


German advance on Kiev in 1941


KIEV 1941

Author David Stahel




19 September

German film footage with narration



German Newsreel

September 1941



The Battle for Kiev

German newsreels

September 1941

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lj4L6NoTfM&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkywAeDCPg&feature=related


Army Group South Ukraine Caucasus


or the same, with dfferent narrator, as:

The Russian Front: Army Group South (Ukraine-Caucasus)

Start here:



The Battle of Kiev

Episode # 2 from the documentary series Soviet Storm




The First Battle of Kiev

The Most Disastrous Defeat of the Soviet Red Army




Battle of Moscow

Within six months, by 5 Decemeber, the Germans were in the outskirts of Moscow. But unable to continue.
On 5 December, the Soviets launced a counter-offensive. By 7 January 1942, they had driven the Germans back 100 to 250 kilometres (62 to 155 miles) from Moscow.




The Battle for Moscow

Episode 2 of the 1978 documentary series The Unknown War series with Burt Lancaster


Or in 5 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_5w-ezKkEU

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q2AK4m6SWc&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_cuVCSSIdc

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEmKzZMJjhk

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zX-_B6JoS8


Zhukov vs Von Bock - Moscow 1941

Episode from the 2000 documentary series Clash of Warriors

German tanks, led by Fedor von Bock, advance rapidly through the Soviet Union with Moscow as their goal but they are stopped and pushed back by the Red Army, led by Georgi Zhukov.



1941 and the Man of Steel

BBC documentary with David Reynolds





The Man with the Big Cigar

Charlie and his Orchestra

Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer

Lutz Templin, bandleader

Lyrics by the the Propagandaministerium

Broadcast from Berlin



Moscow Strikes Back

1942 documentary with Edward G. Robinson



Army Group Centre Moscow


or as

The Russian Front: Army Group Centre (Moscow)

(3 clips)

start here:



The Battle for Moscow

Episode from the documentary series Soviet Storm






sung by Dmitri Hvorostovsky



Farewell of Slavianka

Red Army Choir



March of the defenders of Moscow




Joseph Stalin's speech after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941




Sacred War (Arise, Great Country!)

Original recording, 1941






2010 Victory Day Parade, Moscow



Запрещенное интервью Маршала Жукова



Георгий Жуков уникальное интервью 1966 года, которое никогда не показывали по ТВ




The Battle of Moscow


Marshall Zhukov interview


Маршал Жуков Битва под Москвой




The Batlle of Moscow

The End of the Road

Episode from the British documentary series The Big Battles

German troops reached Krasnaya Polyana, 25 miles north of the Kremlin, in early December 1941, before the Soviets pushed them back.


The Germans did not reach Moscow

The Germans got as far as Khimki, a town 14 miles northwest of the Kremlin, on 2 December 1941.

The Soviets pushed them out on the next day.

Mark Felton



Du pacte germano-soviétique à Barbarossa

Bernard Lugan, Philippe Conrad et Dominique Venner

Le libre journal de Serge de Beketch

Radio Courtoisie

Le 5 septembre 2001



The Partisans
Episode about the Russian Resistance in WW2 from The Unknown War, a 1978 documentary series with Burt Lancaster
Or in 5 clips:
Partisan Song
Red Army Alexandrov Ensemble
Ансамбль Александрова

Americans Take Over Defence of Iceland
               7 July 1941

Distances to Iceland
Source: Illustrated London News, 26 July 1941
U. S. A. To Protect Iceland
British Pathé newsreel
Strictly for Eskimos
Army - Navy Screen Magazine newsreel
1942 O. S. S. film
Part 1.
Part 2.
Ralph Hauenstein
F. D. R. Jones
Charlie and his Orchestra
Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer

Lutz Templin, bandleader

Lyrics by the Propagandaministerium

Broadcast from Berlin





The Near East
British and Soviets occupy Iran
August 1941

British and Soviets take Persia (Iran), August 1941



British Occupation of Iran



New Rule Begins in Iran



Iran Anglo-Soviet Control 1941





L’attentat au métro Barbès (1941)
Premier attentat meurtrier contre les troupes d'occupation
Pierre Georges («Frédo») («Colonel Fabian»), un Résistant communiste français, à tuer un militaire de la Kriegsmarine, Alfons Moser, au métro Barbès-Rochechouart à Paris le 21 août 1941.
Section special (1975)
Réalisé par Costa-Gavras avec Michael Lonsdale dans le rôle de Pierre Pucheu, ministre de l'intérieur
Le film
(110 minutes)
(118 minutes):


Section spéciale

Michael Lonsdale




Focke-Wulf 190 (FW-190)
FW-190 Würger (Butcher Bird)
Episode 12 of 14 of the documentary series Wings of the Luftwaffe









The War against the U-Boats

Episode # 3 from the sixth season of the British documentary series Battlefield





Allied vessel sinking

German Submarines off Canada's Atlantic Coast



49th Parallel


1941 movie about a German submarine and its crew in Canadian waters in 1940, long before the US entered the war in December 1941.

Features Laurence Olivier and Raymond Massey.




Das Boot


1981 German movie about submarine warfare in 1941


Director's cut in German (3 hrs. 28. min. 20 sec.)









An original release dubbed in English (2 hrs. 29 min. 14):



Charlie and his Orchestra
Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer
Lutz Templin, bandleader
Lyrics by the Propagandaministerium
Broadcast from Berlin

How a World War Two Submarine Works

0:00 Intro
01:35 Bow Machinery
02:39 Forward Torpedo Room
05:24 Officer's Quarters
06:51 Control Room
13:04 Conning Tower
13:22 Periscopes
15:02 Conning (Cont'd)
16:23 Torpedo Data Computer
17:17 Radio Room
17:35 Crew's Galley and Mess
18:36 Crew's Quarters
19:24 Engine Room
21:53 Motor Room
22:14 Battery Compartments
24:02 Maneuvering Room
25:01 Aft Torpedo Room
25:27 Pump Room
25:47 Guns / Exterior Details
27:10 Air
27:55 Diving
29:07 Doors
30:16 Full View

25 July 2023


The Atlantic Charter
12 August 1941
American President Franklin D. Roosevelt greets British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on board the American cruiser USS Augusta in Placentia Bay on the southeastern coast of Newfoundland on 10 August 1941.This meeting was their first of eleven meetings during the war.    Source: Cambidge University
Newsreel film footage
Sound and silent black and white film
Silent black and white film
The Atlantic Conference
Comment in brief
The Atlantic Charter
Winston Churchill
Atlantic Charter Speech
14 August 1941
Allies Accept Atlantic Charter
British Pathé Newsreel
1941 - L'Année Fatal
Épisode 8 du documentaire Grande histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale

America First
The America First Committee (AFC), created in September 1940, opposed American entry into the European war.
Among its members were prominent Americans, including socialite Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Great War air ace Eddie Rickenbacker, actress Lillian Gish, automobile manufacturer Henry Ford, former US president Herbert Hoover, catoonist Walt Disney, architect Frank Lloyd Wright and aviator Charles Lindbergh.
Image result for America First Committee
American First Committee
History Lessons (2012)
America First Explained
US History Review with Keith Hughes (2017)
Charles Lindbergh speeking at an America First Rally
Image result for lindbergh America First Committee
Charles Lindbergh speeking at an America First Rally
Charles Lindbergh
The Lone Eagle 
Lindbergh's speech in Des Moines, Iowa
11 September 1941
Excerpt of speech
Charles Lindbergh
Pleads for Independence from Foreign Control


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Image result for lindbergh America First Committee
The Japanese attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.
The AFC decided to dissolve three days later and announced its dissolution on December 11.
On December 11, Germany and Italy, Axis partners of Japan, declared war on the U. S.
Lindbergh called for American retaliation and urged Americans to give their full support to American soldiers.
Mr. Charlie Lindbergh
Song composed by Woody Guthrie, first recorded in 1944

Makin' Whoopie
Charlie and his Orchestra
Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer
Lutz Templin, bandleader
Lyrics by the Propagandaministerium
Broadcast from Berlin

Free French seize
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
Claimed for the King of France by Jacques Cartier in 1536.
Two small islands inhabited mostly by descendants of Normans, Bretons and Basque fishermen.
Following the defeat of France by the Germans in June 1940, the French governor of the islands remained loyal to the French government in Vichy but the French inhabitants supported Charles De Gaulle and the Free French based in London, England.
On Christmas Eve 1941, Admiral Émile Muselier, head of the Free French Navy, entered the harbour of Saint Pierre with the French submarine, the Surcouf, and liberated the islands from Vichy administration.
Over by Christmas

The Liberation of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
by Richard Doody



The Mercury

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 29 December 1941

Image result for admiral muselier on saint-pierre 1941


Authorised By Free French

LONDON. Sunday.-

It has been revealed that Vice-Admlral Muselter was sent by "the Free French National Committee to occupy the Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon.

"The Times" describes the action as trivial and Irresponsible.

The Free French headquarters in London issued a statement embodying an eye-witness' "description of Vice Admiral-Muselier's operations. The statement declares:

"The inhabitants of St. Pierre and Miquelon told the Free French National Committee several months ago that they wanted to join the Free French and the Allies and resume the struggle for liberation. Furthermore, it was generally* known that, under the Governor, whom Vichy had given dictatorial powers, St. Pierre Radio was broadcasting meteorological information which was useful to the enemy.

"The Free French National Committee sent Vice-Admiral Muselier to St. Pierre to clear up the situation. He landed with a small body of ratings.

The manifestation, by a plebiscite, of the French popular will is significant because, for the first time since June, 1940, a purely French population was able to express its own feelings in accordance with democratic principles and the right of self-determination."

It was officially stated in Vichy that the Government viewed with satisfaction the United States' public condemnation of the seizure, which was in contradiction of the United States' assurance that the status quo of French possessions in the New World should be maintained.

NEW YORK. Sunday.

The "New York Herald-Tribune" correspondent at Washington says the Secretary of State (Mr. Hull) will investigate the possibility of solving the St. Pierre and Miquelon tangle without hurting Vichy or the Free French, but simultaneously ensuring Allied control of the islands powerful radio stations.

The Canadian Prime Minister (Mr Mackenzie King) said that the Canadian Government would co-operate fully with the United States and Britain in diplomatic action resulting from the Free French action. He said that it was neither expected nor approved by Canada.

Asked whether it was Canada's business, he replied: "Everything is everybody's business these days."


France finds a Fighting Leader

British Paramount News



The Fighting French Navy

WWII documentary
Stand By!
Free French Navy Training Issue (1941)
British Pathé newsreel
General De Gaulle Visits Free French Navy
British Pathé newsreel
Free French Admiral Takes Salute
British Pathé newsreel
General De Gaulle and Admiral Muselier
British Pathé newsreel
Free French Admiral Emile Muselier
L'amiral Muselier (1940 - 1943)
Seconde Guerre Mondiale
France Inter 20.05.2000
Partie 1.
Partie 2.

The Surcouf

The French submarine Surcouf


The Surcouf was the biggest submarine ever built -

until the Japanese built a bigger submarine in 1943.

The Surcouf disappeared in the Gulf of Mexico in February 1942.


ir Mail stamp to mark the capture of the islands of St Pierre and Migulon

1961 air mail stamp commemorates the liberation of the islands of St Pierre and Miquelon in 1941


La disparition du Surcouf

Cérémonie au Mémorial National des Marins Morts pour la France
Le Surcouf disparu le 18 février 1942 dans le Golfe du Mexique.

Georges Kevorkian, administrateur de l'association Aux Marins, évoque le sous-marin Surcouf et sa disparition, le 18 mai 2012
Submarines Disappear -
Sometimes Forever
Advertisement for a book

One of Our Aircraft is Missing

British film (1942)

1 hr. 43 min. (British version)

British bomber crew bail out over Holland

Features Peter Ustinov in one of his first movie roles, portraying a Dutch priest.

Continue to next page, 25. War in the Pacific