25. War in the Pacific

25. War in the Pacific | Declarations of War | -

Oliver's Site

Continued from previous page, 24. Second World War

Table of Contents | 1. Earth | 2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man | 3. Civilisation | 4. Fertile Crescent | 5. Egypt | 6. Indus Valley | 7. Yellow River (Haung He/Huang Ho) | 8. Hittites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians | 9. New World (B. C./Pre-Columban) | 10. Greeks and Persians | 11. Rome ( - B. C. - A. D. 96) | 12. Saul of Tarsus | 13. Rome ( - A. D. 275) | 14. Rome and Byzantium (Nova Roma) | 15. Islam | 16. Charlemagne | 17. Vikings | 18. Turks, Crusaders, Mongols, Moors, Explorers and Conquistadors | 19. Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s) | 20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s | 21. The Great War | 22. Inter-War Years | 23. The War in Europe and Africa | 24. Second World War | 25. War in the Pacific | 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa | 27. End of Japanese Imperialism | 28. Ending the War | 29. Conquest of Space | 30. Averting Nuclear War | 31. End of Empire | 32. Man on the Moon | 33. Arms Race and Limitation | 34. Lifting the Iron Curtain | 35. The 21st Century | 36. Outer Space | 37. | 42.

Europeans in the East
By sea and overland
File:Silk route.jpg
The Silk Road  -  c. 114 BC - AD 1450   -   by sea and by land.
Image result for byzantine lamp found in asia - pong tuk
Bronze Alexandrine or Byzantine oil lamp from the 400s to the mid-600s AD found in Siam in 1927, probably brought by Indian or Tamil traders.
Nestorians in China
Nestorian missionairies from Syria brought Christianity to Mongal lands and China. Christian churches and communities existed in China from the 600s to 900s AD and 1200s to 1300s AD.
Nestorian cross in a Chinese inscription on a stone in Peking from the Mongol era (Yuan Dynasty).
An 1867 mosaic in Genoa of Marco Polo of Venice (1254 - 1324). The Travels of Marco Polo (c. 1300) recounts travels to China during the era of Mongol rule. Italian and Byzantine merchants traveled to central Asia and traded with China through Indians.   
The Ming Dynasty
1368 - 1644
Image result for Ming Dynasty
The Portuguese
The Portuguese were the first Europeans to explore Asia and the Pacific by sea.

The Luso - Chinese Agreement 1554
- Chinese allow Portuguese to pay taxes to trade in Canton
Macau 1557
- Portuguese settlement
File:Asia oceania anonymous c1550.jpg
Portuguese map circa 1550 of the Portuguese Empire of the East (Estado da Índia) centred on Goa.

The Portuguese established posts from Portugal to Gao in India, Malacca in Malaya, Macau in China and Nagasaki in Japan by 1571. They dominated trade to Formosa in the early 1600s.
In the western Pacific, the Spanish claimed the Philippines, the Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands and the Palao Islands.

Image result for spanish claims in the Pacific in the 1500s - Philippines, Marshalls, Marianas
Map shows Spanish claims in the Pacific from the 1500s to late 1800s.

The Manchu (Ching) Dynasty
China during the Ching (Manchu) Dynasty/Empire (1636/1644 - 1912).
History of the Manchu People
Animated Map
The Qing Conquest of the Ming
3-Minute History
Manchu Rule
Film 11 of the Chinese History series (18:23)

World map Japan highlighted
Japan Map

World map showing location of Japan


Physical map showing the four Japanese home islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu; the Ryukyu island chain and the northern half of the island of Okinawa. 









Europeans in Japan

Portugese 1543, Dutch 1600, Sakoku 1618, Commodore Perry 1853 . . .

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to visit Japan, in 1543, and established the port of Nagasaki on the Japanese hone island of Kyushu in 1571. 
The first Christian missionary to Japan was a Spanish Catholic, Francis Xavier, a Jesuit priest, in 1549. Spanish and Portuguese priests established missions and converted many Japanese, mostly on the island of Kyushu. There may have been as many as 200,000 converts in Japan in the late 1500s. However, Christian missionaries were expelled and Japanese converts were suppressed by the mid-1600s.  
The Dutch arrived in Japan in 1600 and established a port of trade for the Dutch East India Company on the island of Hirado in Nagasaki in 1609.
The British also arrived in Japan in 1600 and established trade on the island of Hirado in 1613 but ended it in 1623.
The Dutch were the only Europeans allowed to trade with Japan after 1633. The English and Portuguese had to trade with Japan through the Dutch. The Dutch were most prominent in the East in the 1600s. The Ducth claimed the Indonesian achipelago.

1830s replica of Tokugawa Shogunate map of Japan by a Japanese antiquarian


The Shogunate

700-year-Shogunate (Warlords rule Japan)

Kamakura shogunate (1192 - 1333)
Kemmu restoration (1333 - 1336)
Ashikaga shogunate (1336 - 1573)
Tokugawa shogunate (1603 - 1867)




The Supreme Samurai


Documentary about Japan from the Kamakura shogunate to the Tokugawa shogunate


1192 - 1867










Edo (Tokyo) Period

Tokugawa Shogunate

1603 - 1867



Memoires of a Secret Empire

3-part 2004 PBS documentary from the Empires series about the Tokugawa Shogunate

"For 250 years (ca. 1600 -1867), Japan was closed to the Western world, ruled by a Shogun with absolute power and control." (PBS)


All three episodes on one clip:





Episode 1.

The Way of the Samurai (Warlord)

"One warlord, Tokugawa Ieyasu, unified Japan and established a dynasty that ruled Japan for 250 years." (PBS)

Timeline (PBS)

1543—Birth of Tokugawa Ieyasu
1543—Portuguese arrive in Japan
1549—Jesuit missionaries settle in Japan

1561—Ieyasu becomes allies with Oda Nobunaga
1568—Oda Nobunaga attempts to unify Japan
1575—Battle of Nagashino
1577—Joao Rodrigues arrives in Japan
1582—Nobunaga assassinated
1584—Toyotomi Hideyoshi becomes Supreme Commander
1587—Japanese peasantry disarmed
1587—Christian persecution begins
1590—Ieyasu moves headquarters to Edo
1597—Hideyoshi executes 26 Christians
1598—Hideyoshi dies





Episode 2:

The Will of the Shogun (Military dictator)

"The grandson of Ieyasu, Tokugawa Iemitsu, tightened control over the warlords and expelled all foreigners." (PBS)

Japan closed to foreigners from 1641 - 1853





For episode 3 see below






Episode 2 of 6 of the BBC documentary series Warriors about Tokugawa Ieyasu





The Samurai

Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg

With guests Nicola Liscutin, Gregory Irvine and Angus Lockyer

24 December 2007



You Tube:



Japan's Sakoku Period

Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg

With guests Richard Bowring, Andrew Cobbing and Rebekah Clements

4 April 2013




Discussion on the weekly Thursday BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg

With guests Martin Palmer, Richard Bowring and Lucia Dolce

22 September 2011

BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b014qnld

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGqDpLdoWaM



1998 episode from the documentary series Religions of the World



4 clips Removed

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajk6mtuYfuE

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ET91wXsDNk

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlWat7DE2Bw

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gto9c7gxUE





In the 1600s and 1700s, Western traders could trade with China only in Canton and Macau.  
The Ching Empire in 1820
File:Qing Dynasty 1820.png
Map of Asia during the Ching Empire in 1820

Foreign Powers carve up China
First Opium War (Anglo-Chinese War) 1839 - 1842
The British grew opium in India and smuggled it into China. Opium created addicts. The lucrative smuggling benefited the British at the expense of Chinese trade. The Chinese confiscated the British opium. The British respomded with naval might and forced the Chinese to agree to the Treaty of Nanking, by which the Chinese gave Hong Kong to the British and opened five additional ports to foreign traders.      
The Treaty of Nanking 1842
    Hong Kong a British Colony
    Five more ports opened to foreign trade
Image result for Map of Chinese concessions 1842 - 1911
Map of Chinese concessions 1842 - 1911

List of Chinese Concessions since 1842



List of Chinese Treaty Ports






Japan Opened to Foreign Trade
Commodore Matthew C. Perry's two  espeditions to Edo (Tokyo) (1853 - 1854), the Convention of Kanagawa (1854), and the opening of Japan to foreign trade.




File:Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry.png

Commodore Matthew C. Perry 

(1794 - 1858) visited Edo (Tokyo)

Bay in 1853 and 1854 




Commodore Perry's fleet of four ships, including two steam ships, sailed into Edo (Tokyo) Bay in 1853.
Commodore Perry's flagship, the U. S. Steam Frigate Mississippi, flew a 31-star flag (31 stars for the 31 states).



Perry demanded Japan open to foreign trade.


Perry returned in 1854 to ensure that his demands were met. The result was the Convention of Kanagawa, an agreement to open Japan to trade.  



File:Визит Перри в 1854 году.jpg

Lithograph by Wilhelm Heine (1855/1856)

of Perry's visit to Japan in 1854. Perry 

returned with ten ships on his second visit

to Japan.



Photograph of Commodore Matthew Perry’s flagship, the steam frigate U.S.S. Susquehanna, on Perry's second visit to Japan, in 1854.



Related image




Related image

A Japanese woodcut of Commodore Matthew Perry’s flagship, the steam frigate U.S.S. Susquehanna.




The Return of the Barbarians (Foreigners)

Episode 3 of the documentary series Japan - Memoires of a Secret Empire

(For episodes 1 and 2, see above)

"Isolated from the west, Edo (Tokyo) in the 18th century (1700s) flourished culturally and economically and became one of the liveliest cities in the world. But, eventually, foreign forces returned." (PBS)





The Alien Barbarians


A short documentary (13 min.)




From Youth to Maturity

Part 2 of the documentry series The History of U. S. Foreign Relations produced by the U. S. State Department in 1972



Commodore Perry Centennial at Perry Park

and Black Ship festival in Kurihama


Silent film footage




76th Shimoda Black Ship Festival




The Anglo-Japanese Friendship Treaty


Six months after Commodore Perry's visit and the Convention of Kanagawa, the British obtained access to the ports of Nagasaki (in Kyushu) and Hakodate (in Hokkaido) and gained "most-favoured nation" status from Japan.  








Second Opium War 1854 – 1860

The British made further demands. They were joined by the French.


Treaty of Tientsin 1856

    11 more ports opened to foreign trade

    Britain, France, Russia and U. S. allowed diplomatic legations in Peking

    Russian border extended southward

    Yangtze River opened to foreign ships


Convention of Peking 1860

    Kowloon ceded to Britain

    Tientsin opened to trade

    Opium trade legalised

    Coastal region of Manchuria ceded to Russia


The Opium Wars

It's History with Indy Neidell (2015)



Manchuria, homeland of the Manchus, the ruling Ching Dynasty of China since 1644, fell under increasing influence and domination of the Russians in the 1800s.

By 1860 the Russians took northern Manchuria (called Outer Manchuria) and the northern half of southern Manchuria (called Inner Manchuria) from China.





Meiji Period/Restoration

1868 - 1945

Japan reopened to the west and imperial rule restored

Imperial Japan from 1868 - 1945

Animated map video



File:War flag of the Imperial Japanese Army.svg

Imperial Japanese Army war flag (1870–1945)


File:Naval Ensign of Japan.svg

Imperial Japanese Naval ensign (1889 - 1945)

Imperial Japanese Anthem (Instrumental)

1868 - 1945


with lyrics (and English sub-titles)



The Meiji Revolution

Documentary (57:52)









Like Russia, Japan too was interested in Machuria and Korea.

In 1875, Japan forced Korea to open to foreign trade and declare independence from China.

In 1884, pro-Japanese Koreans tried to take over Korea. Chinese troops intervened. China and Japan agreed to withdraw troops.


The First Sino-Japanese War

1894 - 1895

In response to a revolt in Korea in 1894, both China and Japan sent troops to help end it. Afterward, Japan refused to leave and persuaded the Koreans to break further with China.

War between Japan and China followed. China was defeated and forced to give up Formosa (Taiwan), the Liaotung Peninsula and the Pescadores to the Japanese. Korea was to remain independent. China was forced also to open its ports.

The Russians, French and Germans forced Japan ro return the Liaotung Peninsula to China.


The Rise of Japan and the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95

Lecture by Peter Smith, Mahidol University, Bangkok, March 2013



Naval Battle in the First Sino-Japanese War

Actual fim footage



Undoing/Redoing Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural and Intellectual History

The Great Reversal

The "Rise of Japan" and the "Fall of China" after 1895 as Historical Fables

Lecture by Benjamin Elman of Princeton U., # 1 of the 3 annual Edwin O. Reischauer Lectures, John K. Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard U., 2011

Go to (begin at) the 7:30 mark:



Japanese Annex Formosa 1895

In 1896, China agreed to let Russia extend the Trans-Siberian Railroad (1891–1904) across Manchuria to the Russian seaport of Vladivostok.

In 1898, Russia pressed China to lease a natural ice-free deep-water port at the tip of the Liaotung Peninsula, Port Arthur. The Russians garrisoned the port.


Treaty ports in China from 1900 to 1920.
Uprising in China
The Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Uprising
1899 - 1901
The Boxer Rebellion
Episode from the A&E documentary series In Search of History (43:49)
The Boxer Rebellion
It's History with Indy Neidell (2015)

The Anglo-Japanese Alliance
1902 - 1923
1902 - Britain and Japan to safe-guard each other's interests in China and Korea.
1905 - Renewed
1911 - Renewed
1921 - Terminated


Russo-Japanese War 1904 - 1905

Map of Japanese attacks in Russo-Japanese War (1904 - 1905) (Source: SAC website)



Map of Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905


The Russo-Japanese War:

Conflict in the Far East

Video by a blogger



The Siege of Port Arthur and the Battle of Tsushima

1904 - 1905

The Russian Pacific naval fleet was based in two ports - Vladivostok and Port Arthur.

The Japanese attacked the Russians on the Laiotung Peninsula in 1904. They blockaded Port Arthur and eventually destroyed much of the Russian fleet.


203 Kochi (203-meter Hill) (Port Arthur)

Japanese movie (1980) Removed from You Tube



In October 1904, the Russians dispatched their Baltic Fleet to the Pacific. It sailed for Vladivostok.

Port Arthur surrendered to the Japanese in January 1905.

In May 1905, the Japanese navy ambushed and sank almost the entire Russian Baltic fleet on its way through the Straight of Tsushima.


The Battle of Tsushima

Episode from the documentary series History's Turning Points



1905 Tsushima

La serie Les Grandes Batailles du passé (1974)



The Mikasa and the Russo-Japanese War

Japanese flagship



The Battle of Tsushima

Episode from the documentary series Naval Legends

About the Japanese battleship Mikasa and the Russian cruiser Aurora in the Battle of Tsushima




Lecture # 10 of the audiobook series Naval Battles that Changed History



Battle of the Japan Sea

Music score for the 1970 Japanese movie



How Teddy Roosevelt Prevented World War


President Theodore Roosevelt & the Portsmouth Peace Conference of 1905

Film footage



Russo-Japanese Peace Conference in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Film Footage



Map of the Russo-Japanese War and Peace 1904 - 1905.
After defeating the Russians in the 1904 - 1905 Russo-Japanese War, Japan took the southern half of southern Manchuria from the Russians.

Japan took also the southern half of Sakhalin Island.

The Japanese occupied Korea in 1905 and annexed it in 1910.

By 1919 Japan was the dominating influence in Inner Manchuria.


Japanese take Korea 1905/1910

Korean History - Japanese Occupation Period

A video blog



Japan in Colour

Episode from the BBC documentary series The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn







Revolution in China

Ching (Manchu) Dynasty in China (1636 - 1912) overthrown



End of Manchu rule in China

The Last Manchu

Three year old Emperor of China, Pu Yi. Stock Photo

Henry Pu-yi (1906 - 1967), the last emperor of China (1908 - 1912). Photo of Pu-yi at age three.


Sun Yat-sen.

Sun Yat-sen, nationalist leader in China


Map of China at 1914CE

China in 1914                     






The Great War

1914 - 1918

In the Pacific



Map of European colonial possessions in Africa, Eurasia and the Pacific and Japanese possessions in 1913, before the Great War. (Note that the German colony of Tsingtao on the northern China coast is not indicated.)  


The Great War in the Pacific

Japan with the Allies against the Central Powers


German map of European and Japanese colonial possessions in Asia and the Pacific in 1913, before the Great War (1914 - 1918) 


Colonial possessions in the Pacific Ocean in 1914


Battle of Tsingtao

27 August - 7 November 1914


Map of China with the German colony of Tsingtao highlighted.


On 15 August 1914, the Japanese demanded that German naval ships leave the German port of Tsingtao and turn it over to the Japanese.

On 23 August, Japan declared war on Germany.

On 27 August, Japanese ships and infantry, backed by British ships, blockaded the port and fighting began. 

On 31 October, the Japanese began bombarding the port.  

On 7 November, the Germans surrendered.

On 16 November, the Japanese and the British took the port.

Map of the Tsingtao battle area


The Ally from the Far East

Japan in the Great War 

A talk by Indiana Neidell from the series The Great War



Japan was allied to Britain and the British Commonwealth nations of Australia and New Zealand in the Great War (1914 - 1918).

The four countries divided German possessions in the Pacific after Germany's defeat in the Pacific in 1914. 

Japan took the German territories of the nothern Mariana Islands, the Caroline Islands and the Marshall Islands in 1914.

The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 gave all of the German territories north of the equator   -   Marshall Islands, Caroline Islands, northern Mariana Islands, and Palau Islands   -   and Tsingtao in China to Japan.

The treaty gave all German territories south of the equator to Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

New Zealand got also German Samoa. 

Australia got northeastern Papua, the Bismarck Archipelago, the northern Solomon Islands and the island of Nauru.


WORLD WAR 1.Fate of German Colonies;Namibia Cameroon Benin Tanzania 1920 map

1920 map of German territorial losses in Africa, Asia and the Pacific with the Great War. German possessions in the Pacific taken by the Japanese are circled in ochre. Japan seized the islands in 1914.


The Causes and Immediate Effects of the Great War

1940 American documentary







The Washington Naval Conference and Treaty
1922 - 1924
The Four-Power Treaty 1921
The U. S., Great Britain, France and Japan agree on a status quo in the Pacific.
- Respect each other's Pacific territories.
- End territorial expansion.
- Mutual consultation.  
Ended the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902.
The Washington Naval Conference
The History Guy

Related image
Hirohito (1901 – 1989), Emperor of Japan
(1926 - 1989)
Jazz recording
Popular song
Late 1920s
Sound film footage of city streets (1929)
Song  -  Waltz (1932)

Nationalism in China
Sun Yat-sen
Wedding photo of Song Qingling (born 1893) and Sun Yat-sen (born 1866). The marriage took place in Japan on October 25, 1915.

Sun Yat-sen and wife, Soong Ching-ling, in October 1915 wedding photo in Japan.

Soviets and Chinese Communists in China
1919 - 1923
Nationalists and Communists in China
Death of Sun Yat-sen
Sun Yat-sen's successor
Wang Jing-wei
Wang Jing-wei (1883 - 1944),
centre, in 1924 photo
Wang Ching-wei.
Wang Jing-wei
Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-shek,1927 Stock Photo
Chiang Chou-t‘ai, Chiang Chi-ch‘ing,  
Chiang Chieh-shih (Jieshi)/Chiang
Kai-shek, Chiang Chung-cheng
(1887 - 1975) in 1927 photo
File:Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek.jpg
Wang Jing-wei, left, and Chiang Jieshi
(Chiang Kai-shek) in 1926 photo
Canton Coup
Communists out
CHIANG KAI-SHEK (1887-1975). /nChinese statesman and general. Chiang Kai Shek with his wife, Mei Ling Soong (1898 Stock Photo
Chiang Kai-shek married
Soong Mei-ling, sister of
Madame Sun Yat-sen, in 1927
1927 - 1937
Chinese Civil War
Nationalist and Communist clashes in China
1927 - 1937
Communists massacred
White Terror


Korea under Japanese rule 1931

Travel film










   Japanese invasion of Manchuria

                18 September 1931

Many maintain that the Second World War began in Asia and the Pacific   -   in Manchuria   -   in 1931, and ended in Manchuria, in 1945. 

Japan invaded Manchuria in September 1931, occupied it and created a puppet-state of Manchukuo. The Soviets invaded Manchuria in August 1945, expelled the occupying Japanese, and returned it to China (Chinese communists in the north) in May 1946.   


Map shows Japan and the territory it controlled   -   Korea and Formosa (Taiwan)   -   in 1928, and Manchuria, which Japan invaded in 1931.


The Road to War

Excerpt from a documentary with a brief description of Japan's aggression in Manchuria



The League of Nations and the Manchurian Dispute

British documentary (1991)



Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

Excerpt from a documentary



Battle for China

Part 7 of 8 of the documentary series Why We Fight



Manchurian Crisis

A talk



Kanji Ishiwara

L'homme qui déclencha la guerre

Documentaire (2012)



The Japanese declared Manchuria an independent country in 1932 and called it Manchukuo. The capital was Changchun (Hsinking).


Image result for Henry Pu-yi in 1932

Henry Pu Yi was installed by the Japanese as emperor of Manchukuo in 1932.


Manchukuo People Hail Their Emperor

British Movietone News



Pu Yi Proceeds To His Enthronement

British Movietone



L'imperatore Pu Yi è asceso al trono nel Manchoukuo

Hsinking (Manciuria)



Sound film footage of enthronement



Henry Pu Yi Ascends the Throne of Manchukuo in Ancient Ceremony

Universal Newspaper Newsreel



Ex-Emperor of China Appointed Regent of New Oriental State

Changchun, Manchuria

Universal Newspaper Newsreel



An Unique Meeting of Two Emperors On Japanese Soil

British Movietone News

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyiNL-2XUpQ

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv-IdL57BTE






The Soviet - Japanese Border War

                 1932 - 1939

Soviet and Mongolian border disputes with the Japanese along their Manchurian borders from 1932 to 1939 

Soviet and Mongolian border skirmishes with the Japanese along their Manchurian borders from 1935 to 1939 


Soviet - Japanese Border War

Three-Minute History







Japanese Invasion of China

28 January to 3 March 1932


The January 28 Incident/The Shanghai Incident/The Battle of Shanghai


Mention on Chinese TV



1932 newsreel



The Pity of it All!

1932 newsreel - version A


Version B



11 januar 1932

Die erste Schlacht um Shanghai



Heavy Shells Wreak Havoc as City Defies Furious Onslaught

Shanghai, China

Universal Newspaper Newsreel





Japanese annex China's Jehol Province to Manchukuo

January 1933


Image result for japanese empire 1933

Map of the Japanese Empire in 1933


Image result for Manchukuo 1932 (map)

Map of Manchukuo in 1935 in Fortune Magazine 



The Newborn Empire

Documentary by Beaux Art Productions in 1937 (13 min.)





Japan Leaves League of Nations

In 1933, the General Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva voted to condemn Japan's invasion of Manchuria and called for Japan to withdraw from Manchuria and its return to China.

Japan's delegates walked out of the Assembly.

24 February 1933


Japan Walks Out of Geneva Assembly

Mr. Matsuoka defends his nation's clash with China in Manchuria, but quits after adverse vote

British Movietone News





Japan decided to quit the League of Nations in 1933.

Japan formally left the League in 1935.

Japan broke all ties with the League in 1938.




Manuel Quezon

First President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines


15 November 1935


Image result for quezon inaugurated 1935



US Congress Votes for Philippine Independence in ten years   -   in 1946

New York, N. Y. -

Manuel Quezon Hails Action of the U. S. Freeing the Philippine Islands

Universal Newspaper Newsreel



President Signs Home Rule Bill for Philippines

FDR and Manuel Quezon

Washington, D. C.

23 March 1935 







Oath of Office

Inauguration film footage





15 November 1935



Pan Am China Clipper Arrives in Manila

Manila Roars A Welcome to China Clipper

Manuel Quezon and Captain Edwin Musick

29 November 1935 






File:USS Ranger (CV-4), USS Lexington (CV-2) and USS Saratoga (CV-3) at anchor off Honolulu on 8 April 1938 (80-G-410056).jpg

US Navy aircraft carriers USS Ranger (bottom), USS Lexington (centre) and USS Saratoga (top) off Honolulu for naval exercises (war games) on 8 April 1936.


Crossroads of the Pacific

A Hawaiian Cruise


US Navy First Line of Defense





German - Italian Friendship Treaty


25 October 1936

German - Italian Agreement on Austria 

26 October 1936


The Rome - Berlin Accord

The Rome - Berlin Pact

The Rome - Berlin Front


250000 ember hallgatta a Ducét Milanóban

Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister of Italy, before Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) on 1 November 1936


The Rome - Berlin Protocol

The Rome - Berlin Axis

"Ma queste intese, che sono state consacrate in appositi verbali debitamente firmati, questa verticale Berlino-Roma, non è un diaframma, è piuttosto un asse attorno al quale possono collaborare tutti gli Stati europei animati da volontà di collaborazione e di pace."

- Benito Mussolini in Milan on 1 November 1936



New York Times, November 2, 1936




The Anti-Comintern Pact

Germany and Japan form Anti-Communist Pact


25 November 1936











The Xi'an Incident

12 December – 26 December 1936

Chiang Kai-shek agrees to unite with the Communists against the Japanese


Related image

Chang Hsueh-liang, The Young Marshal


Excerpt from 1987 documentary China: The Roots of Madness with Theodore White

Nankin 1937
Journal d'un massacre



Le sac de Nankin



Nanking Massacre

2007 documentary with Woody Harrelson (01:29:59)


Or in 9 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOlubQR9-Gg

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3oA9DlU1VU

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iPri4ad7vw

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYDY9c-GHIU

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XitRKJXzYY

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cDfPCC6EgM

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhTea35MBYM

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcDrzN1u1HU

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV1g59NOTmE


Iris Chang

The Rape of Nanking

2007 documentary



China marks 78th Memorial Day of the Nanjing Massacre

CCTV (2015)







The Battle of Tai'erzhuang

First Chinese Victory

24 March  -  7 April 1938


Victory of Taierzhuang

70 Years in 70 Seconds




First Victory





The Battle of Wuhan

Japanese capture Wuhan

27 October 1938


Japanese film footage




Nazi - Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Hitler - Stalin Pact
Molotov - Ribbentrop Pact
23 August 1939
One Hour Before Midnight
Episode # 2 of 10 of the 1995 documentary series Russia's War   -   Blood Upon the Snow
or (first 45 mn. of faulty upload)
Stalin and Ribbentrop

War in Europe
Germany Invades Poland
Sunday, 1 September 1939
Captured German films
Danzig . . .
Adolf Hitler, Führer 
BBC News
Lionel Marson
Britain and France Declare War on Germany
3 September 1939
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
11:15 a. m.
Premier Ministre Edouard Daladier
War in Europe
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Fireside Chat
3 September 1939



Soviets and Mongolians repulse Japanese Invasion of Mongolia



Soviet army commander George Zhukov (left) and Mongolia's leader Khorlogiin Choibalsan (right) confer at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol, 1939


Battle of Lake Khasan

Japanese push back Soviets and Mongolians

29 July 1938 – 11 August 1938


Battles of Khalkhin Gol

(Nomonhan Incident)

Soviets and Mongolians oush back the Japanese

11 May - 15 September 1939



Forgotten Battle that Shaped WWII Remember 70 Years On

RT (2009)



Namohan, 1939

Soviet-Japanese Conflict and the Outbreak of WW2

Lecture by Stuart Goldman at the Mongolian Embassy, Washington, D. C.

12 May 2012



Халхин-Гол. Неизвестная война



Д.Медведев.70 лет совместной победы на Халхин-Голе.26.08.09



Khalkhiin Gol







Soviets Invade Poland
17 September 1939
Excerpt from a documentary
Excerpt from the documentary series WW2 in Colour
Nazis and Soviets divide Poland

Germany Invades France
10 May 1940
Excerpt from the documentary WW2 in Colour
Marechal Petain forms new French government
17 June 1940
22 June 1940
Charles De Gaulle forms Free French government in London
France divided into German-occupied and unoccupied zones
Marechal Petain heads French government in unoccupied zone headquartered in Vichy
10 July 1940
Marechal, nous voila
The Battle of Britain
10 July until 31 October 1940
The Battle of France
From the documentary series Why We Fight 
THe Blitz
7 September 1940 - 11 May 1941

Asia and the Pacific 
1939 - 1940

File:Pacific Area - The Imperial Powers 1939 - Map.svg


Two maps of the Pacific on 1 September 1939, the eve of the Second World War in Europe


Extent of Japanese occupation of China by 1940






Japan invades French Indo-China
            22 September 1940
Japan's Axis partner Germany defeated France on the European continent in May 1950. Germany divided France in half. The northern and western hakf was occupied by the German military. The southern half was left to France. The French moved the government of France from Paris in the north to the town of Vichy in the south. The Vichy government continued to rule southern France and all French territories around the world.  
The Japanese took advantage of the situation in Europe for gains in the Orient. The Germans had crushed the colonial rulers in the Orient   -   the French and the Dutch.
The French agreed to Japanese demands for the military use of ports, roads and trains and occupation of key strategic points of Tonkin (northeastern Vietnam).    
Japanese troops marched into French Indo-China on 22 September 1940.
After several days of fighting with the Japanese, French troops retreated.
The Japanese seized the port of Haiphong and the border town of Lao Cai on the railroad line on the border with Yunnan Province. This cut supply lines to China. 
The Japanese allowed the Vichy French government in Indo-China to continue its civilian administration.

French and British rule on the Southeastern Asian mainland in 1940




L'Indochine française

1856 - 1945

Empire Colonial Français

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=KB71WvWVEsE&NR=1

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffjhCqmcInQ


Invasion of French Indochina

(Wiki Article)



U. S. Embargo
July 1940
In response to Japan's invasion of French Indo-China, the U. S. placed an embargo on its shipments of scrap metal to Japan, which depended on the U. S. for 75% of its iron and 93% of its copper.
The U. S. also closed the Panama Canal to Japanese ships.
The Axis
Tripartite Pact
Berlin Pact
27 September 1940
Image result for Tripartite pact
Germany, Italy and Japan sign a ten-year 
defensive military alliance
German newsreel
Silent German newsreel
Italian newsreel
La cerimonia della firma del Patto Triapartito tra Italia, Germania, e Giappone
Italian newsreel
The following countries joined:
Hungary (20 November 1940)
Romania (23 November 1940)
Slovakia (24 November 1940).
Bulgaria (1 March 1941)
Yugoslavia (25 March 1941)
When Yugoslavia joined the Axis, opposing Serbs staged a coup d'état in the capital, Belgrade. Italy and Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania invaded Yugoslavia and divided the country.
Croatia, created by the division of Yugoslavia, joined the Axis on 15 June 1941.

The European War in the Pacific
German ships harrass the Indian and Pacific Oceans
1940 - 1941
The Komet and the Orion
The German auxillary cruiser (raider) Orion (Kurmark) sank a British ship in the South Atlantic in April 1940. In June the Orion sank one ship off New Zealand and laid mines off New Zealand that sank four ships, including an New Zealnd ocean liner, the RMS Niagra. In August she sank two ships.
On 15 October the Orion captured and sank the Norwegian merchant vessel Beljeanne (formerly the Ringwood) near the Caroline Islands.
With the Komet she sank two vessels in November. She sank five merchant vessels, including two with the Komet, off Nauru in December.
She captured a British ship in the South Atlantic in July 1941.
The Orion carried one hydroplane, obtained from the Japanese.
The German auxillary cruiser (raider) Komet
also carried one hydroplane.
The Komet met the Orion and the oiler/supply ship Kulmerland in the Caroline Islands in the western Pacific in October 1940.
In Novermber, together with the Orion, she sank a steamship and a large New Zealand ocean liner, the MS Rangitane.
In December, the Komet sank three ships off Nauru and, with the Orion, sank more two ships off Nauru. She shelled Nauru.
The Komet sank two British merchant ships and captured a Dutch merchant ship in the Pacific in August 1941.
The Komet was sunk by British ships in the British Channel off the French coast in October 1942.
The Orion, Komet and Kulmerland took hundreds of prisoners from the survivors of he ships captured and sunk. After the Battle of Nauru more than 500 of them were dropped off some 1,000 nautical miles to the west on the island of Emirau (Emira) in the Bismarck Archipelago (Territory of New Guinea, administered by the Australians under a League of Nations mandate). Few of the ships' European officers and technicians were released. Most were eventually interned in Germany.   
Germans attack Nauru
The Battle of Nauru
6, 8, and 27 December 1940
File:German WWII on West Pacific Ocean map-en.svg
Source: Semhur (Wikipedia)
The paths of the German ships Orion, Komet and Kulmerland in the Pacific, November 1940 to January 1941. 
The Komet, disguised as a Japanese merchant vessel, and the Orion sank five merchant ships   -   from Britain, Norway and New Zealand   -   en route to Nauru on 6, 7 and 8 December. The Komet shelled the port on Nauru on 27 December.
The German attack on Nauru and shipping interrupted shipments of phosphate to Australia and New Zealand, as well as to Japan. Tne Japanese objected to Komet's disguise as a Japanese merchant vessel and the German interference in the phosphate production of the island.  
Nauru resumed phosphate production ten weeks later but the raid greatly reduced its output.
Film footage from documentary with sound
Silent film footage
Auxilliary Cruisers - Commerce Raiders
Documentary (24:33)



France and Thailand at war

     October 1940  -  9 May 1941


Franco-Thai War

Wikipedia audio



October 1940 - Thais bomb Vientiane (Laos), Sisophon and Battambang (Cambodia)

8 January 1941 - Thai air force attacks Siem Reap and Battambang (Cambodia)

16 January 1941 - Thais invade Cambodia and Laos


Battle of Chang Island

Battle of Chang Island (Koh Chang), off the coast of southeastern Thailand 


Battle of Koh Chang, 17 January 1941



17 January 1941 - Battle of Chang Island (Koh Chang, Trat Province, Thailand)

French navy sinks Thai navy ships off coast of Trat Province (Thailand)

24 January 1941 - Thai air force bombs airfield near Siem Reap (Cambodia)

28 January 1941 - Thai air force bombs Sisophon (Cambodia) 

31 January 1941 - Japanese arrange truce between French and Thais


Franco-Thai War

Every Day

Animation over a map (January 1941)



9 May 1941 - Japanese compel the French to cede parts of Laos and Cambodia, claimed by France in 1904 and 1907, to Thailand (returned by Thailand after WW2, in 1946)


Image result for franco-thai war 1941 - laos takes territory in Laos

Thailand takes northwestern Cambodia and southwesterm tip of Laos.  


Image result for franco-thai war 1941 - laos takes territory in Laos

Thailand takes parts of northwestern and southwestern Laos


Japan mediates conflict and endorses Peace Treaty between Vichy France and Thailand

Tokyo, Japan, 9 May 1941

Sound film footage



French newsreel





French Indo-China and Thailand Sign Truce

Movietone News



Mid-1941 map shows Thailand within Japanese sphere


The Philippines
Image result for the philippines - macarthur and quezon - in early 1940
Manual Quezon, President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, left, with Douglas MacArthur, presidential advisor and Philippine Army Field Marshal overseing the defense of the country, at Malacanang Palace c. 1939.
In July 1941, U. S. President Roosevelt appointed MacArthur Commander of U. S. Army Forces in the Far East with the rank of lieutenant-general.   
The Philippines were a Spanish colony before the Spanish-American War in 1898. The U. S. took the Philippines, Cuba, Guam and Puerto Rico from Spain. The Philippines were a U. S. territory from 1901 to 1935 with a directly elected bicameral legislature subject to a governor-general appointed by the U. S. president. In 1935, the Philippines became a commonwealth with a directly elected unicameral legislature and president. Quezon was directly elected president in 1936 and again on 1941. The bicameral legislature was restored in 1941. The Philippines were to receive independence in ten years, in 1946.     
Modern Manila
Documentary (1939)
The March of Time

Joseph Clark Grew
American Ambassador to Japan
Comment (1941)  

Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact
Japanese–Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Moscow, 13 April 1941
Image result for Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact
The Japanese Foreign Minister
signs pact.
A five-year pact
Japan to respect Mongolia's borders
Soviets to respect Manchukuo's borders
Either signatory   -   the Soviets or the Japanese   -    has the right to renounce the pact after four years, on 13 April 1945.
Silent film footage 
Soviet-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact
Wkipedia audio

Germany invades Soviet Union
22 June 1941
German radio broadcast
22 June 1941
Molotov broadcast
22 June 1941
Churchill broadcast
22 June 1941
Stalin broadcast
3 July 1941 
Image result for Germany invades Latvia, Etonia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, Ukraine,Russia in June 1941(map)
German advance through Eastern Europe from 21 June to 5 December 1941.
Geman troops overran Soviet troops in Poland, the Baltic states, Byelorussia, Bessarabia and the Ukraine. At the end of September the Germans laid siege to Leningrad. On 2 December the Germans reached the outskirts of Moscow .   
From 22 June to 9 July 1941
To 1 September 1941
To 9 September 1941
To 5 December 1941





Japan sends 150,000 trooops into southern Indo-China on 28 July 1941.


Pacific Diplomacy in the 1930s

U. S. policy from the 1905 to the summer of 1941

Lecture by Sidney Pash

World War 2 History Round Table 

Fort Snelling, Minnesota

Uploaded 2016




Tensions Rise in Pacific

Excerpt from documentary

(5 min. 31 sec.)





Japanese assets in U. S. frozen

25 July 1941

In response to the Japanese occupation of the north of French Indo-China (Tonkin) in September 1940, the U. S. froze Japanese assets in the U. S. on 25 July 1941.

The British and Dutch did the same.


Image result for Japs evacuate Guadalcanal - new york times  - feb. 9, 1943
New York Times, July 26, 1941

Oil Embargo

U. S. stops its oil shipments to Japan

1 August 1941

Japan imported 80% of its oil and gasoline from the U. S.

Tne U. S. placed an embargo on US oil shipments to Japan on 1 August 1941.

The British and the Dutch followed with similar embargoes.

The US maintained that it would renew shipments only if Japan withdrew from China and French Indo-China.

The Japanese refused.

Discussion continued.




Japanese Troop Dispositions in November 1941 and Planned Offensives
The Americans planned a pre-emptive attack on Japan, as well as a defense and counter-attack, scheduled for 1 November 1941.

Image result for Lauchlin Currie, a White House advisor to FDR, at tea with Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang) in China in early 1941.

Lauchlin Currie, a White House advisor to FDR, at tea with Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang) in China in early 1941.

Currie was instrumental in creating an American Volunteer Group (AVG) of American airmen for the China Air Force, the 1st AVG and advocated a pre-emptive bombing attack on Japan in 1941.  

One bomber squadron and two fighter squadrons were to bomb Japan from Chinese airfields.

The mission was to be commanded by Colonel Claire Lee Chennault, an American airman with the China Air Force, advisor to Chiang Kai-shek and an advocate of a pre-emptive attack on Japan since late 1940.


Image result for Chiang Kai-shek with Colonel Claire Chennault and Owen Lattimore in late 1941.

Chiang Kai-shek (right) with Colonel Claire Chennault (left), commander of the First American Volunteer Group, and Owen Lattimore (centre), Chiang's American economic advisor, in Chunking in late 1941. 

Claire Lee Chennault, a Cajun from Louisiana and veteran flying ace, retired from the U. S. Army Air Corps with the rank of captain in April 1937.

Chennault was long an advocate of the pursuit plane, later called the fighter plane.

Chennault was hired by Soong Mei-ling (Madame Chiang) as an advisor to Chiang Kai-shek and the China Air Force and arrived in China in June 1937, as the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out. Chiang promoted Chennault to the rank of cololnel.

Chennault flew with the International Squadron of the China Air Force in early 1938 and directed a training school for the China Air Force in Kunming in Yunnan Province of southern China.

With financial backing from a banker and one of the richest men in China, T. V. Soong, brother of Madame Chiang   -   and the U. S. government   -   Chennault purchased 100 Curtis P-40s and recruited 100 pilots and 300 mechanics in the U. S. in late 1940 and early 1941 for the China Air Force 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG). The pilots and mechanics arrived in Burma in August 1941.

The 1st AVG was based at the British airfields of Mingaladon in Rangoon and Kyedaw in Taungoo in Burma.

Channault pressed for a pre-emptive bombing strike of Japan from bases in China throughout 1941 (before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor).


FDR plans sneak attack before Pearl Harbor

ABC-TV 1991 broadcast (14:06)


Or in 2 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1cX_Fr3qyQ

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Uf_3E4pn3U 


America's Plan to Bomb Japan before Pearl Harbor

Bombing attack on Japan was scheduled for November 1, 1941

Excerpts from a lecture by Alan Armstrong



The bombing raid, scheduled for 1 November 1941, was called off because the Chinese airfields were not ready.

President Roosevelt Makes History
British Pathé newsreel (1941)



Map shows Japanese expansion from 1870 to early December 1941


The Grand Strategy of Japan

1919 - 1941

A talk (44:57)



Japanese National Strategy and Alliance Politics

1920 - 1941

Lecture by Edward J. Drea

Pearl Harbor Symposium

George Washington University

Wasington, D. C.

7 December 2016





Hawaiian Native Life
Encyclopedia Brittannica film
Hawaiian Lei Day
A Rainbow Picture
Lei Day is May 1

World War II in the Pacific
7 December 1941 - September 1945

The four phases of the Pacific War

1. Japan establishes supremacy in the west Pacific and southwest Pacific (1941 - 1942).

2. In the southwest Pacific, Japan (a) fails to capture Port Moresby on Papua New Guinea;

In the central Pacific, Japan (b) fails to capture the American base at Midway Island (June 1942);

In the southwest Pacific, Japan (c) is pushed off Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands (1943) and goes on the defensive.

3. The Allies carry out two long coordinated offensives against Japan (1943 - 1945):

(a) In the southwest Pacific, the Allies push northward across the Solomon Islands and New Guinea;

(b) In the central Pacific, from Hawaii, the Allies push westward to the Philippine Sea, pushing out or isolating the Japanese; Americans capture the Mariana islands and launch extensive aerial bombing of Japan; the Americans capture Okinawa in June 1945;

(c) the western Allies schedule the invasion of the Japanese home islands for November 1945.

4. The Soviet Union enters the war against Japan in early August 1945, compelling the Japanese to surrender to the Americans;

The Soviets capture Manchuria, northern Korea, Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands in August 1945 and are in position to invade the Japanese home islands by late August and early September 1945.




Hirohito wartime(cropped).jpg
Emperor Hirohito  
Image result for Tojo in 1941
Prime Minister Hideki Tojo
Image result for Yamamoto in 1941
Fleet Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto,
Commander-in-Chief of the
Combined Fleet
Chuichi Nagumo.jpg
Admiral Chuichi Nagumo,
of the First Air Fleet
Related image
IJN Captain Minoru Genda,
main planner of the aerial attack
Image result for Mitsuo Fuchida
IJN Commander Mitsuo Fuchida
Image result for japan may strike over weekend - hilo tribune
Front page of the Hilo Tribune Herald, Sunday, November 30, 1041.
Hilo is the largest town on the island of Hawaii. The island is the biggest of the eight main Hawaiian islands, which together are also called Hawaii. At the time, the islands were the U. S. Territory of Hawaii.
Until the mid-1800s, the island of Hawaii had the largest popuation of the Hawaiian islands. Since then most of the population has lived on the island of Oahu, with the port-city of Honolulu as the capital of the Hawaiian Islands.
The Hawaiian Islands were an independent kingdom until 1893 and an independent republic from 1894 until its transfer of sovereignty to the U. S. as a territory in 1898.
The U. S. Congress voted to annex Hawaii as the U. S. Territory of Hawaii in 1900. It was granted 
elected self-government in 1900.  
                 Japanese attack U. S.
          Pearl Harbor, Oahu
              Sunday, December 7, 1941


The U. S. Pacific Fleet's base was moved from San Diego, California to Pearl Harbor in May 1940.
The Japanese were about to invade Southeast Asia.
Their main objectives were:
1. British Malaya and the British naval port at Singapore
2. British colony of Hong Kong;
3. Philippines, a US protectorate  
4. Thailand and southern Burma 
5. Dutch East Indies
To ensure success, the Japanese decided they should at the same time destroy the American naval fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
Just after midnight of December 8 (local time in British Malaya), the Japanese launched their invasion of Southeast Asia. The attack began by shelling British army defenses on the east coast of the Malay Peninsula in northeast British Malaya. 
Less than an hour later   -   an hour or so after sunrise on December 7 in Hawaii (local time)   -   Japanese planes attacked American planes and ships stationed on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu.
The Hawaiian Islands were a US territory.
The Japanese destroyed and damaged numerous American 
ships in Pearl Harbor.
Japanese planes attacked airfields and barracks and destroyed and damaged many planes.
The three American aircraft carriers stationed in Pearl Harbor were not in the harbor and not attacked.
Over a seven-hour period, the Japanese attacked the Hawaiian islands of Oahu and Midway and US territorial islands of Wake and Guam; the Philippines, a US protectorate; and the British colonies of Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore.
Howland Island, an American territory in the central Pacific, was attacked on December 8 and 10. Its sirstrips and beacon were bombed and buildings shelled. One Hawaiian colonist was killed by shrapnel.

The Road to War - Japan

Documentary from the BBC Road to War documentary series (49:04)



The Road to War - U. S. A.

BBC documentary series (49:18)



World War II with Walter Cronkite

The Seeds of War

Episode 4 - FDR: 3rd Term to Pearl Harbor

Removed from You Tube


Japanese Spies in Hawaii

Related image

Takeo Yoshikawa


Pearl Harbor

December 7, 1941

Episode from the CBS TV program The Twentieth Century with Walter Cronkite (1961)

From the 1983 series World War II with Walter Cronkite 



Takeo Yoshikawa



Map of the Pacific Ocean with a circle about the Hawaiian Islands.


Eight Japanese aircraft carriers sail for the Hawaiian Islands.


The map shows the path of the Japanese carrier fleet from Japan to the Hawaiian Islands and back.

Six aircradt carriers   -   Akagi, Kaga, Sōryū, Hiryū, Shōkaku and Zuikaku   -   departed Hittokapu Bay of Iterup Island in the southern Kurile Islands on 26 November 1941. The command ship was the Akagi.

The fleet returned to Japan on 23 December.


Related image

The eight Main Hawaiian Islands, right, and Northwestern (or Leeward) Hawaiian Islands, left.


The eight main Hawaiian Islands, also known as the Southeastern and Windward Hawaiian Islands, from east to west (right to left): Hawaii ("The Big Island"), Maui, Kahoolawi, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu (with the territorry's capital of Honolulu), Kauai and Nihau.

In 1941, about 461,000 people lived on the Hawaiian Islands, including an increasing number of American soldiers, about 50,000, up 50% since the US Navy moved its Pacific HQ from San Diego to Pearl Harbor in May 1940. Their were also thousands of sailors aboard ships.

More than half the total population lived on the island of Oahu. About 175,000 people lived in and about the city of Honolulu, the territorial capital, on Oahu. Hawaii and Maui had large populations but much smaller than Oahu.

Native and part-native Hawaiians (Polynesiians) were probably less than one-sixth of the total population, about 75,000, with most living on the islands of Oahu, Hawaii and Maui.

There were about 38,000 Japanese (including Okinawans), 36,000 Filipinos, 5,000 Chinese and 2,500 Koreans in the Hawaiian Islands. (The total Japanese population of the U. S. in 1940 was about 125,000.)

The main crops were sugar cane and pineapples.

There was a U. S. Marine base on Midway Atoll.

Image result for pearl harbor on 1940 map of oahu

                              Pearl Harbor, Oahu 


Image result for view of pearl harbor in  1940

The main target was the US navy ships and facilities in Pearl Harbor (1940 photo).


Related image

Above all, the Japanese wanted to destroy the aircraft carriers in Pearl Harbor. The USS Enterprise is in the photo above.  


Image result for battleships in pearl harbor in 1939

Battleships, like the USS Honolulu, in the above photo taken in Pearl Harbor in 1939, were of secondary importance.

At first light, two Japanese float planes took off from a carrier to scout the sea between the aircraft carriers and Oahu and the sea near Lanai Island.


Americans Fire the First Shot

Related image

At about 6:30 a. m. ships spotted the conning tower and periscope of a midget sub off-shore following a target barge towed by a cargo ship heading for Pearl Harbor.

Around 6:45 a. m. the destroyer USS Ward fired its # 1 gun at the sub and missed. The # 3 gun fired and hit ithe sub's conning tower. A patrol plane bombed it. The sub disappeared. The Ward dropped depth charges   -   and reportedly sank the sub.


Related image

The USS Ward


Painting of the destroyer USS Ward firing on a Japanese midget submarine spotted several miles outside Pearl Harbor.


USS Ward

The History Guy



USS Ward Crewman

Willit Lehner



USS Ward

Crewmen from St. Paul, Minn. fired the # 3 gun that hit the midget sub



Image result for # 3 gun crew on USS Ward that fired on the midgetsub - LIFE magazine

USS Ward # 3 gun crew


First Shot Club

Willit Lehner



Pearl Harbor

Who Fired First?

Advertisement for PBS documentary






A Japanese plane with a torpedo takes off from the deck of a Japanese aircraft carrier for the attack on Pearl Harbor. 
Military installations on Oahu, December 7, 1941.
The Attack
Image result for mitsuo fuchida
IJN Commander Mitsuo Fuchida,
leader of the aerial attack.
Two Waves  
The Japaanese aerial attack on Pearl Harbor was launched from aircraft carriers about 230 miles north of Oahu.
The areial attack on Oahu was conducted by 350 planes   -   high-level bombers, dive bombers, torpedo bombers and fighter planes   -   in two waves launched from the carriers eighty minutes apart.
The first planes of the first wave took off some time between 5:30 and 6:30 a. m.
The first wave swept across Oahu from the north and west.
The second wave swept across Oahu from the north and east.
The paths of the two waves of attacking aircraft.
The attack came from the north.
Pearl Harbor is at the bottom on the map.

Image result for oahu - waimanalo - HA19 - Dec. 8, 1941 (map)

The first wave took off from the carriers some time between 5:30 at 6:30 a. m., reached Oahu at 7:40 a. m., and reached Pearl Harbor at 7:55 a. m. 
The second wave reached Oahu at 8:50 a. m. and departed at 9:45 a. m.  
First Wave
Image result for mitsuo fuchida
Commander Mitsuo Fuchida was the leader of the aerial attack and the leader of the first wave of the attack.
The first wave hit Wheeler Field (the army main pursuit plane base), Ewa (a Marine Corps air station), Kaneohe (a navy air base, including PBYs), and Bellows Field (an army air field) before continuing to Pearl Harbor.
The first wave attacked Hickam Field (the main army air field), Ford Island (Navy Air Station) in Pearl Harbor, and the ships in Pearl Harbor.
Second Wave
Image result for Commander Shigekazu Shimazaki - pearl harbor 1941
IJN Commander Shigekazu Shimazaki,
leader of the second wave.  
The second wave hit Wheeler, Ewa, Kaneohe, Bellows, Hickam, Ford Island and Pearl Harbor.
Image result for Pearl Harbor - attack on Wheeler Field, December 7, 1941
Wheeler Field
Pearl Harbor
Aerial photo of Pearl Harbor on October 30, 1941. The Pacific Ocean is at the top in the photo. Hickam Field is on the far side (and left) of the channel and by the sea. Ford Island is in the centre.



Aerial view of Pearl Harbor, Ford Island and Hickam Field on October 30, 1941. The view is from the north to the south.


Image result for oahu - waimanalo - HA19 - Dec. 8, 1941 (map)

Pearl Harbor, Oahu at 7:55 a. m. on December 7, 1941, as the first wave of attackers arrived. 


Famous photo of "Battleship Row" (foreground) in Pearl Harbor taken by an approaching Japanese torpedo bomber in the first minutes of the attack, around 8:00 a. m. Smoke rises from Hickam Field in the distance. The air field was attacked first. The view is from the north.



Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. Navy ships are under attack on the far side. The view is from the southwest.  The USS West Virginia has just been hit by a torpedo.


Related image

The USS West Virginia on fire.


Related image

Japanese plane approaches Ford Island in Pearl Harbor.


Image result for LIFE magazine - american sailors with hawaiian girl on waikiki WW2

Related image

USS Shaw, a destroyer, explodes. The ship was hit by three bombs.


The Japanese accomplished only part of their objective in their attack of Oahu.

The most important targets   -   three US aircraft carriers stationed in Pearl Harbor   -   were not there. The USS Lexington was carrying planes to Midway. The USS Enterprise had delivered planes to Wake Island and was on the way back to Honolulu. The USS Saratoga was in San Diego.

All eight US battleships in the harbor were damaged in the attack but six were repaired and soon seaworthy again. Three cruisers, three destroyers, one minelayer and five other ships were damaged but repaired and returned to service.

Exact figures are not known. Different figures are offered.

The Japanese destroyed 169 airplanes, including almost all of the PBYs, and damaged 159.

2,333 American soldiers, including 2,003 sailors. were killed. !,178 soldiers were wounded, most of them sailors. Half the sailors killed were on one battleship, the USS Arizona.

49 to 68 civilians were killed, many at the military installations attacked, and 35 wounded.

Most of the civilians were killed by friendly fire   -   anti-aircraft shells landing in Honolulu and Pearl City. Some gun crews fired long after the attack.

11 unarmed American B-17s en route from the mainland to the Philippines arrived during the attack and were fired upon by the Japanese and American gun crews. One B-17 was destroyed and another damaged. 

The Japanese planes shot down civilian planes and strafed a sugar mill and Honolulu's municipal airport, John Rodgers Field, on the west shore of the entrance channel to Pearl Harbor.

The six Japanese aircraft carriers left Japan with 408 planes. 353 planes were launched in the attack, 183 in the first wave and 171 in the second wave.   

The Japanese lost 129 men, 29 planes and five midget submarines. Most of the planes and airmen lost were in the second wave of the attack.

One Japanese sailor, a midget submarine commander, was captured.

Not destroyed:

The ship repair yards; the fuel storage facility, which could supply the entire US Pacific fleet for a year; and the submarine pen with the submarines that would harrass Japanese shipping in the war.

The Japanese considered a third wave, to destroy the remaining facilities, but decided it would be impractical in the circumstances. American defenses would be better prepared. Smoke obscured targets.

The positions of the American aircraft carriers were unknown.   

On the following day, December 8, the Japanese embassy in Washington, D.C. informed the U. S. government of Japan's declaration of war.


The Japanese Plan to Attack Pearl Harbor and the Planning Behind It

Lecture by Mark Stille

Pearl Harbor Symposium

George Washington University

Washington, D. C.

7 December 2016



Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941

Animated Battle Map



Pearl Harbor

The Japanese Attack

Animated Map



Air Attacks Over Hawaii

Japanese movies of the attack (1941)

When it was December 7 in Hawaii it was December 8 in Japan. Tokyo was 19 1/2 hours ahead of Honolulu.




First Pictures of the Attack




Pearl Harbor

First Pictures




Pearl Harbor

The Japanese Attack

Description over a map (10:20)



December 7, 1941

Episode from the documentary series You Are There with Walter Cronkite

The Attack on Pearl Harbor





Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor

Short excerpt from a documentary (00:03:44)

There is no evidence that Yamamoto made the remarks attributed to him.  



December 7

U. S. government documentary film by John Ford (1942)
Actual film footage of the attack on Pearl Harbor with later reenactments added
or (32:50)
or long version (01:21:52)
or (01:21:32)
or (01:21:52)



The Pacific Boils Over

Episode # 2 of 26 from the NBC-TV documentary series Victory at Sea (1952) (26 min.)

The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor



Pearl Harbor   

Episode from the TV documentary series Battlefront

WW2 Pacific (22:30)


Or In 3 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqbAzj8SVIA

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyf1PZEsYpI

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWvaIe00sPU


Tora! Tora! Tora!

The True Story of Pearl Harbor

History Channel documentary (2000) (01:33:29)



Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor

1989 BBC Timewatch documentary (1:09:28)



Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Malaya and Singapore

Episode # 4 of season # 4 of the documentary series Battlefield (2000) (1:39:36)

Two parts (Part 2 is The Battle of Malaya and Singapore)

Japan attacked Malaya just after midnight on December 8 (local time), one hour before it attacked Pearl Harbor, just after breakfast-time on December 7.





Or in 10 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccNLGMoUZdI

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9mOZjrj_Ek

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b46R07QHWi4

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwSGOlOAoBk

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNLt7bDAz6k

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUFWDr80wAM

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdFt0EIA-Oc

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBLAv4Z467E

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z8b6KZxKP0

10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S46-es2Lck


Pearl Harbor
Two Hours that Changed the World
David Brinkley (ABC News) (1991)

Pearl Harbor

Episode from the National Geographic documentary series Seconds from Disaster (2011)

Recounts how the Japanese accomplished only part of their objective in their attack on Pearl Harbor.

The most important targets   -   three US aircraft carriers stationed in Pearl Harbor   -   were not in harbor.




Pearl Harbor

Surprise and Remembrance

1991 episode from PBS documentary series The American Experience



Pearl Harbor

Episode from the documentary series The Lost Evidence (44:47)



Bombing of Pearl Harbor

Castle Films (1942)

The News Parade (09:35)

Newsreel, in two parts

Includes the Normandie disaster in New York Harbor in February 1942





L'attaque de Pearl Harbor

Histoire de Comprendre

Alexandre Adler



"I Sank the West Virginia."

Japanese pilot recalls bombing the USS West Virginia



Image result for pearl harbour attack

USS Arizona explodes


USS Arizona


The USS Arizona Before & After December 7

Pearl Harbor

(2 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6C8-C7AKTQ

The Attack

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtnu1iQPlU0


USS Arizona

The explosion and the fire



Film footage of the day after

Silent black and white film of Oahu


Pearl Harbor

What Went Down

Documentary follows film makers recreating the bombing of the USS Arizona

(3 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy4FuaTtiM4

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXILaFCT9gM

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkRAEq7uke8


Pearl Harbor 70 Years Later

USS Arizona Memorial Museum




USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor



Inside the USS Arizona

Documentary (52:51)



USS Arizona Memorial

Underwater View



USS Arizona

Inside the Wreck



75 Years Later



75th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Commemoration

Pearl Harbor, December 7, 2016



Eternal Father

Navy Hymn

U.S. Naval Academy Glee Club at the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial in 2011


Navy Hymn, Eternal Father, sung by the Naval Academy Glee Club in tribute to those who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor

75th Anniversary (2016)





Civilian Planes Shot Down





Friendly Fire

Related image

Four US army ship-yard workers were killed in their car by misdirected US anti-aircraft fire in Honolulu.



Image result for pearl harbour attack



Image result for mitsuo fuchida, pearl harbor

Commander Mitsuo Fuchida


Commander Mitsuo Fuchida

Mitsuo Fuchida, commander, bomber pilot, Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service, one of the planners of the attack on Pearl Harbor, led the attack. Fuchida led the first wave of planes to Oahu, gave the signal to attack, and departed with the second wave at the end of the attack.


Interview on the Merv Griffin Show (1965)




An improperly conducted interview (1967)



Wounded Tiger

The author of Wounded Tiger, a novel about Mitsuo Fuchida

Uploaded 2014


Ads for movie or movie project







The Air War Starts

1939 – December 1941

Chapter 7 of The Air Force (Air Corps) Story (1953)

From Poland to Pearl Harbor






Image result for japanese midget sub periscope
Japanese Midget Submarines in Pearl Harbor

Initially, the Japanese built midget submarines for coastal defense. They were to be carried by and deployed from larger "mother" ships or submarines in open waters off-shore during running engagements with attacking ships.running engagements with attacking ships.

To conceal their purpose, the midget submarines were called "targets"   -   Hyōteki in Japanese   -   for gunnery practice.

Some fifty of the third type or model of the midget sub were built since 1938. This was Type A. Thus, Type A targets, to be deployed from mother ships: Ko-Hyōteki.

These 78-foot-long (or 78 1/2 or 80 ft.) two-man midget subs were assembled in three sections   -   bow, centre and stern.

The midget submarine carried two torpedoes.


The Advanced Expeditionary Force of 20 Type I submarines set out from the naval base at Kure on the Japanese home island of Honshu on November 16, 1941. The force stopped in the Marshall Islands to refuel and resupply and arrived off Oahu on 5 December 1941.

Five of the 20 submarines carried midget submarines (Type A targets) (Ko-Hyōteki) on their decks.

The midget subs were to be deployed to attack ships inside Pearl Harbor.


Related image

The above photo is of the ten sailors in two-man crews on the five midget submarines. The commander of the group, Lt. Naoji Iwasa, senior officer, is in the centre in the front row. 

The midget subs were carried on the decks of five "mother" submarines (Type I) to a point off Pearl Harbor during the night of December 6.  

The five "mother" submarines were I-16, I-18, I-20, I-22 and I-24. (Type I.)

Midget submarines were called tubes or boats   -   tou in Japanese.

The midget subs were thus identified by their mother subs. I-16 carried I-16 tou, I-18 tou was carried by I-18 and so on   -   I-20 tou, I-22 tou and I-24 tou.


Related image

Painting of Japanese submarine I-24 with the midget submarine I-24 tou (HA. 19) on the aftdeck.


The midget subs were released underwater by their "mother" subs about ten to 15 nautical miles off-shore one at a time at intervals between midnight and 3:33 a. m. on December 7.

The midget subs were to slip into the harbor. When the aerial attack began each was to fire two torpedoes at the ships. Aircraft carriers were the primary target. Then battleships. The midget subs could also wait to launch their torpedoes between the two waves of aerial attacks or after the aerial attacks.

To get into the harbor the midget subs had to evade detection by navy patrol bombers (PBY) flying overhead and destroyers patrolling outside the harbor and cut through the submarine nets at the entrance.


Short excerpt from the documentary Myths of Pearl Harbor - Unsolved History

(2 min. 58 sec.)



The five "mother" submarines waited several miles off-shore to torpedo ships leaving the harbor.

The midget submaines were to rendezvous with two submarines, I-68 and I-69, off Lanai Island on the following night. The crewmen would be taken aboard and the midget subs scuttled and abandoned. 

In the previous week ships reported sighting submarines near Pearl Harbor. According to Japanese naval records there were 24 Japanese submarines in Hawaiian waters at the time of the attack. They were to warn the attack fleet of shipping activity and to rescue downed fliers.

There are several action reports and many later accounts or recollections in the press of submarine sightings and encounters on the morning of December 7 but none agree in all details.  

A minesweeper reported sighting a periscope outside the harbor around 3:45 a. m. A destroyer on patrol, the USS Ward, searched for the sub.

At 5:45 a. m. a cargo ship spotted a periscope.

At 6:30 a. m. the USS Ward spotted a conning tower and periscope following a target barge towed by the cargo ship, which was heading for the harbor. A PBY sighted the sub and marked the spot with a smoke bomb. The Ward fired on the sub and missed. The Ward fired again, hitting the sub's conning tower, and dropped depth charges. The PBY bombed it. The sub disappeared.


USS Ward Crewman Recalls Sinking Submarine



A midget sub was spotted at 8:17 and 8:20 a. m., during the first wave of the aerial attack, outside the harbor entrance by the USS Helm. The Helm fired twice on the sub without affect. 


A midget sub was discovered inside the North Channel of the harbor around 8:30 a. m. by several ships   -   the USS Curtiss, USS Zane, USS Perry, USS Tangier and USS Medusa.

The USS Breese reported spotting two periscopes, one following the other, in the North Channel at 8:30 a. m.  

At 8:40 a. m. the Perry, Tangier, Medusa and Curtiss fired at a sub, hitting the conning tower at least twice.

The USS Monaghan pursued the sub.

According to action reports, the sub fired one torpedo. The torpedo was fired at the USS Monaghan or MacDonough. According to other accounts, the sub fired two torpedoes. No damage was caused.

Around 8:40 a. m. the Monaghan ran over and perhaps rammed the sub, dropped two or three depth charges and reported sinking the sub.  

The spot was charted and the sub recovered in late December 1941. 


While racing through the sea channel, from the harbor to the sea, the USS St. Louis spotted two torpedoes approaching at 10:04 a. m. The torpedoes exploded on a reef. The St. Louis spotted a sub and fired with unknown affect.


USS St. Louis



In all, five midget subs were recovered by Americans, three with their torpedoes and one without torpedoes. 

One sub was recovered with or without torpedoes. Details are not public: the torpedoes had been fired during the attack or they were removed later during salvaging.

One regular Japanese submarine reported having been attacked by shelling and depth charging on December 7 off-shore the harbor.


# 1

FIRST midget sub recovered

December 8, 1941

I-24 tou (Ha. 19   -   for Hull No. 19) 

Designated Midget C by the US Navy

Ensign Kazuo Sakamaki, commander, and Petty Officer Kiyoshi Inagaki.

I-24 tou was the last midget sub launched, at 3:33 a. m.


Related image

IJN Ensign Kazuo Sakamaki (1918 - 1999), commander of the midget sub I-24 tou (Ha.-19) and the first Japanese Prisoner of War (PoW) of the U. S. in the war.

Due to a malfunctioning gyro-compass, Sakamaki had difficulty steering his sub and drifted to Waimanalo Beach on the east coast of Oahu. 

Late on the following night, on December 7, Sakamaki and his crewmate, Petty Officer Kiyoshi Inagaki, abandoned the sub and swam to shore.


Image result for David M. Akui, Merrill's Marauders

Corporal David M. Akui of the Hawaii National Guard (1920 - 1987) was patroliing the end of Bellows Field by Waimanalo Beach late on the night of December 7, saw Sakamaki wade ashore and took him to a nearby army unit.

Akui joined Merrill's Marauders in Burma later in the war.

During the night, the body of Sakamaki's crewmate, Inagaki, washed ashore Waimanalo Beach.

After sunrise on the morning of December 8, a soldier swam out to Sakamaki's midget submarine, about 100 to 150 yards off-shore Waimanalo Beach, and attached a line. A jeep towed the sub to the beach. The sub was disassembled on the beach, loaded onto trucks and taken to the submarine base in Pearl Harbor.


For an audio recording of an interview (2002):  


Image result for japanese midget sub on waimanalo


Image result for japanese midget sub on waimanalo




The midget sub was recovered intact with both torpedoes.

This was the only midget sub positively identified. Inside the sub there was a number plate marked Ha. 19, perhaps the hull number, indicating the number of the model, Type A, built   -   No. 19 of Type A.

Of the ten Japanese sailors of the five midget subs only Sakamaki and  Inagaki were accounted for.

Sakamaki was taken to Fort Shafter, then held in a camp on Sand Island in Honolulu Harbor and later in PoW camps in Wisconsin, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Texas.

After the war, Sakamaki returned to Japan and headed Toyata in Brazil.

Sakamaki published a memoire, Four Years as Prisoner of War Number One, in the late 1940s, The book was translated into English in 1949 as I Attacked Pearl Harbor.

Obit, NYT:


By some accounts, a map of Pearl Harbor indicating a safe house in Pearl City was found inside I-24 tou.

See: Nat. Reg. of Hist. Places (1988)



Kazuo Sakamaki

Excerpt from a documentary uploaded as Japanese midget submarines at Pearl Harbor.



From the blog Dark Docs




I-24 tou (Ha. 19) was taken on a tour of the U. S. with war bond drives.


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President Roosevelt is shown I-24 tou at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in California in 1942.


I-24 tou was on display for many years in Key West, Florida.


Image result for ha-19 submarine in Fredericksburg, Texas

I-24 tou is presently on display in the National Museum of the Pacifc War in Fredricksburg, Texas.


Pearl Harbor in Color

Documentary (44 min.)



# 2

SECOND midget sub recovered

December 21, 1941

I-16, I-18, I-20 or I-22 tou

Designated Midget B by the US Navy

It is thought this midget sub could be I-22 tou with crewmen Lt. Naoji Iwasa, commander, and Petty Officer 1st. Class Naokichi Sasaki.

Iwasa was the senior officer and commander of the Special Attack Flotilla.

I-22 tou was the second midget sub launched, at 1:16 a. m.

Related image

This is the only midget sub known to have entered the harbor or fired a torpedo. The sub was spotted by several ships around 8:30 a. m.   -   the USS Zane, USS Tangier, USS Perry, USS Medusa and USS Curtiss. Accounts differ. The sub was fired on by Medusa, Tangier, Perry and Curtiss. The conning tower was hit at least twice by fire. The Perry dropped depth charges. Monaghan ran over and perhaps rammed the sub, dropped two or three depth charges and reported sinking the sub.

The midget sub was recovered in battered condition, without torpedoes, from the spot two weeks later, on December 21, 1941.

Action reports mention only one torpedo fired in the harbor. Later accounts in the press mentioned two.  

For unknown reasons, the midget sub was buried in a landfill, reportedly with the two crewmen inside. According to one account the two sailors were buried in a nearby cemetery. 

The midget sub was dug up again later, in 1951 (or 1952), and returned to the landfill.


Three more midget subs were found in 1951, 1960 and 2002. The second was recovered.


# 3

THIRD midget sub found


Spotted later in 1992, 2001, 2002 and 2009

I-16, I-18, I-20 or I-22 tou

Designated Midget E by the US Navy

This midget sub was thought to have been I-16 tou and the crewmen Lt. ( j.g.) Yokoyama Masaji, commander, and Petty Officer 2nd. Class Ueda Sadamu or Masaharu Yokohama and Petty Officer 2nd Class Tei Uyeda?

I-16 tou was the first midget sub launched, at midnight.

I-16 received two messages, thought to have been from I-16 tou, 24 hours later, at 10:41 p. m. on December 7 and at 1:11 a. m. the next morning, December 8. 


Image result for japanese midget sub found in three sections underwater


This third midget sub was found by a private scientific expedition led by George W. Vanderbilt III in shallow water west of the harbor entrance in 1951.

The sub was raised by the Navy, disassembled, taken out to sea and dumped.

The body of one of the crewmen was found nearby several days later.

Exploring submersibles three to five miles off-shore saw one section of the sub a half-century later, in 1992, another section in 2001, and a third section in 2002. One section was cut in two. Cables had been attached to each of the three sections.

It was clear that this sub was not sunk or scuttled or abandoned in this location but salvaged from another point and dumped in this location at a later date.

The torpedo tubes were empty. Torpedoes were not seen in the area.

Did the sub fire torpedoes? Or were they removed by the Navy in 1951? Navy records should say.

Because torpedoes were not seen among the separate pieces by recent explorers, it was suggested this third sub fired the torpedoes, probably at the USS St. Louis, just outside the harbor, after the aerial attack, and scuttled by the crew near the harbor entrance, and found there ten years later, in 1951.


# 4

FOURTH midget sub recovered

July 13, 1960

I-16, I-18, I-20 or I-22 tou

Designated Midget D by the US Navy

This midget sub is thought to have been I-18 tou and the crew Lt. (j. g.) Shigemi Furuno, commander, and Petty Officer 1st. Class Shigenori Yokoyama.

I-18 tou was the third midget sub launched, at 2:15 a. m.


Image result for midget sub found in pearl harbor in 1951

A Navy frogman (UDT) discovered a midget sub in 76 feet of water in Keehi Lagoon, east of Pearl Harbor, on June 13, 1960. 



ha-19 mini sub washed ashore at bellows beach


This  midget sub was recovered intact with both torpedoes on July 12, 1960.

The two crewman were not inside. 


Recovery of Japanese Midget Sub in July 1960

Film without sound

Part 1. (8:29)


Part 2. (10:32)



The sub's bow, apparently with live torpedoes, was removed, taken out to sea and dumped. The rest was returned to Japan in 1961.


Image result for midget submarine at etajima

The midget sub is now on display, restored, at the Japanese Naval Academy in Etajima.


The sub was identified as one of the five Pearl Harbor subs by the rudder and net cutters.

# 5

FIFTH midget sub found

August 28, 2002

I-16, I-18, I-20 or I-22 tou

Designated Midget A by the US Navy

This midget sub is thought to have been I-20 tou and the crewmen Ensign Akira Hiroo, commander, and Petty Officer 2nd. Class Yoshio Katayama. 

I-20 tou was the fourth midget sub launched, at 2:57 a. m.


Image result for japanese midget sub found in pearl harbor in 2001

2016 photos.

Image result for midget sub sunk by USS Ward


This midget sub was found intact, with both torpedoes, in 2002 in 1,200 feet of water three to five miles south of the harbor, not far from the dumping site of the midget submarine found in 1951 (# 3).  

Because the conning tower had a large bullet hole, it was thought that this midget sub was sunk by the USS Ward. This is not certain, however.

The Ward fired twice on the sub. The first shot, fired from 100 yards, missed. The second shot, fired from 50 yards, was thought to have hit the sub's conning tower. A PBY bombed the sub. The Ward dropped depth charges.

The two crewmen are believed to be inside.

The sub may have been spotted by earlier explorers.


The Japanese midget sub sunk by the USS Ward.



The midget sub sunk by the USS Ward

Short excerpt from a documentary Myths of Pearl Harbor




Confirming the USS Ward sank midget sub

Excerpt from Myths of Pearl Harbor - Unsolved History




Sketch by Burl Burlingame, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, August 28, 2002


Pearl Harbor

Who Fired First?

Documentary (PBS)







Underwater view

Okeanos Explorer 2016 (48 min.)





Three midget subs were found with their torpedoes   -   # 1 (Waimanalo, Dec. 8, 1941), # 4 (Keehi Lagoon, July 13, 1960) and # 5 (Off-shore, Aug. 28, 2002). One sub was found without torpedoes  -   # 2 (Pearl Harbor, Dec. 21, 1941).

One sub was found with or without torpedoes   -   # 3 (Close to shore, west of the harbor entrance, 1951) (details are not public). 

Piecing together the various action reports, only one midget sub (# 2) was spotted inside the harbor and only one torpedo was fired in the harbor. This sub was fired on by several ships and recovered from the harbor on December 21, 1941 without torpedoes. This sub was dumped in a landfill, dug up in 1951 and returned to the landfill.


Was there more than one sub in the harbor?

Were more than two torpedoes fired in the harbor?


Famous photo of "Battleship Row" in Pearl Harbor taken by an approaching Japanese torpedo bomber around 8:00 a. m., as the ships came under attack. Smoke rises from Hickam Field in the distance.

It has been pointed out that there appears to be a partially submerged midget submarine in the photo and, also, the trail of one torpedo heading for the battleships USS Arizona, USS West Virginia and USS Oklahoma. Some see two trails.


Image result for where the five midget subs were found - Pearl Harbor

Red arrow indicates what  appears to be a midget sub in Pearl Harbor and the trail of a torpedo. The photo shows the moment of a torpedo's impact with the USS West Virginia. A plane appears in the photo.  

The West Virginia was hit by a first torpedo at 7:55 a. m. and two more shortly afterward. The Oklahoma was hit by a torpedo around 8:00 a. m.

Was a torpedo, probably the first, dropped by a torpedo bomber or fired by a midget sub?

Crewmen of the USS Arizona recall seeeing two torpedoes headed towards their ship. Apparently, the Arizona shows no sign of a topedo hit. One of the torpedoes may have hit the West Virginia.


Is there a sub in the famous photo?



Three subs were recovered with their torpedoes.

If there is a midget sub in the aerial photo, was this the sub recovered from the North Channel in late December 1941 (# 2)?

If a torpedo hit, apparent in the photo, was caused by the same sub, that sub fired one torpedo at Battleship Row and another later in the North Channel.

According to some accounts, two torpedoes were fired in the North Channel. If so, the same sub (# 2) could not have fired a torpedo (or torpedoes) at Battleship Row earlier.

It was suggested a second sub entered the harbor and two midget subs fired their torpedoes in the harbor.

The USS Breese reported sighting two periscopes in the North Channel, one following the other. But no one else mentioned two midget submarines together.

Decades later, submersibles exploring the sea floor several miles off the harbor saw the three pieces of the sub found in 1951 (# 3) but not the sub's torpedoes. Thus, it was suggested the sub fired both torpedoes.

It was further suggested this sub (# 3) is in the famous photo   -   and thus a "second sub" in the harbor.

It was further suggested that this sub (# 3) may have been scuttled by the crew in the harbor's West Loch and found during a clean-up of the West Loch after a disaster involving LSTs in 1944, disassembled, carried out to sea and dumped with the LSTs. There are no records of the recovery of a midget sub in 1944. (According to one account, there are such records.)

This sub (# 3) was found close to shore intact with severe damage to the hull in 1951. One of the crewmen was found nearby. The Navy disassembled the sub and dumped the three sections in the spot where LSTs were dumped in 1944. Explorers saw the pieces a half-century later.


Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor
2011 PBS Nova documentary (53 min.)
The so-called "fifth" midget sub, which the documentary claims was found in three pieces in 1992, 2001 and 2002, is actually the third sub that was recovered, in 1951   -   a fact not mentioned in the documentary.
Upload repeats at end
or a shorter version with British narrator in 4 clips


A similar presentation:

The Midget Submarines at Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor Symposium

George Washington University

7 December 2016

A lecture about the famous photo




Only the identity of I-24 tou (Ha. 19), the midget sub recovered on Waimanalo Beach the day after the attack, is certain.

The four other midget subs might have hull numbers inside, like I-24 tou. If Japanese naval records indicate which sailors were in which hulls on December 7, it might be possible to identify the subs.


Japanese movie

The midget sub attack  








The Niihau Incident

The eight main islands of Hawaii. The island of Niihau is in the west. 


On December 7, a Japanese pilot with the second wave of attackers, Shigenori Nishikaichi, was forced to crash-land his damaged Zero on the island of Niihau and await rescue by a Japanese submarine.


Related image

IJN Airman First Class Shigenori Nishikaichi crash-landed his Mitsubishi A6M Zero fighter on Niihau.


Nishikaichi lived with the island's three Japanese residents.

The rescue submarine did not appear.

In a confrontation with native islanders on December 13, Nishikaichi shot and wounded Benehakaka Kanahele. In a struggle, Kanahele and his wife, Emma, killed Nishikaichi with a large rock and knife.  


Image result for the niihau incident

Benehakaka Kanahele and his wife Emma.


One of the Japanese residents died in the confrontation, another was jailed and the third interned for the duration of the war.


The Niihau Zero and the Battle of Niihau

Pacific Aviation Museum, Pearl Harbor




Alan Lloyd

Part 2.



Midway Atoll Bombarded
9:30 a. m.
Related image
Midway Atoll in 1941
As the Japanese aerial attackers headed back from Oahu to their aircraft carriers, two Japanese destroyers shelled the U. S. Marine base on Sand Island of Midway Atoll. Japanese planes strafed the island.
The attack lasted about an hour. Four marines were killed. Buildings and planes were damaged.
One of the Japanese destroyers was hit by an American shell and the two ships withdrew.


Image result for damage to civilian property on oahu Dec 7, 1941

Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 7, 1941


The Anderson Independent, Dec. 7, 1941


Pearl Harbor Attack Bulletin

CBS football game radio broadcast interrupted

Dec. 7 



Radio announcement

December 7, 1941



BBC Radio announcement

7 December 1941



Friendly Fire

Six fighter planes from the the USS Enterprise, on the way back from Wake, searched for the Japanese fleet without finding it. Low on fuel, the fighters flew to Oahu to land on Luke Field on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor. As the planes approached they were fired upon from the ground. Five planes were lost. Three pilots were killed. Two pilots were shot at when on the ground. One was shot at while parachuting.  

For an account, see:



Eleanor Roosevelt

Radio Address, December 7, 1941









Breaking off negotiation
In November 1941, Japan and the U. S. negotiated in Washington, D. C.:
The U. S. would lift economic sanctions if Japan withdrew from China, Manchuria and Indo-China and broke its Axis ties to Germany and Italy.
At 2:20 p. m. on Sunday, December 7, in Washington, D. C.   -   one hour after the attack on Pearl Harbor began   -   Japan's special envoy, Saburo Kurusu, and the Japanese ambassador to the U. S., Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, delivered a message from the Japanese goverment in Tokyo to the U. S. Secretary of State, Cordell Hull:
"The Japanese Government regrets to have to notify hereby the American government that in view of the attitude of the American Government it cannot but consider that it is impossible to reach an agreement through further negotiations."
This note is often considered Japan's declaration of war against the U. S.
The messsage had been intercepted and translated by decoders earlier, who noted that it did not contain a declaration of war or mention war. At the most, it implied an end of negotiation. Hull and others in Washington saw the note before it was presented.   
Related image
Reporters greet Nomura, left, and Kurusu as they leave Cordell Hull's office.  
Later, the special envoy and ambassador recalled that they did not know of the attack on Pearl Harbor at the time.
Excerpt from an interview with Saburo Kurusu
The Japanese declaration of war came a few hours later.
Late in the morning on Monday, December 8 (local time in Japan), the American ambassador in Tokyo, Joseph Grew, received a message from the Japanese foreign minister: 
"I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that there has arisen a state of war between Your Excellency's country and Japan beginning today.
"I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

"Minister of Foreign Affairs."
Grew received the note when it was dinner-time in Washington, D. C. and early afternoon in Honolulu   -   several hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Japanese Declaration of War on the United States and the British Empire

Image result for japanese declaration of war - 8 december 1941

Japanese declaration of war, published in Japanese newspaers on Monday evening, 8 December 1941 (local time in Japan).


LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 (UP) - Here is the official translation of the Japanese Emperor's proclamation of war as read by Premier Tojo to the empire, and picked up here by the NBC listening post:

"We, by the grace of Heaven, Emperor of Japan, and seated on the throne of a line unbroken for ages eternal, enjoin upon thee, our loyal and brave subjects. We hereby declare war upon the United States of America and the British Empire . ."



December 8, 1941


At what time did NBC hear the broadcast?

Time zone differences:

During the second wave of aerial attack on Pearl Harbor, the time was as follows:

Tokyo: 5:00 a. m. on December 8, 1941 

Honolulu: 9:30 a. m. on December 7

Los Angeles: 12:00 p. m. on December 7

Washington, D. C.: 3:00 p. m. on December 7

London: 9:00 p. m. on December 7

Tokyo time was 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles.

The declaration of war was read over the radio in Tokyo in the evening.

Thus, If the United Press (UP) dispatch was on December 7 local time in Los Angeles, NBC caught the Japanese broadcast not later than 11:59 p. m. local time in L. A.   -   2:59 a.m. on December 8 in Washington, D. C., 4:59 p. m. in Tokyo on December 8 and 9:29 p. m. in Hawaii on December 7.




Image result for japan attacks US - Dec 7, 1941 - headlines - the anderson independent

The Arizona Daily Star, December 8, 1941


Treacherous Japs Open War on U. S.

Pathe Newsreel



America At War

First Scenes

Pathe Newsreel



Related image

Gettysburg Times (Pennsylvania) December 8, 1941



Japs Invade Malaya and attack Singapore

The Japanese launched their invasion of Malaya shortly before their attack on Pearl Harbor.

Image result for japanese attack british malaya and singapore, december 8, 1941 - newspaper

Daily Record (Glascow, Scotland), 8 December 1941.

Great Britain Declares War on Japan
Related image

Image result for winston churchill announces war with Japan,parliament, 8 December 1941

Winston Churchill

The Prime Minister speaks in the House of Commons

BBC Radio broadcast

8 December 1941

Excerpt from speech:





The British declared war on Japan nine hours before the U. S.


Image result for The Times (London), 8 December 1941

Yorkshire Evening Post, 8 December 1941.




Related image

Chicago Daily Tribune, Decwmber 8, 1941 


Pearl Harbor - 24 Hours After

History Channel documentary



Image result for FDR asks for declaRATION OF WAR


Image result for FDR asks for declaRATION OF WAR

President Roosevelt asks Congress to declare war on Japan. December 8, 1941.


FDR address to the U. S. Congress

Washington, D. C.

December 8, 1941

NBC News 

Radio broadcast


Video excerpt:


Video excerpt:


Complete address to Congress and radio announcer's introduction, December 8, 1941:


Full speech:


Film of speech with sound:

Full Speech 

(Audio only)
Within an hour of FDR's address, the U. S. Congress voted to declare war against Japan
Congress discusses FDR's request for a declaration of war
Radio broadcast, December 8, 1941 
Image result for New York World-Telegram, December 8, 1941
New York World-Telegram, December 8, 1941
The U. S. Srenate voted 68 -0 for a declaration of war. The U. S. House of Repesentatives voted 388 - 1 for war.
Image result for US declares war 1941
Journal-American, December 8, 1941
There was another story about Pearl Harbor.

War had engulfed Europe for more that two years, since 1939. Many Americans and the US Congress did not want to get involved.

US President Roosevelt (FDR) wanted the US to fight in Europe with Great Britain and the Soviet Union against Germany. He knew the US could not stay out of the war forever. But the American public and the U. S. Congress would not want to go to war without sufficient provacation.

FDR knew the Japanese were planning to invade Southeast Asia. American forces were stationed in the Philippines.

If the Japanese attacked the Philippines (a US protectorate) and the Hawaiian Islands (a US territory), FDR would have sufficient grounds to ask the Congress for a declaration of war.

There were many who believed that American naval chiefs anticipated a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and sent the most vital ships stationed there, the aircraft carriers, out to sea to avoid the attack.

Battleships, destroyers and cruisers were in the port at the time of the attack. Many believed these ships were deliberately sacrificed in order to justify an American response in kind.


FDR and Pearl Harbor

Episode 3 of 11 of the documentary series Conspiracy (2004)

With American narator (44:37)


Or in 3 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yBd-gZvvsk

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HESlrW-tYSA

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI23uHg0QFI

With British narrator (44:30; repeats at end)



There was another reason to believe that FDR wanted war and welcomed the Japanese attack.

War put everyone back to work and, at long last, pulled the US out of the Great Depression.



American Equatorial Islands
On December 8, 1941   -   the day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor   -   Japanese planes bombed Howland Island in the central Pacific.
Image result for Howland Island colonists killed on Howland in Japanese attack 1941
Two Hawaiian colonists on Howland were killed by shrapnel.
The island's light house and other buildings were destroyed. The airfield was bombed.  
Light house on Howland island
after bombing by the Japanese.
In the following weeks Japanese bombers returned.
Baker Island, 42 miles southeast of Howland, 
was also attacked.
Jarvis Island, one of the Line Islands, 1,000 nautical miles east of Howland and Baker, was also attacked.
The colonists on Howland and Baker IIslands were evacuated on 31 January 1942.
The colonists on Enderbury Island, in the Phoenix Islands to the southeast of Howland, and Jarvis Island were evacuated on 9 February 1942.
Image result for american equatorial islands
Modern map of the Pacific poining
out Jarvis, Howland and Baker Islands.
Under a Jarvis Moon
Documentary  (56:49)

Breaking the Japanese Code


American analog of the 1937/8 Japanese Purple cypher machine used by Japanese diplomatic offices. American and British cryptologists learned how the machine worked before Pearl Harbor. They also broke the Japanese Naval (JN) 25 code. With knowledge of the Japanese code the U. S. naval fleet intercepted the Japanese fleet in the Coral Sea and at the island of Midway in mid-1942.


Breaking Codes


David Kahn





World War II Code Breakers


(6 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hAzmh6XSr8


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZx7g1aXyzg


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXsqrSCRoa8


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bVVe_F28pw


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlHUvuXfxx8


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSQNuV0DHR8



The Rise of the Enigma


1995 documentary about code breakers in WW1 and WW2 (to Pearl Harbor)





Breaking the Japanese Code


Episode from the documentary series Secrets of War





Code Breaking


Documentary (22:10)





Japanese Morse


Lecture by Norman Kendrick (1987)


In 7 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yza6bjQ2_mc


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq4vdTrnkHU


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNqUWl8lxBM


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJFSHgJLIDc


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F720lVQTL4


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8T4F8BtoXco


7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIuTo1D9rtc






Fireside Chat
The American president's regular weekly radio broadcast to the nation
9 December 1941

Jap Subs Lurk Off-Shore Hawaiian islands

At dawn on December 10, 1941, 120 miles northeast of Molokai Island, a dive bomber from the USS Enterprise spotted a Japanese submarine, I-70, on the ocean surface. A bomb crippled the submarine. In the afternoon, another dive bomber spotted the sub running on the surface. The sub was sunk with 93 crew.  

On December 14, Jap subs shelled the Hawaiian Islands of Maui and Kahoʻolawe.

On December 15, Japanese submarine I-22 shelled Johnston Atoll, 750 nautical miles southwest of Hawaii.

Also on December 15, Japanese submarine I-1 shelled the Hawaiian islands of Maui, Kahoʻolawe and Hawaii. The shelling caused minor damage to a pineapple cannery on Maui.

Image result for wake island falls - December 23, 1941 - newspaper headlines
Poughkeepsie (New York) Eagle-News, December 17, 1941.

On December 30, I-1 shelled the town and harbor of Hilo on the island of Hawaii.

On December 31, Jap subs shelled harbors on Maui, Kahoʻolawe (or Kauai) and Hawaii.

Shortly after 7:00 a. m. on January 28, 1942, a Japanese submarine, I-171 (or 71), torpedoed and sank an army transport ship, the USAT General Royal  T. Frank (built in 1909), in the Alenuihaha Channel between Hawaii and Maui. 24 were lost.


Italy and Germany declare war against the U. S.
Mussolini in Rome declared war first, then Hitler in Berlin declared war
Image result for Germany declares war on US 1941
Image result for Germany declares war on US 1941


Mussolini declares war on America

Rome, Italy, 11 December 1941



Related image


Germany declares war on the U. S.

December 11, 1941  -  15:00 hrs.

Adolf Hitler, Berlin



Radio Broadcast

German Declaration of War on U. S.

Adolf Hitler (with translation)


Without translation

(7 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wog4eE0QtQ0&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YJ7jyt5r1w&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ODh_YMuxw&feature=relmfu

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TWR9eNOHl0&feature=relmfu

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DFOFzPEOgA&feature=relmfu

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuA5Zj9ftD0&feature=relmfu

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLObiZPQwiw&feature=relmfu


(with video, translation and background music)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzgQXRdXr2Q&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuvTP_C3OnA

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gifdR2k5Hg


Why did Hitler declare war on the U. S.?



Hitler's Declaration of War on the United States






U. S. declares war on Germany   

          December 11, 1941

Several hours after Germany declared war on the U. S., Congress declared war on Germany.


Image result for us declares war on germany ww2

New York Times, December 12, 1941


Radio broadcast

Congress discusses declaration of war against Germany


The Speaker's Gavel
Irving Swanson, U. S. House Reading Clerk
The Big News of 1941

Universal Newsreel presents dramatic highlights



Cavalcade of 1941!

News of the Day

British Pathé



News Parade of the Year

Castle Films




Kate Smith

National Anthem

The Star Spangled Banner

December 16, 1941


Good-bye Mama, I'm Off To Yokohama

Teddy Powell and his Orchestra

vocals by Peggy Mann, Dick Judge

Recorded December 16, 1941


Frankie Masters and his Orchestra


Marvel Maxwell and Johnny Johnston

The Hal Borne Orchestra


Germany First
    Europe First
The U. S. had to fight a war on two fronts   -   in the Atlantic and in the Pacific. It could not give both fronts equal attention.
The Pacific was America's back yard. Europe was more importamt. Defeating the Germans took priority over the defeat of Japan. Asia and the Pacific would have to wait until Germany was defeated. More men and arms were to be sent to Europe than to the Pacific.   


Issei, Nissei, Sansei, Yonsei . . .

Issei = born in Japan, living in the U. S.

Nissei = born in the U. S. of Japanese parents

Sansei = second generation Japanese born in the U. S.

Yonsei = third generation Japanese born in the U. S.


Image result for Sand Island Internment Camp 1943

Sand Island


On and after December 8, 1941, hundreds of people living in Hawaii   -   US citizens and foreign nationals   -   were arrested and detained in an army camp on Sand Island in Honolulu Harbor. The detainees were citizens of Axis countries   -   Germany, Italy and Japan   -   or U. S. citizens of Japanese, German and Italian ancestry

Camps were opened also on the islands of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai.

Most of the Japanese detainees were born in Japan. Many were born in the U. S. of Japanese parents. 

Japanese PoWs were interned also on Sand Island.     

The camps also held Koreans, Formosans (Taiwanese) and Okinawans. 


Related image


In February 1942, President Roosevelt ordered the removal of Japanese-Americans from the U. S. West Coast and their detention in camps inland. Canada issued similar orders.

The detainees were released after the war.

Japanese PoWs were repatriated after the war.


Internment of Japanese in North America in WW2


Image result for Honouliuli: Hawaii Internment Camp 1943

Honouliuli Internment Camp



Hawai'i's Internment Camp

Honouliuli was a detention camp built on Oahu near Ewa, west of Pearl Harbor, to replace the camp on Sand Island in 1943.



Japanese Relocation

U.S. government film describing internment and the camps. 


or, the same:



A Challenge to Democracy
U. S. government film about internment camps (1942)


Japanese Internment during WW II



Internment of Americans of Japanese Descent during WWII



Actor George Takei on the Japanese internment camps during WWII




Nissei Japanese in the U. S. Army

442nd Infantry Regiment

Episode from the documentary series Profiles in Heritage



442nd Regiment of WWII



Go for Broke!



1951 Hollywood movie about Japanese-Americans in the U. S. Army in WW2


or, with captions:





Going for Broke!

2006 documentary narrated by George Takei (58:09)




Boston Daily Globe, December 8, 1941

Japanese southern drive, December 1941


Red Sun Rampant

From the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China in 1940 to the Japanese expulsion from Guadalcanal by the Americans in 1943

Episode # 5 of 13 from the World War II in Colour documentary series



The Rise of the Japanese Empire

Episode 3 of the 1951 documentary series Crusade In The Pacific (30 min.)







WW2 Timeline

First two months of the war

December 1941  -  February 1942

December 7, 1941

Japanese invade Malaya

Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands

The invasion of Malaya began before the attack on Pearl Harbor (just after midnight on 8 December in Malaya, while it was breakfast-time on 7 December in Hawaii)

Japanese attack the Philippines; Wake Island; Guam; Thailand; Shanghai; Midway

December 8, 1941

U.S. and Britain declare war on Japan,

Japanese attack Howland Island 

Japanese invade Thailand

December 10, 1941

Japanese invade the Philippines; occupy Guam

December 11, 1941

Japanese invade Burma

December 16, 1941

Japanese invade British Borneo

December 18, 1941

Japanese invade Hong Kong

December 22, 1941

Japanese invade the island of Luzon in the Philippines

December 23, 1941

Americans abandon Manila, make stand on Bataan

Japanese occupy Wake Island

December 25, 1941

Japanese bomb Rangoon

British surrender Hong Kong to Japanese

December 27, 1941

Japanese bomb Manila

January 2, 1942

Japaneses occupy Manila

January 7, 1942

Japanese attack Americans on Bataan

January 11, 1942

Japanese invade Dutch East Indies and Dutch Borneo

January 16 - 22, 1942

Japanese invade Burma

January 19, 1942

Japanese occupy North Borneo

January 23, 1942

Japanese invade Solomon Islands

January 30, 1942

Japanese lay siege to Singapore

February 1, 1942

American planes launched from aircraft carriers attack Japanese in Gilbert and Marshall Islands

February 2, 1942

Japanese invade Java in the Dutch East Indies

February 8, 1942

Japanese invade Singapore

February 14, 1942

Japanese invade Sumatra Island of the Dutch East Indies

February 15, 1942

British surrender Singapore to Japanese

February 19, 1942

Japanese bomb Darwin, Australia

Japanese invade Bali

February 23, 1942

Japanese submarine shells U.S. mainland at Santa Barbara, California

March 21, 1942

Japanese enter Central Burma

April 5 - 9, 1942

Japanese fleet raids Ceylon and east Indian coast

May 5 - 6, 1942

Japanese invade southern China from Burma 

May 20, 1942

British withdraw from Burm


For a full timeline of the war in the Pacific see:







Image result for Japan Bombs Pacific Islands - December 8, 1941

Japs attack Oahu, Wake, Guam


Japs capture Guam

December 10, 1941


Related image

The Seattle Times (Washington), December 8, 1941.


Image result for Japs take Guam - December 1,1941

The Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, New York, 8 December 1941.


The Spanish claimed the Mariana Islands in 1667. 

The Spanish governed the Mariana Islands from the Philippines.

After Spain's defeat by the American in the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain left the island of Guam, the largest of the Mariana Islands, to the U. S.

Spain sold the rest of the Marianas and their other possessions in Micronesia to the Germans in 1899. 

Germany governed the Marianas as part of a German New Guinea.

In the Great War (1914 - 1918), Japan, an ally of the western powers, took the Mariana Islands, along with most of the rest of Germany's Pacific possessions, after defeating the Germans in the Battle of Tsingtao, a German port on the China coast, with the British.

After the Great War, the Japanese held the former German possessions in the Pacific by a mandate from the League of Nations.

As the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, they also bombed Guam, on December 8 and 9, 1941.

On December 10, the Japanese invaded Guam and, after brief fighting, the Americans surrendered.







Battle of Wake Island

Dec. 7 - 23, 1941



File:Wake Island NASA photo map.jpg

2015 satellite photo of Wake Atoll


Image result for aerial photo of wake island before Japanese attack

Aerial photo of Wake Island before the Japanese attack.


The U. S. was the first to claim Wake Island, in 1898. In 1937 Pan American Airways made the island a stopping point on its cross-Pacific passenger flights. In January 1941 the navy built a military base.  


Wake Island Defenders

The History Guy



The Battle of Wake Island



Fall of Wake Island

Radio announcement

Films by Japanese



Wake Island

The Alamo of the Pacific

Documentary recounts the Japanese invasion and occupation of Wake Island






Wake Island

1942 Hollwood movie












Japan and China

Japanese plans for China in December 1941


Japanese capture Hong Kong

Christmas 1941




The Valour and the Horror

Savage Christmas

Hong Kong 1941

Documentary (1991)



Hour of Darkness

Canadians at Hong Kong, 1941 

Episode 2 of the documentary series For King & Country



Canada and the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Hong Kong

Lecture by Cameron Cathcart in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada





Image result for Japs capture Hong Kong 1942

Daily Express, 1941


Related image

Japan Times and Advertiser, 1941






Christmas Eve 1941
Lighting the White House Christmas Tree by the President
Addresses by FDR and Winston Churchill
Radio Broadcast
FRR and Churchill addresses
British Pathé film with sound


Winston Churchill's address to Joint Session of U. S. Congress





Pan Am Clipper Circumnavigates the World

Pan American Airways Boeing-314 'Pacific Clipper'

Around the world after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941


00:00 - LaGuardia Tower
01:57 - Flying Boats
03:09 - Pan American
04:38 - California Clipper
06:46 - Plan 'A'
08:31 - Evacuation
10:10 - Gas and Beer
11:35 - Mines
14:14 - Is that a whale?
17:02 - Waterfall
18:54 - Yellow fever



Image result for fly to south sea isles via pan american

Pacific Clipper
A Pan American Airways Clipper, the Pacific Clipper, was stranded in New Zealand after its flight from San Pedro, California via Honolulu, Canton Island, Fiji and New Caledonia. The Clipper could not fly the return trip to Honolulu. The Clipper flew back to the U. S. by the west, across Australia, Asia, Africa and South America, arrived at LaGuardia Airport on Long Island, New York on 6 January 1942.
The History Guy 

As the Japanese bombed and strafed Oahu, a Pan Am Clipper en route from San Francisco to Singapore and an hour out from Pearl Harbor landed instead at Hilo on Hawaii Island. 

The Philippine Clipper was strafed by Japanese planes on Wake Island. Nine Pan Am employees were killed. The Clipper received 97 bullet holes but evacuated the remaining 56 employees to Midway.

A Pan Am Clipper was strafed and burned during the aerial attack on Hong Kong.

The U. S. Navy and Army Air Corps took eleven Pan Am Clippers. The airline and crews ran military operations.

British Overseas Air Corporation (BOAC) got three Clippers.  


Clippers at War

Pan Am documentary

(1945) (44:37)


Sergeant Joe Louis
Joe Louis, world heavyweight champion, joined the U. S. army on January 10, 1942.
Let's Go, Joe!
Cab Calloway (1942)
The night before, on January 9, Louis defended the title against Buddy Baer.
Louis donated his purse to a navy relief fund.
Louis knocks out Buddy Baer in the first round in Madison Square Garden in New York City on January 9, 1942
Joe Louis vs Buddy Baer II
This fight was a rematch. Ten months earlier, Louis disptached Baar in six rounds. This time, Louis kayoed Baer in the first.  
Louis knocked Baer down three times. Baer could not beat the count the third time.
Two months later, Louis defended the title again, against Abe Simon, and also donated his purse again.
Joe Louis vs Abe Simon (II)
March 27, 1942
Louis knocked Simon out in the sixth round.

Louis's fights against Baer and Simon in early 1942 were his only title defenses during the entire war. He did not defend the title again until after the war, four years later, in 1946.
U. S. Army recruitment poster
Louis fought 96 exhibition matches for the army in the U. S., Europe and Africa during the war.

One of Louis's exhibition matches
This is the Army
An 8-min. film musical in 1943 with Joe Louis 


Japanese invade the Philippines

December 8, 1941

Within hours of their attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, the Japanese attacked the Philippines.


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Reno Evening News, Reno, Nevada, December 8, 1941


Image result for japan attacks the philippines in 1941

US Navy yard in Cavite in Manila Bay on Luzon in the Philippines, attacked on 10 December 1941.



Japanese invasion of the Philippines




Japan invades Philippines



Manila Bombed!

Castle silent newsreel film

Includes brief biography of Gen. Douglas MacArthur



MacArthur in the Philippines

Excerpt from a documentary narrated by Walter Cronkite (00:07:50)



macwain.jpg (15070 bytes)

Gen. MacArthur and Maj. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright in the Philippines in 1941.




Corregidor Island in Manila Bay


The Story of the Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor

Filipino documentary


Or in 6 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MX4WSXWHbY

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3LwhHiiZRk

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3tbmus5has

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQpocrOqgro

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fy0owS4uBjY

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xohbn1fMyK8




Episode from the documentary series The Big Picture


Upload of poor quality







Image result for manuel quezon on corregidor 1942


General MacArthur and President Quezon on Corregidor.



MacArthur urged Quezon to go to Australia. Quezon left Corregidor by submarine and flew to Australia in a B-17 on 19 February.


President Rooseveld appointed MacArthur Allied commander-in-chief of the Southwest Pacific, promoted him to the rank of general, and ordered him to Australia to tkae command.


MacArthur left Corregidor on 12 March 1942, travelling by boat to Mindanao and by plane to Australia. 


Wainwright, now a lieutenant-general, took command of forces in the Philippines.



MacArthur escapes Corregidor for Australia




Related image

General MacArthur arrives in Melbourne, Australia on 22 March 1942.

Account of escape:



Related image

San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune (California) March 18, 1942.


MacArthur in Australia

British Pathé newsreel



Australia Welcomes MacArthur

British Movietone



MacArthur arrives in Canberra




I Shall Return



A Tribute to MacArthur

British Pathé




Image result for manuel quezon arrives in australia 1942

MacArthur greets Quezon in Melbourne in March 1942.


Image result for corregidor Falls - headlines 1942

The Tribune, Manila, April 24, 1942


Last Broadcast from Corregidor



Siege of Corregidor

Advertisement for a documentary film




1943 Hollywood movie recounts life of the defenders of Corregidor Island while under siege by the Japanese before the American surrender



Battle of Corregidor


Morse Code Transmission





Related image

Chicago Daily Tribune, May 6, 1942


Image result for corregidor Falls - headlines 1942

New York World-Telegram, May 6, 1942


Corregidor surrender broadcast

Lt. General Wainwright

May 7, 1942



La Chute de Corregidor

La Guerre en Plus Grande Asie

Japanese newsreel in French



The U. S. and the Philippines

Episode 5 of the 1951 documentary series Crusade in the Pacific



Bataan Death March


Image result for bataan death march 1942 (map)


Image result for bataan death march 1942 (map)


Maps of the Bataan Death March


Related image


American soldiers on the march


Bataan Death March


(5 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCXA-QuAcbs

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1xqoedzzjk

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saGX7EW7mdc

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IX9MqW3gJjo

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqyB3kFwkBg




Documentary about American PoWs in the Philippines



Over 1200 Days as a Japanese POW

Robert Enson Russell

Part 1.


Part 2.




Image result for FDR greets Quezon at train station 1942

President Roosevelt, right, welcomes President Quezon, centre, at Union Station in Washington, D. C. on 12 May 1942. Quezon formed his government-in-exile in Washington.







Battle of Malaya and Singapore

December 1941

Image result for japanese invade malaya - midnight, dec. 8, 1941 - newspaper

Evening Standard, London, 8 December 1941

Image result for japanese invade malaya - midnight, dec. 8, 1941

The map shows the points of the Japanese landings in Malaya and directions of the invasion.

The map shows the points of the Japanese landings in Malaya and directions of the invasion.

The Last Survivors

Malayan witnesses Japanese invasion force landing on beaches of Kota Bahru on 8 December 1941.


Chicago Daily Tribune, December 8, 1941

The Fall of Singapore




Fall of Singapore and Malaya


(4 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAjTpp2w0iE&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yieHbMoDNbE&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlC3PuHYNo4&feature=relmfu

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBmvwieOSuQ&feature=relmfu


Battle for Singapore

Episode from the Battlefront documentary series

(2 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGpgLY3ZvcI

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do9wsY8u1ms&feature=relmfu


Battle of Singapore

Documentary from the series Generals at War



Rising Sun over Malaya

Documentary about the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore in WW2







Singapore 1942

End of Empire

2011 documentary

Part 1.


Part 2.



The Beginning of the End

Episode 1 of the 1985 BBC documentary series End of Empire (51:06)


Take No Prisoners!

The Fall of Singapore

2002 documentary about Australian soldiers in Malaya and Singapore




Part 1 of 4 of the 2001 documentary series Hell in the Pacific



Fall of Singapore:

The Great Betrayal

2012 BBC documentary about the British sale of expertise, material and secrets to the Japanese before and during the war






Japanese attack Thailand

8 December 1941


New York Hearld Tribune, December 8, 1941


Siam changed its name to Thailand in 1939. It reverted to the name of Siam in 1945. It returned to the name of Thailand in 1949.


After Thailand's war with France in Indo-China in 1940 and 1941, Thailand and Japan agreed on Thailand's neutrality.


The Japanese attacked Thailand early on the morning of 8 January 1941  -   at the same time that they attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.


Map indicates points of Japanese invasion of Thailand in December 1941.


The Thais fought the invading Japanese   -   or put up a show of resistance   -   for several hours before the Thai government agreed to collaborate with the Japanese.

The Battle for Ao Mano



A Tragic Valor:

Defense of Prachuap Khiri Khan


Japs enter Thailand

The Thais agreed to join an offensive and defensive military alliance with the Japanese.

The Thais agreed to give Japan full use of its territory and full access to all facilities the Japanese military required.

On 25 January 1942, Thaiand declared war on Britain and the United States.

On 15 February 1942, Thailand signed the Tri-Partite Pact, joining Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Croatia, Manchuria and that part of China under the puppet collaborationist government of Nanking as an Axis partner.

Thailand sent forces into Burma in 1942.  


Map above displays land ceded by Siam to the British and the French from 1867 to 1909. 

Thailand took advantage of the Japanese occupation of the French Indo-China in 1940 and Japan's occupation of the British colonies of Burma and Malaya in 1942 to recover territory taken from Siam by the British and the French from 1867 to 1909.


The map above shows land taken by Thailand with the backing of Japan from 1940 to 1943.  







Japs Invade Burma

The Japanese attacked Burma in December 1941


Japs Blitz Rangoon

British Pathé newsreel (1942)



January 1942

Map of Japanese invasion of Burma from Thailand from January to May 1942.


File:IJA 15th Army on border of Burma.jpg

The above photo has been described as one of soldiers of the Japanese 15th Army ariving at the border of Burma (from Thailand) in 1942. The 15th Army was with Japan's Southern Expeditionary Army Group, which was to occupy Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.


In early May, the Japanese invaded southern China from Burma.

British forces withdrew from Burma into India in May.

 Portrait of the Thirty Comrades and Keiji Suzuki (front row in white Burmese dress)

The Thirty Comrades and the Burma Independence Army (BIA). Aung San, centre, front row, beside IJA Colonel Keiji Susuki (in white). The BIA accompanied the IJA into Burma in 1942.

Retreat in Burma

April and May 1942



Chinese forces retreated to China and India.


The Battle of Yenangyaung



Japanese troops and tanks advance to Mandalay

Japanese newsreel (1942)



Japanese bombers attack the Burma Road and villages in China

Newsreel (July 1942)



With the Japanese patrolling much of the China coast, China had to be supplied overland by Burma and Indo-China. From Indo-China, supplies went by rail from Haiphong to the Burma Road in China, which was completed in 1938. The Japanese cut the rail line and forced the French to stop supplies to China in 1940.From Rangoon supplies went by rail to Lashio and by road to Kunming. The Japanese invaded Burma in early 1942 and cut the supply line.





   The Flying Tigers


Curtiss P-40 Warhawks with the AVG in 1942


A Curtiss P-40 War Hawk of the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the China Air Force in Burma in March 1942. The AVG pilots painted tiger sharks on the noses of their panes. They were called the Flying Tigers. (The War Hawks are also called Kitty Hawks and Tommahawks.)


Claire Chennault

Image result for Claire Chennault with P-40

The Flying Tigers, the nickname of the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the China Air Force, were commanded by Colonel Claire Lee Chennault. 

Chennault pressed for a pre-emptive bombing strike of Japan from bases in China throughout 1941 (before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor).   

With the backing of FDR's top advisors, Chennault purchased 100 Curtis P-40s and recruited 100 pilots and 300 mechanics in the U. S. in April 1941 for the 1st American Volunteer Group (AVG). 

The pilots and mechanics began to arrive in Burma in August 1941. 

The 1st AVG was based at the British airfields of Mingaladon in Rangoon and Kyedaw in Taungoo in Burma.

The 1st AVG flew its first combat mission on 20 December 1941, twelve days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, out of its base at Kunming.

The Japanese took Rangoon in late February 1942 and the AVG withdrew north to Magwe.

In late March, the AVG withdrew from Burma into China.

in May, the Chinese army, with air support from the AVG, repulsed a Japanese offensive from Burma to take Kunming and Chungking.



Emblem designed by Walt Disney for the First American Volunteer Group (AVG) of the China Air Force.
The U. S. Army Air Corps recalled Chennault to active service in April 1942, with the rank of colonel and promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general.
Chiang Kai-shek and Chennault agreed to merge the 1st AVG with the U. S. Army Air Force.

In July 1942, the 1st AVG was merged into the U. S. Army Air Force in China as the China Air Task Force of the U. S. 10th Air Force. Chennault commanded the task force.

In March 1943, the China Air Task Force was replaced by the 14th Army Air Force with Chennault in command. FDR promoted Chennault to the rank of major-general.

Chennault commanded the U. S. Army Air Force in China for the rest of the war.


Tigers over China

Episode from the documentary series Hunters in the Sky - Fighter Aces of WWII (22:30)



The Call to Glory

Documentary about Claire Chennault and the Flying Tigers




Wings Over China

The Story of the Flying Tigers

Documentary (2013) (47:44)



Flying Tigers Bite Back

U. S. Pilots in China

Short documentary (4 min. 23 sec.)



They Flew for China

Episode from the 1998 BBC documentary series Secrets of World War II



or (45:47)



Claire Chennault

The First American Volunteer Group

National History Day




Wayne_Flying_Tigers_TC.jpg (56318 bytes) 

Flying Tigers

Hollywood movie with John Wayne released in October 1942



Entire movie (1:41:32)


Dubbed in German



Col. Edward Rector

AVG Flying Tiger Ace

Interview (1999)



Charlie Mott

Interview (1999)

Flying Tiger and P. o. W.

" . . . led a squadron in Burma . . . shot down Jan. 8, 1942, over Thailand . . . seriously wounded . . . spent the next three years in a series of prison camps in the jungles of Thailand and Burma . . . working on the bridge on the River Kwai and . . . the 'railway of death' . . . "



Dick Rossi

Interview (1999)

Flying Tiger pilot

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z8w8LCl_vo

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUNezKgTmU0


David Leo "Tex" Hill


Flying Tiger pilot


Another inerview (in 3 parts)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af1AJBC5iS8

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWOIQpD7-q8

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpC0Hsf1v-s


Eric Shilling


Flying Tiger pilot

(2 parts)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tgiLSkcvN4

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtl1nWCLtMg


Emma Jane "Red" Foster


AVG Flying Tiger Nurse







With the support of Japan, Thailand entered Burma in May 1942 and annexed and occupied parts of the Shan States and Karen lands.


With the support of the Japanese, Thailand occupied and annexed parts of Indo-China (western and nothern Cambodia and western Laos) during the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China (1940 - 1945).


Shortly after France fell to Germany in June 1940, Japan forced the French to allow Japanese military bases in French Indo-China.

With the backing of the Japanese, Thailand annexed and occupied parts of Laos and northern and western Cambodia from 1940 to 1945. 

Thailand was forced to return all land taken with Japanese backing to French Indo-China after the war, in 1946.

The United Nations compelled Thailand to return the ancient Hindu temple of Pre Vihear to Cambodia in 1962.   



Map above displays territory taken by Thailand from British Malaya with the backing of the Japanese during the Japanese occupation of the Malay Peninsula (1941 - 1945). 


Map shows the Japanese front in Burma from 1942 to 1945.

In the west are the Allied armies of the British Commonwealth, the United States and the Republic of China. In the east are the armies of Japan and Thailand.






Bye Bye Blackbird

Charlie and his Orchestra

Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer

Lutz Templin, bandleader

Lyrics by the the Propagandaministerium

Broadcast from Berlin






President Roosevelt
State of the Union Address
U. S. Congress, Washington, D. C.
6 January 1942
Entire address on film (repeats at 36:50)


Japanese attack Dutch East Indies




The Battle of Java

February 28 - March 12, 1942

Silent film footage



Battle of the Java Sea

By Rick Jacobs

Lecture at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2012





USS Houston in 1935

Battle of Sunda Strait

Sinking of USS Houston (CA-30) in the Battle of Sunda Strait, 1 March 1942. Painting by Joseph Fleischman, 1950. Naval History and Heritage Command Photo

Painting by Joseph Fleischman of the USS Houston sinking in the Battle of Sunda Strait on March 1, 1942.  


Ship of Ghosts

USS Houston at the Battle of Java Sea  


Lecture by James Hornfischer at the International Conference on WW2 From Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal at the National WW2 Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana in 2011






The Cruiser Houston

Of Pride and Purpose


Documentary about the American POWs


(2 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzemNcRg8s8 


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu_fBOa_kxs 




The USS Houston was sunk by the Japanese fleet shortly after midnight on March 1, 1942.

About a third of the ship's crew of 1,061 survived and were captured and interned by the Japanese. Of those, 77 died in captivity.

The fate of the crew of the Houston was revealed by surviving crewmen when liberated from Japanese prisons at the end of the war. 


        The Burma-Siam Railway

Map of the Burma-Siam Railway
Building Burma's Death Railway

Moving Half the Mountain

2014 BBC documentary film (59 min.)



The Burma Railway


In 6 clips

Click here and all six play in chronological order



Building the Death Railroad

The Bridge on the River Kwai

Lecture by author Kelly Crager

Discussion with British Army POW, Jim Whitaker, who was in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Burma in WW2 (2003)



Images of the Kwai

Documentary about British troops in Malaya and Singapore and POWs in Burma and Thailand

By Jack Holland


Two bridges over the Mae Klong/Kawe Yai at
Ta Makan in Kanchanaburi Province of Thailand.
In the foreground is the wooden bridge; in the
distance is the steel and concrete bridge.
Allied PoWs

Post-war novel by Pierre
Boulle in 1952 popularized
the Ta Makan Bridge
A movie based on the book in 1957 made
the bridge a popular tourist attraction

Excerpts from the 1957 movie:

POWs arrive at Ta Makan


Advertisement for the movie:

The movie gave a fictional account of the destruction of the bridge.

The ending of the movie (in French):



The Bridge on the River Kwai

. . . On Seeing Film

University of Southern California film short

Introduced by William Holden



The Making of The Bridge on the River Kwai


4 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTryc3Glo7Q

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_ouUNkjjWo

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLa34zSdOT4

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FScdOeQ9P2Q


Bombing the bridge

The steel and concrete bridge on the Mae
Nam Klong/Kwai Yai at Ta Makan in August
1945, after air bombardment
Bombing the Bridge on the River Kwai
British bombing the bridge
Americans bombing the railroad
National Geographic documentary
This film mentions use of the "smart bomb" - radio-guided bombs - dropped from American plane on the railroad line.
Book about the POWs at Ta Makan by
Julie Summers
The Colonel of Tamarkan
Philip Toosey and the Bridge on the River Kwai


Lecture by Julie Summers, granddaughter of Col. Toosey, at the National Army Museum in London on March 8, 2013








Japanese Prisoner of War (PoW) Camps
1942 - 1945

Moving Half the Mountain

Building the Burma Death Railway

BBC documentary





Or in 4 parts

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Ringer Edwards

Australian soldier

One of the three POWs crucified



Burma Death Railway

Film footage after VJ-Day


British Pathé



Japs take Rabaul, New Britain 
The Battle of Rabaul
23 January - February 1942
Image result for Japanese capture Rabaul 1942 (map)
The Battle for Rabaul
Pearl Harbor for the Japanese
The Key to Japanese Ambitions in the Southwest Pacific 
Lecture by Bruce Gamble
World War II History Round Table
Minneapolis, Minnesota


New Guinea
Solomon Islands Geographical Location
Map of Australia, Papua New Guinea and the southwest Pacific islands
The Dutch colonised the western half of the island of Papua New Guinea as part of their colony of the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia today).
In 1884 the Germans claimed the northern half of the eastern half of the island of Papua New Guinea as German New Guinea. 
The British claimed the southern half of the eastern half of the island as British New Guinea.
In 1905, the British gave British New Guinea to Australia, which administered it as the Territory of Papua.
The Australians took German New Guinea in the first year of the Great War (1914 - 1918).
in 1919, the League of Nations determined that the former German New Guinea was an External Territory of Australia but it remained British. 
The Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies and the island of Papua New Guinea (Dutch, British and Australian areas) in January 1942. 
Aussies defend Port Moresby

44 Days

75th Squadron Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)'s Defence of Port Moresby
March - May 1942


Japanese attack Australia

1942 - 1943


Japanese plan to invade Australia



Map of northern Australia showing Australian airfields attacked by Japanese aircraft during 1942-1943

Japanese attacked ports (in red) in northern Australia


Japanese bomb Darwin

19 February 1942

Biggest Japanese air attack after Pearl Harbor

















Japanese attack U. S. west coast

February 22, 1942


Souvenir Japanese postcard of the Japanese shelling of Santa Barbara. 

Japanese submarine I-17 surfaced off Santa Barbara, California and shelled the Ellwood oil fields on the beaches of north Goleta in the evening of February 22, 1942



Map from the Port Arthur (Texas) News, 6 March 1942.


Front page of The Gettysburg Times, 24 February 1942






Two days later . . .


The Battle of Los Angeles

The Great Los Angeles Air Raid

24 - 25 February 1942









CBS Radio Broadcast


February 26, 1942





The Witnesses?


Los Angeles 1942




The True Story? 


February 25, 1942









The Battle of Los Angeles



The Scapegoats for Pearl Harbor
Image result for Kimmel and Short December 1941
Admiral Kimmel and General Short
U. S. Admiral Husband Kimmel was appointed commander-in-chief of the U. S. Fleet and commander-in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet in February 1941.
Kimmel was relieved of his command ten days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. 
President Roosevelt appointed a commisson to investigate the attack. The commission concluded that Kimmel and the commander of the army in Hawaii, Lt.-Gen. Walter Short, committed errors before the attack and thus were unprepared for it. They were charged with dereliction of duty. Kimmel and Short were demoted.
Song of Old Hawaii
Charlie and his Orchestra

Karl ("Charlie") Schwedler, singer

Lutz Templin, bandleader

Lyrics by the the Propagandaministerium

Broadcast from Berlin



Kimmel maintained that he was not provided with criticial details before the attack.
Kimmel retired from the navy shortly afterward.
Many felt Kimmel was made a scapegoat for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.


Scapegoating Kimmel and Short

Uploaded 2015



Adm. Kimmel Testifies on Pearl Harbor

14 January 1946

Universal News








admiral chester william nimitz, american naval officer, commander of the 1st battleship division, world war II, allied military leaders, admiral chester nimitz

Chester Nimitz


The day Admiral Kimmel was relieved, President Roosevelt promoted a rear admiral (rank equivalent to brigadier-general in the army), Chester Nimitz, to the rank of full admiral and commander-in-chief of the U. S. Pacific Fleet (CINPAC).

Admiral Nimitz took command of the fleet in Hawaii on the last day of 1941, December 31.

In March 1942, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff divided the Pacific theater of the war into three areas: (1) the Pacific Ocean Areas, commanded by Admiral Chester Nimitz; (2) the Southwest Pacific Area, commanded by General Douglas MacArthur; and the Southeast Pacific Area.

Nimitz, as CINPAC, controlled all Allied (U. S. and British) air, land and sea forces in the central Pacfic.


Chester Nimitz








The Admiral Chester Nimitz Story


Episode from the Army documentary series The Big Picture




or, the same:




or, the same:






The Bluejacket's Manual

Ships of the U. S. Navy

U. S. Navy film (1942 edition)



File:Adm. Chester W. Nimitz and Adm. William F. Halsey aboard USS Curtiss (AV-4) at Espiritu Santo, 20 January 1943 (80-G-34822).jpg

Admirals Chester Nimitz, left, and William ("Bull") Halsey



The Fighting Admiral


William Halsey


Admiral William ("Bull") Halsey was the most popular American naval commander and one of the most popular heroes in America throughout the war.


America strikes back

The U. S. Navy launched the first American offensive attacks in the war against the Japanese, shelling the Marshall and Gilbert Islands on February 1 and Wake Island on February 24, 1942.  


U. S. Navy Blasts Marshall Islands

Castle Films

News Parade

First American naval offensive of the war

Raid on the Marshall Islands

February 1, 1942


Silent film footage





U. S. Navy Attack on Wake Island

First Pictures

U. S. Movietone News

February 24, 1942





Wake Island Gets a Blasting

Movietone News







The U. S. Navy
     The Battle Fleet
The Task Force
Aircraft Carriers   -   Battleships
Diagram of U.S. Navy Fleet Cruising Disposition 2
Battleship or aircraft carrier in the centre; cruisers in the next circle; then destroyers; and submarines in the outer circle.

The Aircraft Carrier

Episode 1 of 6 of the documentary series The Great Ships





The Aircraft Carrier at War

British documentary ( 1 hr.)



The Aircraft Carrier at War

British documentary (56:30)



The Aircraft Carrier

Episode from the History Channel documentary series Battle Stations (2002) (45 min.)



Flight Deck Crews

Landing and Re-Spotting Aircraft

Navy (Air) documentary in color (25:07)



The Battleship

Episode from the documentary series The Great Ships  



The Battleship at War

British documentary (56:30)




The Cruisers

Episode  of of the documentary series The Great Ships






The Destroyer

Episode from the documentary series Battle Stations





The Destroyers

Episode 4 of 6 of the documentary series The Great Ships




Related image

RADAR operator at his instruments



Episode from the documentary series Battle Stations



The Radioman Fights

Radio Operator Training

US Navy Training Film





US Coast Guard


Task Force








The Second Attack on Pearl Harbor
Operation K
4 March 1942  
File:Kawanishi H8K Emily take off.png
Japanese Kawanishi H8K Flying Boat (10-man crew). Amercan sailors gave it the nickname "Emily".
The Second Attack on Pearl Harbor
Second Pearl Harbor Attack
Related image
Operation K
Two Japanese Kawanishi H8K flying boats set out from Wotje Atoll in the Marshall Islands to bomb Pearl Harbor. Two submarines refueled them in the French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
Unable to see clearly over a blacked out Oahu at night. the two planes dropped thier bombs on an extinct volcano and the hills above Honolulu, causing little damage.
One plane returned to Wotje Atoll. The other flew to the IJN air base on Jaluit Atoll without refueling.
Japanese newsreel


Japs in the Indian Ocean
Japanese aircraft carriers sailed into the Indian Ocean in early April 1942.
The Japanese bombed the city of Colombo and sank and British aircraft carrier.
The Japanese navy sailed into the Indian Ocean and attacked British, Dutch and Australian naval and merchant ships and attacked bases on the coasts of India and Ceylon. The Japanese took the Andaman Islands. Japanese submarines prowled the Indian Ocean.
Battle of Ceylon
4 - 9 April 1942
Japanese newsreel
The Indian Ocean Sweep
April 1942
The Ondina and Bengal vs Aikoku and Hokoku
World War II in the Indian Ocean
The History Guy
Japanese film clip
Japanese Submarine in the Indian Ocean
Japanese sub


First Aerial Bombing Raid of Japan of the War


The Doolittle Raid

The Tokyo Raid

April 18, 1942

Sixteen B-25 Mitchell medium bombers, with eighty crewmen, commanded by Lt.-Col. Jimmy Doolittle, took off from an aircraft carrier, the USS Hornet, flew to Japan and bombed Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka. 


Image result for jimmy doolittle

Lt. Col. James Harold ("Jimmy') Doolittle (1896 - 1993), commanded the Tokyo Raid on 18 April 1942


Jimmy Doolittle

Episode from the documentary series The Greatest Drama (12:41)



Image result for Map includes the targets hit: Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka; and actual landing spots of Chuchow in China and Vladivostok in the U. S. S. R.

Map shows take-off point, the aircraft carrier USS Hornet; the bombing targets in Japan   -   Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka; and the actal landing sites of Chuchow in China and Vladivostok in the U. S. S. R.


Image result for Map inludes the targets hit: Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka; and actual landing spots of Chuchow in China and Vladivostok in the U. S. S. R.


Image result for Map inludes the targets hit: Tokyo, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka; and actual landing spots of Chuchow in China and Vladivostok in the U. S. S. R.


The planes were to take off from the USS Hornet when within 500 nautical miles of Japan. But s Japanese ship spotted the fleet about 650 n. m. out. The Japanese ship sent a radio warning to Japan. Tne ship was immediately sunk and the planes took ten hours early.  


An Army B-25 taking off from Hornet for the Doolittle Raid.

B-25 Mitchell Bomber takes off from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet to bomb Japan on 18 April 1942  -  the first aerial bombing raid of Japan in the war.


Not much damage was done.

A Japanese aircraft carrier in Yokosuka was damaged.

The raid gave a boost to the morale of Americans at home.


Front page of the Minneapolis Morning Tribune 


The Doolittle Raid

Japan Bombed



Doolittle Raiders B-25 Launch

1942 Silent Film Footage

Castle Films

News Parade

Narrated (09:37)




The above link uploaded in error as FDR Global Conferences - Teheran - Cairo Compilation (1943)

Without narration, with title inserts (10:00)



Jimmy Doolittle Japan Raid

B-25 Mitchell Bombers

18 April 1942




The Doolittle Raid

U. S. Air Force film



The Doolittle Raid

Episode 4 of 6 of the documentary series Air Wars  (2002) (49:52)



The Doolittle Raid


Episode from the documentary series Narrow Escapes of World War II (Vol. 1, 2/5)





The Doolittle Raid

April 1942



or, the same:

The Amazing Colonel Doolittle

Episode from British documentary series Secrets of World War II



The Extraordinary Story of the Doolittle Raid

A Tremendous Drama of Great Personal Courage

Lecture by Craig Nelson at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D. C. in 2002



General Jimmy Doolittle Interview



Following the bombing attacks, fifteen planes flew to the China coast and one flew to the Soviet Union.
The crew of the plane that flew to the U. S. S. R. landed north of Vladivostok and were interned. Eventually they were secretly escorted by the Soviets to Iran and returned to the U. S. in the following year.
Four planes crash-landed in China. The crews of eleven planes bailed out. One crewman was killed while bailing out. Four drowned at sea.

The surviving eight crewmen of two planes were captured by the Japanese and interned. Three were executed. One died in captivity. The remaining four crewmen were liberated by American soliders in August 1945.


Image result for doolittle raid - captured co-pilot

After bombing Nagoya one plane flew to China and landed in a rice paddy near Nanchang. The pilot, co-pilot and gunner of the plane were caught by the Japanese and taken to Tokyo. They were sentenced to death. The pilot and gunner were executed. The co-pilot was repreived and spent forty months as a prisoner, thirty-eight months in solitary confinement, in China. He was rescued by American soldiers in August 1945, after the Japanese surrender. In the above photo, the co-pilot, blindfolded, is escorted off a plane by Japanese soldiers in Tokyo shortly after his capture.  



Four cewmen with Chinese soldiers in China after the raid.


0527931 © Granger - Historical Picture ArchiveJAMES DOOLITTLE (1896-1993).   American aviator and army officer. Receiving a Military Order of China medal from Madame Chiang Kai-shek for his air raid on Tokyo on 18 April 1942. Photograph, November 1942.

Madame Chiang awards medal to Jimmy Doolittle in China.


Madame Chiang honors the Tokyo Raiders 


Madame Chiang Kai Shek Honours Tokyo Raiders

British Pathé newsreel



Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo

1944 Hollywood movie with Spencer Tracy

Original advertisement (1944):


Entire movie (2:18:14):


Short excerpts:

First meeting


Announcing the mission




Approaching Japan


Bombing Japan



There were questions about the raid.

One, it took aircraft carriers away from the anticipated confronttion with the Japanese in the Coral Sea (Battle of the Coral Sea), where they might have made a difference;

two. the Japanese killed thousands of Chinese (up to 10,000 or more) in their search for the raiders; and

three, the raid did very little damage to Japan.

But the raid raised the morale of Americans at home and this was considered more important. 


The Pacific: War Begins

Episode 1 of Volume 6 of World War II: Walter Cronkite on CBS (1982) (1:33:13)

1. Japanese spy in Pearl Harbor

2. Singapore

3. Philippines Independence

4. Doolittle Raid





The B-25

Related image

The B-25 Mictchell medium bomber, built in 1940 for the U. S. Army Air Corps.

It was used also by the British and the Soviets.

Used first in the Second Battle of El Alemein in 1941 and for the the rest of the Allied campaign in North Africa.

It was used in Sicily, Italy, Austria and the Balkans.

The British used it to bomb northern Europe until mid-1944.  

Used mostly in the Pacific War, often as a short and medium-distance bomber and also as a low-level bomber and strafer.

It was used in the Aleutian Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, New Britain, China, Burma, Indochina, Saipan, Guam, Tinian, the Marshall Islands, the Philippines, Formosa and the Japanese home island of Kyushu.

The B-25 was named after Billy Mitchell.


Billy Mitchell.jpg

Brigadier-General William Mitchell (1879 - 1936)

Mitchell was an early advocate of the bomber. In 1924 he warned of an eventual Japanese aerial attack on Pearl Harbor.


Billy Mitchell 

Episode from the documentary series Legends of Air Power (22:32)



How to Fly the B-25

1944 U. S. Government/Navy training film









1931 – 1941


From the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 to the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor in 1941 and the Japanese conquest of Southeast Asia in 1942; from the German invasion of western continental Europe in 1940 to the German invasion of Russia in 1941; the Allies bounce back in 1942.








Stopping the Axis


America Prepares for WWII

Excerpt from lecture from the course Turning Points in American History from The Great Courses



America Goes to War in the Pacific

Episode 4 of the 1951 documentary series Crusade In The Pacific



America Enters World War II

Short description by Decades TV Network narrated by Bill Kurtis









Map shows area controlled by the Japanese in 1942, including its recent acquisition of all of Southeast Asia, northern New Guinea, the northern Solomon Islands, Guam, the Gilbert Islands and Wake Island.


A similar map


The strike to the south would be the first of the three missions. Its objective: capture the capital of New Guinea, Port Moresby (MO).    






Battle of the Coral Sea

May 4 - 8, 1942

Australia saved from Japanese invasion


File:USS Lexington (CV-2) leaving San Diego on 14 October 1941 (80-G-416362).jpg

USS Lexington in October 1941 photo


USS Lexington, lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea

USS Lexington explodes on 8 May 1942


End of the USS Lexington

Pathé Gazette



Sinking of US Aircraft Carrier Lexington

Pathé Gazette



USS Lexington Burning

Film footage

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GPKwdWVrJ4

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytpWLU_vAK4


USS Yorktown (CV-5) in the Battle of the Coral Sea, sunk later in the Battle of Midway


The Aircraft Carriers

Episode 1 of The Great Ships documentary series



Wings over Water

Documentary about the history of the British Royal Naval Air Force in early WW2



Aircraft Carrier

Episode from the BIG BIGGER BIGGEST documentary series



The Pacific in Eruption

Excerpt from the series War in the Pacific

Coral Sea





The Battle of the Coral Sea

US Navy Training Film (1950)

Part 1. First Phase

Japanese capture Tulagi 

May 1 - 1632 May 4


Part 2. Second Phase

One Japanese carrier sunk off Masima

1632 May 4 - 2400 May 7 


Part 3. Third Phase

One US carrier lost

2400 May 7 - 0600 May 11

Japanese abandon naval invasion plan of Port Moresby



The Battle for the Coral Sea

John Lundstrom, author

National WW2 Museum, New Orleans (2011)



The USS Lexington at the Battle of the Coral Sea

Lecture by Vincent Anderson

Uploaded 2013



Wreckage of the USS Lexington Found

Matrch 4, 2018

Uploaded by Stars and Stripes

March 5, 2018



The Japanese operation to take Port Moresby by sea (Operation MO) was checked by the U. S. Navy.

The Japanese now tried to take Port Moresby by going overland, from Buna on the north coast of Papua on the Solonmon Sea, south across the island by the Kakota Trail, over the Owen Stanley Mountains and through jungle, to Port Moresby on the south coast.  






Japs invade Aleutian Islands, Alaska

June 3, 1942


June 1942 newspaper


War in the North - The Aleutians

Episode 8 of 24 from the 1951 documentary series Crusade in the Pacific (30 min.)




also as

War in the North - The Aleutians

(in 3 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaaUuznkudk

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EReRLcTEpds

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U57RfquQN0


Report from the Aleutians

US Gov.'t film, 1943


or, the same:



Adak Army and Naval Operations Base 1942 Runway Construction



Bomber Operations Alaska 1943 Eleventh Air Force



P-38s Flying over Alaska, Eleventh Air Force (1943)



Attack in the Aleutians

See Desert Victory (last 9 1/2 minutes beginning at the 1:01:00 mark)



Highway to Alaska

1942 War Department 10-min. film



Alaska Highway

1944 US Army film about the building of a strategic 1,500-mile highway through Canada to Alaska











The Battle of Midway

June 4 - 7, 1942


Map of the Battles of the Aleutians and Midway. Japanese and American plans.


Map of the Battles of the Aleutians and Midway. The battles.


The U. S. claimed the uninhabited Midway Atoll in 1867. It was administered by the U. S. navy.

As the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, two Japanese destroyers shelled Midway Atoll but could not land soldiers to take it.

A Japanese submarine shelled Midway in February 1942.

The Japanese attacked the Aleutian Islands on June 3, 1942, to divert American forces from the central Pacific, and attacked Midway Atoll on the following day.  

In the battle, the Americans sank four Japanese aircraft carriers and destroyed hundreds of Japanese planes.  The Japanese withdrew.


1942: The Battle of Midway

Midway Atoll in 1942


Midway atoll today    Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin


Two Japanese aircraft carriers, IJN Soryu and IJN Akagi, knocked out of action by American planes.


The IJN Hiryu, the last of four Japanese aircraft carriers fatally struck at the Battle of Midway, burning before sinking on 5 June. 


Author's depiction of Japanese carrier force just prior to launching an initial attack on the island of Midway, June 4, 1942.

Image by Jonathan Parshall

Four Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk by American planes at the Battle of Midway.


The Battle of Midway

Excerpt from lecture by Mark Stoler from the course Turning Points in American History from The Great Courses




Midway is East

Episode 4 of the documentary series Victory at Sea (1952) (28:29)



The Battle of Midway

1950 U. S. Navy Training Film

Part 1.




Part 2. Not Available


The Turning Point in the Pacific

70th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway

Lecture by Jonathan Parshall at the National WW2 Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana (2012)



Midway - Turning Point in the Pacific?

Lecture by Jonathan Parshall at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC) in Newport, Rhode Island

Uploaded in 2014



The Battle of Midway from the Japanese Perspective

Lecture by Jonathan Parshall at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana (2011)



Code Breaking

Documentary (22:04)




The Cryptology Behind the Battle of Midway

Lecture by David Hatch, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, June 3, 2015



Joe Rochefort's War

The Odyssey of the Codebreaker who Outwitted Yamamoto at Midway

Lecture by Elliot Carlson at the National WWII Museum

Uploaded in 2012



Battle of Midway

Episode from the documentary series Battlefield (1:54:48)


Or in 2 parts:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPUzKNX7Njg(55.17)

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I16q7Iit48  (59:32)


Battle of Midway


Includes footage of the post-war search for the USS Yorktown

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKXVTZo6gIg

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRmAfPCvn6E


The Battle of Midway

Episode from the BBC documentary series 20th Century Battlefields with Peter and Dan Snow (2007) (58:56)


or in 6 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGnBaMR35-E

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVcuAUxmpsY

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHC_4SVTiSk

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmXJqKAfaPo

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQRmErEibWI

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DuozLnCbNI



Episode from the documentary series Generals at War (Commanders at War) (2008) (47:46)

Admiral Chuichi Nagumo vs Admiral Jack Fletcher



The Battle of Midway

1942 Navy film by John Ford (18:10)



Japan's Mistakes at Midway

Episode 7 of the 1998 documentary series Great Blunders of World War II (21:02)



La bataille de Midway

Documentaire 2nde guerre mondiale



Battle of Midway

Episode from the Battlefront documentary series

American and Japanese pilots recall the battle


or in 3 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDJv_W5cO40

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk2WZX5_Ywk

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=725R3Po99JM


Aircraft carriers won the Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, not the battleships and destroyers - a historic first

"Hook Down, Wheels Down"

History of the Aircraft Carrier

Documentary by the US Navy (1970s)

Episode 1.


Episode 2.



Vengeance at Midway

Episode 2 of the documentary series Battle 360 USS Enterprise (2008)



Search for the Japanese Fleet

Documentary about the search in 1999 for the four Japanese aircraft carriers sunk in the Battle of Midway




Advertisement for 1976 Hollywood movie


Refighting the Pacific War
An Alternative History of World War II
Discussion with Jim Bresnahan, Elliot Carlson, John Lundstrom and Jon Parshall  
Pritzker Military Museum & Library, Chicago, Illinois
Uploaded in 2011
Midway and Coral Sea Battles!
News Parade
Castle Films

Catapult Ships

Royal Navy Instructional Film



Vought OS2U Kingfisher

American catapult-launched observation floatplane - a mid-wing monoplane with large central float and small stabilizing floats.

Main shipboard observation seaplane OF the US Navy INWorld War II

A Forgotten Hero of The Pacific War


Film footage from war


More about Design, Specification and Military History


Launching the plane



The Navy Holds - 1942
Episode 6 of the 1951 documentary series Crusade in the Pacific (30 min.)


Japanese attack Australian ports


Map of Australia


Map of Japanese attacks from 1942 - 1944


Japanese midget submarines attack Sydney Harbor

31 May - 1 June 1942



He's Coming South

Documentary film of the Japanese attack on Sydney Harbor, Australia, 31 May - 1 June 1942



Inside the Japanese Sub

Sydney Harbour Attacked

On Sunday Night



Japanese submarine shells Newcastle

June 8, 1942



Japanese attack Australia



Australia at War

Japanese Attacks on Australia WW2

Darwin repeatedly bombed, Newcastle, Sydney . . .







Gilbert Islands
The Raid on Makin Island
U. S. Marines attack Makin Island
17 - 18 August 1942
Image result for Makin Island in August 1942 - map of region
Map of the Marshall and Gilbert Island chain. The Marshall Islands are to the north and Gilberts to the south. Makin Island is the northernmost of the Gilbert Islands. The Japanese considered Makin Island part of the Marshall Islands and occupied it on 10  December 1941 for a sea-plane base. Makin is 170 nm soiuth of Mili Atoll, the closest point in Marshalls.
Image result for The Raid on Makin Island 17 - 18 August 1942
Makin Island was a sea-plane base manned by a force of 80 Japanese.
121 Marines departed a submarine in motor-powered rubber rafts and landed on Makin Island at dawn.
The Marines killed 48 Japanese and repelled a Japanese attempt to reenforce the island by air. They endured aerial bombardment.
The Marines lost 30 men, including 11 captured and executed on Kwajalein Island in the Marshall Islands.
Some Marines returned to the submarine at nightfall.
A large rescue party joined the Marines still on the island but were unable to return to the submarine.
The marine commander, Lt. Col. Evans Carlson, sent the Japanese an offer to surrender.
The Marines wwre rescued by the submarine late on the following night.
Subsequently, the Japanese strengthened their defences on Makin Island and the Marshall Islands and occupied the Gilbert islands of Tarawa and Apamama Islands in September. Tarawa is the main Gilbert island. Apamama is about 70 nm southeast of Tarawa.  
History of the Marine Raiders
"Gung Ho!"
The Story of Carlson's Makin Island Raiders
Hollywood movie released in December 1943.
88 minutes
Makin Island Raid
A talk on Millenium  
Makin Island Raiders
Part 1.
Part 2.

Japs Occupy Nauru
26 (or 29) August 1942 – 13 September 1945
Japs Occupy Ocean Island
30 August 1942 - September 1945

Japs bomb Oregon
Japanese submarine I-25 launched hydro-plane off the coast of Oregon
A Yokosuka E14Y is launched from the deck of a submarine during World War II. CREDIT: Imperial Japanese government
Japanese Yokosuka E14Y hydro-plane, with pilot Nobuo Fujita and observer Shoji Okuda, and carrying two incendiary bombs, catapulted into the air from submarine off the coast of Oregon shortly after 0600 on 9 September 1942.
They dropped the two incendiary bombs on forests about Mount Emily in Oregon.
This was the first aerial bombardment of the U. S. in the war.
Nobuo Fujita and Shoji Okuda flew a second bombing mission on 29 September, the last time the U. S. mainland was bombed from the air during the war.

Japanese plane launched from sub bombs Oregon

September 9 and 29, 1942












New Guinea
The Japanese plan to take Port Moresby by sea and by land and to take Milne Bay by sea.
Plate No. 21, Japanese Dispositions and Capabilities, September 1942
Japanese and Australian positions in September 1942
The Battle of Milne Bay
25 August – 7 September 1942
The Battle of Milne Bay
The Japanese are Stopped
Lecture by Brian Hernan
Jandakot, Western Australia
August 2012
The Kokoda Trail
The Kokoda Trail leads south from Buna through jungle up to Mount Kokoda and to Port Moresby.
The Japanese climbed up from Buna for Port Moresby. The Australians climbed up from Port Moresby to intercept them.
Moresby Under the Blitz
Australian newsreel (08:37)
The Bloody Track
Australian documentary (1 hr.)
The Road to Kokoda
Movietone News fearure
Australian edition (08:12)
Image result for Victory in Guadalcanal - newspaper headlines - February 1943
Australian soldiers   -   “Diggers”   -  
on the Kakoda Trail in 1943.
Kokoda Front Line!
Australian feature film (09:07)
Plate No. 18, Japanese Thrust toward Port Moresby
Map of Japanese advance over the Kokoda Trail. The Aussies held and the Japanese failed to reach Port Moresby.




The Real Hawaii

Short documentary film by Bell and Howell (1942) (11:18)


Image result for sailors with local girls in honolulu 1942
Prostitution in Honolulu's China Town during the war
Discussion on Kwok Talk, Honolulu
Image result for Hilo Hattie 1930
Clarissa Hall (Hilo Hattie) in 1939
photo with Bob Hope
Ukulele Lady; Pidgin English Hula
Hilo Hattie
Hawaiian War Chant
Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra
With Buddy Rich

Continue to next page, 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa