28. Ending the War

28. Ending the War | The Post-War Years

Oliver's Site

Table of Contents | 1. Earth | 2. The Origin of Life and Evolution of Man | 3. Civilisation | 4. Fertile Crescent | 5. Egypt | 6. Indus Valley | 7. Yellow River (Haung He/Huang Ho) | 8. Hittites, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians | 9. New World (B. C./Pre-Columban) | 10. Greeks and Persians | 11. Rome ( - B. C. - A. D. 96) | 12. Saul of Tarsus | 13. Rome ( - A. D. 275) | 14. Rome and Byzantium (Nova Roma) | 15. Islam | 16. Charlemagne | 17. Vikings | 18. Turks, Crusaders, Mongols, Moors, Explorers and Conquistadors | 19. Reformation, Enlightenment (1300s -1700s) | 20. Mid-1700s - early 1900s | 21. The Great War | 22. Inter-War Years | 23. The War in Europe and Africa | 24. Second World War | 25. War in the Pacific | 26. Defeating the Axis in Europe and Africa | 27. End of Japanese Imperialism | 28. Ending the War | 29. Conquest of Space | 30. Averting Nuclear War | 31. End of Empire | 32. Man on the Moon | 33. Arms Race and Limitation | 34. Lifting the Iron Curtain | 35. The 21st Century | 36. Outer Space | 37. | 42. 

Continued from previous page, 27, End of Japanese Imperialism

To return to Table of Contents, click here

Teheran, November - December 1943

LC-Lot 11597-3: Tehran Conference, November-December 1943     

The Big Three   -   Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill   -   at the Teheran (Persia/Iran) Conference, 28 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1943.

The Soviets agreed to join the Allies in the war against Japan when the Germans were defeated.

Yalta, February 1945

Yalta Conference - Wikipedia

The Big 3 at the Yalta (Crimea) Conference, 4 - 11 February 1945.

The Soviets agreed to enter the war against the Japan within two or three months of Germany's surrender and the end of the war in Europe.

The Soviets would take Southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Moscow, April 1945

Image result for Soviet - Japanese Neutrality Pact 1941 - newspaper

New York Times, April 6, 1945

Soviets void 1941 Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact

Berlin, May 1945

May 8, 1945: News of Germany's surrender hits home | History | stltoday.com

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Extra edition, evening, May 7, 1945 (after the German surrender in Reims, France).

Unconditional surrender of Germany - Europe Remembers
German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, commander-in-chief of the German Armed Forces, signs surrender, Berlin, 8/9 May 1945.



The Atomic War


the Soviet Invasion of Japan
August - September 1945

The American Aerial Bombardment of the Japanese Home Islands and Okinawa


The Soviet Invasions of Japanese-held Manchuria, Korea, South Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands 

Japanese surrender at the end of World War II | Naval Historical Society of  AustraliaWorld War II veterans remember: Pilot Bill Renfro bombed Japan in his B-29  Superfortress | Local News | tulsaworld.comBombing of Tokyo - Wikipedia

Soviet occupation plan, American bombing routes and firebombing Japanese cities.

Russia's Pacific Future: Solving the South Kuril Islands Dispute - Carnegie  Moscow Center - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 
Soviet occupation plan for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Aleksandr Vasilevsky 4.jpg

Red Army Marshal Aleksandr Vasilevsky
was appointed Commander-in-Chief
of Soviet forces in the Far East in
July 1945. Vasilevsky commanded the
Manchurian Strategic Offensive
Operation in August and September

May - August 1945

The Soviet Invasion of Manchuria led to Japan's Greatest Defeat - Warfare  History Network

Soviet troops going to the Siberian-Manchurian border (May - August 1945).

August 1945

The Soviet Invasion of Manchuria led to Japan's Greatest Defeat - Warfare  History Network

Soviet troops on the Siberian-Manchurian border (Operation August Storm, August 1945).


The Atom




Leucippus of Abdera/Miletus (early

400s BC)



Democritus of Abdera in

Thrace (460 - 370 BC)




The Atomists


Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy (1949)




Or in 3 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDkH9vHgDzA


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgTK2z7DyvY&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYxpuxSi4qE&feature=relmfu





Definition of atom

Pronunciation: /ˈatəm/


  • the basic unit of a chemical element.
  • atoms as a source of nuclear energy: the power of the atom
  • [usually with negative] an extremely small amount of a thing or quality: I shall not have one atom of strength left
  • An atom, roughly 10-8 cm in diameter, consists of a tiny, dense, positively charged nucleus made of neutrons and protons, surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Each chemical element consists of atoms that possess a characteristic number of protons. Atoms are held together in molecules by sharing electrons


    late 15th century: from Old French atome, via Latin from Greek atomos 'indivisible', based on a- 'not' + temnein 'to cut'



Walt Disney's Our Friend the Atom (1957)

Democritus, Aristotle, John Dalton, Amadeo Avocadro, Henri Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Ernest Rutherford . . .  



Models of the atom over the past 200 years - by Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and today



Since the 1950s, more elements have been discovered and more has been learned about sub-atomic particles and the orbits of electrons.








Inside the Atom


A video about sub-atomic particles











 Periodic table of the chemical elements illustration vector black ...


Periodic Table of the Elements - Institute for Energy and ...

Periodic Table of Elements



"The Elements" song



A song by Tom Lehrer







The Periodic Table

Session # 4 of Crash Course Chemistry



The Periodic Table

An education video (25:44)






Chemical Elements


Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time hosted by Melvyn Bragg

With guests

- Paul Strathern, lecturer in philosophy and science, author of Mendeleyev's Dream: The Quest for the Elements;

- Dr Mary Archer, Professor of Chemistry; and 

- John Murrell, Professor of Chemistry

25 May 2000















Ernest Rutherford (1871 - 1937), Father of

Nuclear Physics 




Rutherford and the Birth of Nuclear Physics


Lecture by David Jenkins at the Royal Society, London (2009)






3-hour documentary on Ernest Rutherford







Pioneer in Atomic Physics


Lord Rutherford, at age 64, in 1935 (7 min.)







Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg and his guests


19 February 2004





Nuclear Physics


Discussion on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg and his guests







The Neutron


Discussion with Melvyn Bragg and his guests on the weekly BBC radio programme In Our Time


14 April 2016 









Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955), German scientist  in 1921





Einstein's Big Idea: E=MC²


2005 BBC documentary recounts:


Energy (E) - discovery of electromagnetic fields by Michael Faraday (1791 – 1867)


Mass (M) - discovery of Antoine Lavoisier (1743 - 1794) that mass is never lost


Celeritas/Speed of Light (C) - confirmation of Emilie du Chatelet (1706 - 1749) of Leibnitz's calculation that the energy of a moving object is proportional to the square of its velocity.


E = mc²  -  Albert Einstein's equation in 1905:  Energy (E) equals (=) mass (m) times (x) the square of the speed of light, or the speed of light times ittself (c²)


Nuclear fission - discovery of Lise Meitner (1878 – 1968) that splitting an uranium atom releases a large amount of energy












or, in two clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqiRoKy0Gyo


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbmFcGhTnS0 




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Zz5lHg6sw


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsGqXhJkhbE




E=MC²  clip here


Energy (motion) = (equals) Mass (matter, weight) x (times, or multiplied by) the square of the Speed of Light, or the Speed of Light x (multiplied by) itself


Can be read backwards: MC² = E











Neils Bohr


Image result for niels bohr

Niels Bohr (1885 - 1962)



Neils Bohr


Lecture by J. Robert Oppenheimer at UCLA, May 14, 1964 


Audio only (1:15:39)





Das Atom


John Dalton und Neils Bohr


Meilensteine der Naturwissenschaft und Technic


In German:








In English:





Niels Bohr, Harry Moseley and the origins of the Quantum Atom

Commemorating the centenary of the quantum atom

History of Physics Group, Institute of Physics, Manchester, October 2013

Lecture # 1.

The lives of physicists Niels Bohr and Henry Moseley in Manchester in 1912

Lecture # 2.


At home and away: the private sources of Bohr's scientific creativity




Lecture # 3.

HGJ Moseley in interaction with Bohr and Rutherford







The Atom Bomb



The Germans and the A-Bomb


In January 1933, German President Paul von Hinderberg appointed Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, chancellor of the government.


The Nazis were notorious for anti-semitism and many Jews, including scientist Albert Einstein, quit Germany.



Image result for Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein at Churchill's home in Chartwell, England in 1939.

Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein at Churchill's home in Chartwell, England in 1939.

This was Einstein's second visit to Chartwell. During his first visit, in the spring of 1933, Einstein urged Churchill to hire Jewish scientists who faced discrimination in Germany.


After their first meeting, Churchill sent a British scientist, Frederick Lindemann, to Germany to hire Jewish physicists to work in England. Numerous theoretical physicists, mostly from Gottingen, were brought to England.


In the early years of Nazi rule in Germany. hundreds of scientists, many of them Jewish, left for England and the U. S. It is often claimed that the loss of these scientists cost Germany the lead in building an atom bomb.


Einstein was visiting the U. S. when the Nazis came to power in January 1933. Einstein did not retturn to Germany. He lived in Le Coq (De Haan), a coastal resort in Belgium, and England, near London, before settling permanently in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States in October 1933.





                  Splitting the atom



A is for Atom


1952 General Electric Co. animated film describing nuclear energy







Oxford English Dictionary (OED)
Definition of fission
  • the action of dividing or splitting something into two or more parts: the party dissolved into fission and acrimony
  • short for nuclear fission

verb [no object]

  • (chiefly of atoms) undergo fission: these heavy nuclei can also fission

Definition of nuclear fission


  • a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously or on impact with another particle, with the release of energy.


        early 17th cent, (1600s): from Latin fissio(n-), from findere 'to split'


Otto Hahn

Image result for otto hahn

Otto Hahn (1879 - 1968)

Physiker Otto Hahn


Hahn recalls splitting the uranium atom



Otto Hahn and Nuclear Fission

Episode from Great Moments in Science and Technology


Related image

Otto Hahn, right, and Fritz Strassmann 

In Berlin in 1938, German scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann bombarded an uranium atom with a neutron and split the atom's nuclei in two, releasing energy and more neutrons that collided with and split neighboring atoms, creating chain reactions.


A controlled chain reaction could create heat to produce electricity.


An uncontrolled chain reaction could produce a bomb.



Atom Bomb Physics


Excerpt from an educational documentary






Lise Meitner


Lise Meitner (1878 - 1968)




Meitner and Frisch on splitting the atom 






Brief biography





Lise Meitner 


Die Mutter der Atombombe














the same in French:



The Path to Nuclear Fission

The Story of Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn

PBS 2006


Overlooked Achievement


The Life of Lise Meitner


Lecture by Ruth Lewin Sime, author of Lise Meitner: A Life in Physics, at Michigan State University


Presented by the National Science Foundation










How the Americans built the Atom Bomb



Image result for leo szilard 1939

Léo Szilárd (1898 - 1964), Hungarian




Leo Szilard:

The Man Behind the Bomb

Lecture by William Lanouette, author of Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard

UC-San Diego (2014)



The Many Worlds of Leo Szilard

American Physical Society (APS) Forum

History of Physics (2014)

Three lectures

1. The Many Worlds of Léo Szilárd: Physicist, Peacemaker, Provocateur by William Lanouette

Léo Szilárd in Physics and Information by Richard Garwin

3. Léo Szilárd: Biologist and Peacemaker by Matthew Meselson


28. Ending the War 

July 1946 reenactment by scientists Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard of their two meetings at Einstein's home on Long Island, New York on July 12 and August 2, 1939.

Einstein Szilard lettre à Roosevelt





On July 12, 1939, Hungarian sceintists Leo Szilard and Eugene Wigner visited Albert Einstein at his summer home on Long Island, New York.

They discussed the splitting of the atom by German scientists in the previous year, how a chain reaction could cause an explosion, and the possibility that the Germans could build an atomic bomb.


At a second meeting, also at Einstein's summer home, on 2 August 1939, Szilard came with another Hungarian scientist, Edward Teller.


Over the course of several weeks, Szilard and Einstein drafted two letters alerting American president Franklin Roosevelt to German advances in atomic science and urging him to start an American atomic program. 


The two letters, signed by Einstein, were completed in early August but their delivery to Roosevelt, through a third party, a friend of Roosevelt, was delayed for two months, till October 1939   -   one month after war broke out in Europe.

Edward Teller recalls Szilard and Einstein's letter


Einstein's Equation of Life and Death

2005 BBC Horizon documentary






Germans invade Poland

Related image

New York Times, September 1, 1939 


Soviets invade Poland

Image result for soviets invade poland 1939 - newspaper

The Racine Journal-Times,

(Wisconsin), September 17, 1939

Roosevelt accepted Einstein's recommendation and set up a committee to consider the matter.


Image result for rudolf peierls and otto frisch

Scientists Rudolf Peierls, left, of Germany and Otto Frisch, right, of Austria chose to stay in England when the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933. Frisch was a nephew of Lise Meitner.

At the University of Birmingham in 1940, Peierls and Frisch determined that a metallic sphere of just one to ten kilograms (instead of tons) of pure Uranium-235, the only natural fissile isotope, at critical mass could explode with the force of thousands of tons of dynamite.

Peierls and Frsich also designed a detonator for an atomic bomb.


Image result for soviet - japan neutrality pact - 1940 newspaper

New York Enquirer, September 30, 1940


The Soviets and Japanese signed a neutrality treaty in Moscow on 13 April 1941.

Image result for soviet japanese neutrality pact 1941 - newspaper

New York Times, April 14, 1941


Germans invade USSR in June 1941.

Related image

The Sun, Sydney, Australia, June 25, 1941


Japanese attack U. S. in December 1941.

Image result for japs bomb pearl harbor  - newspaper

The Denver Post, December 7, 1941

Germany and Italy declare war on U. S. in December 1941.

Image result for germany declares war on US - newspaper

The High Point Enterprise (Carolina),

December 1941

Late 1942

It was not until January 1942   -   a month after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor   -   that the U. S. decided to try to build an atomic bomb.


In late 1942 the army began work.      



Einstein & Atomic Bomb Development


Short description







The Manhattan Project



U. S. Army Major-General Leslie Richard Groves

(1896 – 1970), builder of the Pentagon and director

of the Manhattan Project (1942 - 1945).  


The Manhattan Project developed from the committee created by Roosevelt to study the possibility of producing an atom bomb in 1939. The committee went through several stages. In June 1942, its administrative office was in New York City. Thus, its name, the Manhattan Project.

Groves was with the Construction Division of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

In August 1941, Groves was put in charge of building the Pentagon, a new office building for the War Department, in Arlington, Virginia.   

In September 1942, Groves was appointed director of the Manhattan Project and moved its headquarters to Washington, D. C. Groves was responsible for the selection and construction of the Project's various sites.

Gen. Leslie Groves




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_U9icW3K7M&feature=relmfu


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoxwLkWrN40&feature=relmfu


The Los Alamos Laboratory


Groves selected J. Robert Oppenheimer, a physics professor at the University of California campus in Berkeley, to direct a laboratory to produce the atom bomb, in July 1942.

Image result for j robert oppenheimer



Image result for j robert oppenheimer in 1941


 Image result for j robert oppenheimer

J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904 - 1967), physicist,

director of the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico.



General Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer


In November 1942, Groves and Oppenheimer decided the site of the Los Alamos Ranch School in southern New Mexico would be secure enough for the secretive production of an atom bomb. The government bought the school. The University of California operated the laboratory for the War Department. 



Manhattan Project sites

Main sites: Oak Ridge (reactors), Hanford (Richmond) (reactor) and Los Alamos (laboratory)

Alamogordo - Bomb test site

Wendover AFB - Bomb dropping training base

Birth of the Bomb


The American Documentary


British (1985)


(4 clips) 


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scp5rhd4S-w


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKreg7TdEtQ


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UR5qDALryIk


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1HumHu8HIA




The Race for the Atomic Bomb


Episode from the documentary series Mysteries and Myths  (Removed from You Tube)


(2 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZMCic4Zo5Y


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc2KofBIIsg



The Moment in Time:


The Manhattan Project


2000 documentary









The Manhattan Project






or in 5 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwHds1any9Y&feature=related 


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGGAIuc5dWI&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHvUgtVOP64&feature=relmfu


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAXy5V-zRyc&feature=relmfu


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJuBHzgLUAw&feature=relmfu



Leo Szilard






Uranium, graphite, heavy water . . .


The U. S. got most of its uranium from the Belgian Congo

See Atomic Heritage Foundation:


Uranium and plutonium were used in the atomic bombs.

Uranium is a natural element. U-235 is the only natural fissile isotope.

Plutonium is a rare natural element but can be artificially produced from uranium.

In Europe before the war, uranium ore was mined from Czechoslovakia, eastern Germany and the Ukraine.

Most of the world's uranium ore was mined from the Belgian Congo, Kazakhstan (then part of the Soviet Union) and Canada. There was uranium ore also in the state of Colorado in the western U. S.

Image result for Edgar Sengier in 1942
Edgar Sengier at the White House
in Washington, D. C. in 1946.

Before the war, Edgar Sengier, director of the Société Générale de Belgique and Union Minière du Haut Katanga, which owned an uranium mine in Shinkolobwe in the Belgian Congo's Kantanga Province, shipped top-grade uranium to France. 

The Skinkolobwe mine had the purest uranium in the world.

The mine was closed in 1937.

After the fall of France to the Germans in May 1940, the French stored the uranium in Morocco.

In September 1940, Sengier shipped 1,250 tons of top-grade uranium ore stored at the mine in Shinkolobwe to the United States for storage in a warehouse on Staten Island in New York.

The U. S. purchased the stockpile in New York from Sengier in September 1942 and sent it to Canada for refining by the Eldorado Mine Company's refining plant in Ontario.

The U. S. purchased an additional 3,000 tons of mined uranium ore stored at the mine in Shinkolobwe and shipped it to the U. S.   

The U. S. reopened the surface mine in Shinkolobwe in 1944 and the underground mine in 1945. 

Shinkolobwe Mine 
The U. S. got most of its uranium from the mine in Shinkolobwe.

Shinkolobwe - Wikipedia

Uranium ore from Shinkolobwe.

Image result for Shinkolobwe Mine in the Congo - 1944 map of africa

Map of the Belgian Congo in 1940.

Two of the 40 shipments of uranium from the Congo to the
U. S. were lost when German submarines torpedoed the cargo ships. 

Image result for Clippers flew uranium from Leopoldville to Miami for the atomic bomb in ww2

Pan Am Clippers flew shipments of uranium from the Congo to Miami, Florida in the U. S.

Two atom bombs were dropped during the war, in August 1945, both on Japan. The atomic bomb dropped over the city of Hiroshima contained Congolese uranium. Two-thirds of its uranium came from the mine in Shinkolobwe. The bomb dropped on Nagasaki contained plutonium from Congolese uranium.  

The U. S. got uranium also from the Eldorado Mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada.




Creating a chain reaction









Enrico Fermi


Enrico Fermi (1901 - 1954)



The World of Enrico Fermi (1970)





Enrico Fermi, front, left; Leo Szilard, front, second from right; with Fermi's team of scientists.

Related image

From graphite and uranium, Fermi's team created a the first controlled and self-sustained nuclear chain reaction.  

Stagg Field (Old) : Photographic Archive : The University of Chicago

The test was conducted on a squash court under the stands of a discarded football stadium at Amos Alonzo Stagg Field at the University of Chicago.

Is Comet The Stock To Light Up The Graphite Sky? – ShareCafe


Related image

One of 29 or more piles of graphite blocks assembled to produce the Chicago Pile 1.

Related image

Scale model of "Chicago Pile 1" (first nuclear reactor)  -   40,000 blocks of graphite. Half the blocks contained a small amount of a uranium oxide. A few contained small amounts of a refined uranium metal.

Martin “Dreamless One” Pfeiffer (⧖) on Twitter: "Art of Chicago ...

File:HD.5A.020 (10692800196).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Manhattan Project: CP-1 Goes Critical, Met Lab, December 2, 1942 


Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard created the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction in Chicago on 2 December 1942. The test took six to seven hours.



Chicago Pile 1

Episode from Argonne nuclear pioneers



Chicago Pile (CP)-1
70th Anniversary Symposium

Argonne National Laboratory








Edward Teller on the Manhattan Project





Los Alamos from Below

Lecture by Richard Feynman about his involvement with the Manhattan Project



Uranium clip here


Clip here  -  Uranium, Plutonium, Fission, Fusion, Implosion, Explosion . . .


Americans Capture Mariana Islands

Saipan, Tinian, Guam

July - August 1944

U. S. within bombing distance of Japanese home islands.

The Americans lost many air bases in China to the Japanese in the Ichi-go Offensive in 1944. At the same time, however, 
the Americans took crucial air bases from the Japanese in the western Pacific.  

guam on map | Map of Guam | Guam, Map, Day

Battle of Saipan, 13 June - 7 July.

World War II photographs show American soldiers' fight for ...
American marine stands over bodies of Japanese soldiers on Saipan.

Battle of Tinian, 24 July - 2 August 1944.

United States Marines wade ashore on Tinian from landing barges ...

U. S. Marines land on Tinian Island.

Battle of Guam, 21 July - 10 August 1944.

Interservice Rivalry - United States Coast Guard Forums and ...

Marines on Guam.

Second Battle of Guam beginning.... - RareNewspapers.com

The Boston Post, 11 July 1944


Image result for franklin roosevelt - harry truman in national elections

Roosevelt ran for a fourth term as president in 1944.

Roosevelt Accepts Nomination

Democratic Party Convention, Chicago, 1944
Movietone News 

Roosevelt's party, the Democrats, elected Harry Truman, senator from Missouri, as their vice-presidential candidate and Roosevelt's running-mate for the election.

Truman commanded an artillery battery in France in the First World War. He was elected to the senate in 1934 and reelected in 1940. He headed a senate sub-committee investigating military programs.  

Truman Nominated Vice-Presidential Candidate

Truman won on the second ballot.

Sen. Truman Named FDR Running Mate

British Pathé

Roosevelt wins reelection.

Related image
New York Times, November 9, 1944

Roosevelt was reelected in November 1944. Roosevelt won a fourth term as president. Roosevelt is the only president to have been elected to more than two terms. He is the only president to have been elected to a third or fourth term.

Roosevelt Wins

British Pathé

The Election of 1944 Explained

Hip Hughes History 

Truman was sworn in a vice-president in January 1945.


Marines Capture Iwo Jima

Knock Out Jap Fighter Base on island

Iwo Jima now to be US Fighter Base

Fighters to accompany B-29 bombers en route from the Marianas to Japan 

The Decatur Daily Review from Decatur, Illinois on February 19 ...

The Decatur (Illinois) Daily Review, 19 February 1945

The Battle of Iwo Jima: 70 years later - U.S. - Stripes

The Stars And Stripes, 23 February 1945

Image result for August 1945 map of Pacific showing Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Saipan and Tinian Island


The Battle of Iwo Jima

In Color




Commentary by EDWARD R. MURROW

Columbia Broadcasting System of America

British Pathé


The Storming of Iwo Jima

British Movietone


Iwo Jima



Iwo Jima

U. S. Department of the Treasury


News Thrill


Corregidor to Iwo Jima


Naval Workers Digest





Yalta (Crimea) Conference

Image result for yalta crimea (1945 map)

February 4 – 11, 1945



Conference at Yalta, in the Crimea in the Ukraine, USSR, February 1945. The "Big Three": Churchill, left; FDR, center; Stalin right. 


At a conference with the Americans and British in Yalta in February 1945, the Soviets agreed to attack Japan not later than three months (or within 90 days) after Germany's surrender. The agreement was to be kept secret. The Soviets and the Japanese had a neutrality treaty,

The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty, or Non-Aggression Pact, signed in Moscow on April 13, 1941 was a renewable five-year treaty. The treaty removed the threat to the Soviets of an attack in the east in case of war in Europe. It removed the threat to Japan of an attack from the Soviets in case of war with the U. S. and Britain.

By the terms, either party had the option to renounce the treaty after four years.

In April 1945 the Soviets informed the Japanese that the Soviets were renouncing the 1941 Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.

Soviets void neutrality pact with Japanese

Image result for Soviet - Japanese Neutrality Pact 1941 - newspaper

New York Times, April 6, 1945


FDR dies

Related image

New York Times, April 13, 1945

President Roosevelt died in April 1945 and Harry Truman, the vice-president, became president.

President Harry S. Truman Sworn in as President | Harry S. Truman
Harry Truman takes the oath of office administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the White House.

CBS Radio News Bulletin

April 12, 1948

Roosevelt Dies Suddenly

Movietone News

Truman knew of the atom bomb program in 1944. He sat a meeting in which it was discussed in mid-1944. On becoming president Truman received a briefing on the Manhattan Project.


Germans surrender

German forces in northwestern Germany surrendered to British Field Marshal Montgomery on 4 May 1945.

Image result for Germans surrender to Montgomery - newspaper
The Daily Express, 5 May 1945

German forces surrendered at the headquarters of American General Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander, in Reims, France on 7 May 1945. 

Image result for Germans surrender at eisenhower's hdqts - newspaper

The Seattle Daily Times, 7 May 1945 

Image result for VE-Day - Japan Next (newspaper)

The Daily Times, Davenport, Iowa, May 9, 1945

German forces surrendered to Soviet Marshal Zhukov in Berlin on 9 May 1945.

Russian Embassy, UAE on Twitter: "#Soviet marshal Georgy #Zhukov ...

Soviet Marshal Gregori Zhukov conducts surrender ceremony.  

German Surrender Ceremony Berlin w/GFM Keitel - YouTube

German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, representing the German High Command, surrenders unconditionally to the Allies at Soviet headquarters in Berlin on 8 / 9 May 1945.

Great Patriotic War. Berlin, 1945. Surrender of Germany Stock ...

Soviet Marshal Zhukov accepts the German surrender. 

Image result for Germans surrender to zhukov in berlin  - newspaper

New York Times, 9 May 1945

The Soviets moved forces from Europe to Siberia to attack the Japanese in Manchuria. 




Did the Germans Have the Bomb?

Heavy Water


Heavy water was required to produce an atomic bomb.

There was only one producer of heavy water in Europe in 1939, the Norsk Hydro electrolysis plant in Rjukan, Vemork in Telemark Province in Norway.


Norway (in dark blue)


Telemark Province (in red)




Norsk-Hydro Vemork plant at Rjukan. Courtesy of Norsk Hydro ASA

Norsk Hydro Plant



Heavy Water - Periodic Table of Videos


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUVzb0fzHsk&feature=watch_response


Can you drink Heavy Water?


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyK6kPi8k78




Sabotaging German Atom Bomb plans


Germany invaded Norway on April 9, 1940.


Two months before the invasion of Norway, the French purchased all of the heavy water produced by the Norsk Hydro plant. When the Germans invaded France in May 1940, the French hid the heavy water in Clermont-Ferrand in the 

unoccupied zone, and then took it to England.


The Germans took over the Norsk Hydro plant and began producing heavy water.


Norwegians helped the British plan commando raids on the plant from England. But the raids failed to destroy the plant.


In October 1942, a group of Norwegian spies trained in England parachuted into Norway on a reconnaissance mission. Four months later, in February 1943, a group of British-trained Norwegian saboteurs parachuted into Norway. Together, the two groups destroyed the heavy-water section of the Norsk Hydro plant later that month.


But the Germans started work again.



Burning buildings during the 16 November 1943 raid on Norsk-Hydro Vemork plant at Rjukan. Courtesy of Norsk Hydro ASA

Plant destroyed in February 1943



One year later, in February 1944, the Norwegian resistance sank the ferry SF "Hydro" in Lake Tinnsjø with its cargo of heavy water bound for Germany.



SF Hydro on Lake Tinnsjø, sunk in 1944, in 1926 photo 



Thus, it was believed that the Germans were denied the means to produce an atom bomb during the war.



The Rjukan Sabotage


A short video montage by a Norwegian blogger that explains the matter in a nutshell





Kampen om tungtvannet


1948 French-Norwegian movie in English, French, German and Norwegian recounts the story in detail





The Heroes of Telemark


Hollywood movie (1965)











Norwegian Resistance


1966 documentary


(3 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3jSWSa6aBM&feature=related


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5IaMru-fh8&feature=relmfu


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5atl_0YLnbE&feature=relmfu



The Saboteurs of Telemark


BBC documentary (1973)





The Real Heroes of Telemark


Documentary (2003)





The Real Heroes of Telemark


Documentary by the survivalist, Ray Mears, 2003, 16 clips


Clip # 1 of 16: 



continued . . . .



Hitler's Sunken Secret











German documentary


The Norsk Hydro plant, commandos and saboteurs 


(2 clips)


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asRmBBUICJo


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC2Jlk3I0T4



Hitler's Bomb


BBC Horizon documentary (1992) 


Germany abandoned its efforts to build an atomic bomb after British-trained Norweigian commandoes sabotaged the Norsk Hydro heavy water production plant in 1943 and the Norwegian resistance sank the SF Hydro, the ferry conveying heavy water bound for Germany, in a fyord in 1944.













Werner Heisenberg

(1901 - 1976)



Werner Heisenberg






Bohr and Heisenberg

Comments of Edward Teller



The Copenhagen Fall-Out









Neils Bohr & Werner Heisenberg


Film based on a stage play about the meeting of Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg in Copenhagen in 1941, preceded by a documentary about the film.





By the early 1940s, the Germans seemed to be ahead of others in their efforts to produce an atomic bomb.


Hitler's Atomic Bomb


There might have been as many as four 

German nuclear tests, at two separate sites, i

n 1944 and 1945



This 2002 documentary recounts how Germany was the first to build and test an atomic bomb  -  without the involvement of its leading scientists, Werner Heisenberg and Otto Hahn.


Germans tested a powerful bomb on the island of Rhugen/Ruegen in the Baltic Sea in October 1944. In another test, near the village of Orduff in Thuringia in March 1945, some 700 Soviet POWs, working at the site, were killed.


There might have been one or two more tests. The bombs could have been very low-yield atomic bombs or “dirty bombs”.



The Search for Hitler's Bomb


Episdoe from the documentary series Secrets of the Third Reich (2015) (52:18)





The Nazi Bomb

Episode from the documentary series In Search of History



(or 49 min.)


(or 43:57)


Hitler's Bomb

Documentary (50:47) 


Hitler's Atom Bomb

Documentary (59:00)



The German A-Bomb Project in WW2

Interview with Joseph P. Farrell:


German scientists were more knowledgeable and the A-bomb project was more advanced than the Allies claimed after the war.


An atomb bomb could be produced with just a small number of scientists and equipment.  





The Nazi A-Bomb

More discussion with Joseph P. Farrell

(4 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldQUjd5MIV4

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCNTsfCCZLM

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqbqEND_sCU

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0rYNtG2Uz0


Related image

Ten of Germany's leading nuclear scientists were held in Farm Hall in England after the war.

Top row, left to right: Werner Heisenberg, Otto Hahn, M. Von Laue, C. F. von Weizsäcker and P. Harteck;

Bottom row, from left: W. Gerlach, K. Wirtz; K. Diebner, E. Bagge and H. Korsching.

All were released and returned to Germany in early 1946. 

With its long-range bombers and V-3 and V-4 rockets, it's a wonder Germany did not strike England and Russia with atom bombs.


Hitler's Plan to Atom Bomb New York


History Channel documentary

Start here:




1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKoshgB-ly0


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DTiEedR0xY


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYdf6g7o_Bc


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U-I47mYk18


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5XNAxdcakY


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxPRU4fuqUs



The Nazis' Plan to Bomb New York City with a Dirty Bomb






What happened to Hans Kammler?


Image result for hans kammler

SS General Hans Kammler



SS Gen. Hans Kammler supervised the building of  V-series rockets, the German atom bomb project and construction of other advanced weapons.

In the last days of the war in May 1945, Kammler flew to the Alps and disappeared shortly afterwards. 

It was claimed that Kammler arranged the hand-over of German scientists to the Americans.  

It has long been suggested that Kammler received protection from the Americans, or he was captured by the Soviets, or killed in fighting in Czechoslovakia, or committed suicide.

Kammler was last seen by the V-2 rocket scientist Wernher von Braun in  Oberammergau in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in southern Bavaria, Germany. Von Braun thought Kammler may have sought protection from the Church.

Der Fall Hans Kammler

Excerpt from German documentary (06:37)





Hitlers Geheimwaffenchef

Auf den Spuren von Hans Kammler


ZDF History (30 min.)





Hans Kammler

Secret Weapons

Mark Felton


See below for the link to Hitler's Nuclear Arsenal from the documentary series Dead Men's Secret










39 min.

Uploaded by Lost Battlefields w Tino Struckmann

27 May 2023


Hunting Dr. Evil

Hans Kammler: Hitler's Secret Weapons Chief

Uploaded by Mark Felton Productions

11 November 2020


The Two Lives of Hans Kammler

Hitler's Secret Weapons Manager


52 min.

Uploaded by Crime and Crime Fighters

25 March 2023


The Nazi Bomb

Episode from the documentary series In Search of History

Werner Heisenberg and the German atom bomb


The American Office of Strategic Services / O. S. S. planned to kill Heisenberg. In 1944, the OSS arranged a conference in Switzerland and arranged for Heisenberg to attend. An OSS agent was sent to Switzerland to intercept Heisenberg. The agent was to speak to Heisenberg and attend his lecture to determine if the Germans were capable of building an atom bomb soon. If the agent thought the Germans could build the bomb, he was to kill Heisenberg.

The OSS agent was a former baseball player for the Boston Red Sox, Morris Berg.

Berg attended a lecture by Heisenberg and determined that Germany could not build an atom bomb.

The Catcher was a Spy

The American Plot to Kill Heisenberg

Movie (2018)

Former major league baseball player Morris Berg is recruited by the OSS to kill Heisenberg

Zurich, Switzerland

18 December 1944

A bit of fiction is added to the film for excitement


Nicholas Dawidoff

Author of the best-selling book The Catcher Was a Spy in 1994


International Spy Museum



Moe Berg

Episode from the documentary series SportsCentury


The Spy Behind Home Plate

About a documentary


Cloak and Dagger

Hollwood movie with Gary Cooper






The Planned American Invasion of Japan

Operation Downfall

The Planned Invasion of Japan | Dear Mudder and Dad

The Americans planned two invasions of Japan.

The first invasion, Operation Olympic, was to be launched from the south on 1 November 1945. American forces would land on the Japanese home island of Kyushu. More forces were to invade from the east on 4 November, landing on Shikoku Island.

The second invasion, Operation Cornet, was to be launched from the east on 1 March 1946. American forces would land on the Japanese home island of Honshu. 

Operation Downfall - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia


Americans capture Okinawa

22 June 1945

Okinawa – US forces face a gruesome clear up

Go For Broke National Education Center - Preserving the Legacy of ...
Okinawa on map.

Battle For Okinawa Japan Stock Photos & Battle For Okinawa Japan ...

Daily News (New York),  

Amazon.com: BATTLE OF OKINAWA Operation Iceberg Japan ENDING 1945 ...

The Boston Herald,



Trinity Test Site

Alamogordo, New Mexico



Three atom bombs were produced at Los Alamos in July 1945. One was an uranium bomb. Two were plutonium bombs. 

One uranium bomb and one plutonium bomb were to be dropped on Japan if the Japanese did not surrender.

Scientists at Los Alamos were certain the uranium bomb would work and it was shipped, in parts, to the B-29 bomber base on the island of Tinian in the Marianas Islands in the western Pacific, and assembled there.

The scientists were less certain that the plutonium bomb would work. Thus, a plutonium bomb was tested in New Mexico.  

Jumbo Rehearsal Test

May 7, 1945

A bomb with 100 tones of TNT and a bit of uranium were to be placed inside a big, thick metal container, called Jumbo, suspended from a tower and detonated.  

 Related image

Related image

It was decided, however, that the metal bomb cylinder was impractical and discarded.  

Image result for The Jumbo rehearsal Test, May 7, 1945 - stacking TNT boxes on platform

Instead, 100 tons of TNT were stacked in a pile on a 20-foot high platform 800 yards away from Trinity Test Site and detonated at 4:37 a. m. on May 7.  

The Trinity Test



Related image

100-ft. tower


Related image

The bomb, assembled, atop 100-foot tower.


July 16, 1945

5:29 a. m. (Mountain War Time)

18 kilotons of TNT

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First detonation of an atomic bomb, Trintiy Test Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945 


Photographic sequence of the Trinity test, the first manmade nuclear Stock  Photo - Alamy


Image result for trinity test 1945

A plutonium bomb, tested first at Alamogordo, was dropped several weeks later on Nagasaki, Japan   


The Trinity Test | Atomic Heritage Foundation

Trinity Test Site and McDonald Ranch House Tour - Worlds First Nuclear  Explosion - YouTube

Trinity test | Fact | FactRepublic.com


J. Robert Oppenheimer, Gen. Leslie R. Groves and others at Ground Zero after the Trinity Test



J. Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie R. Groves at Ground Zero after the Trintity Test



Atomic Age - Trinity Explosion







The 1st US Nuclear Bomb Test 1945


(Long Version)






or (the same with piano accompaniment)


First Atom Bomb


Trinity Shot 1945 DOE First Nuclear Test Manhattan Project





Project Tower


US Air Force movie about filming the test





Edward Teller on the Trinity Nuclear Bomb Test





Excerpt from the 1995 Hollywood movie Trinity and Beyond





Interview with Edward Teller


Takes for Trinity and Beyond (1995)






Oppenheimer speaks after Trinity





Scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer speaks about atomic bombs at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC  (1945)







7-part 1980 biographical drama about the American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer ("Father of the Atom Bomb")


Sam Waterston portrays Oppenheimer


The first five of the seven episodes of the series cover the period from mid-1939, before the war in Europe, when Oppenheimer was a physics professor at UC-Berkeley, to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaski in mid-1945. 


Also portrayed are General Leslie Groves, Edward Teller, George Kistiakowsky and others.


1. 1939




2. 1942  




3. 1943




4. 1944 - 1945




5. 1945 (Trinity)





Vera Kistiakowsky

Interview with the daughter of George Kistiakowsky 




The Making of the Atom Bomb


Advertisement for the book by Richard Rhodes




A reading of the book 


Clip 1.




Clip 2.




Clip 3.






7-part 1980 biographical drama about the American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer ("Father of the Atom Bomb")

Sam Waterston portrays Oppenheimer

The first five of the seven episodes of the series cover the period from mid-1939, before the war in Europe, when Oppenheimer was a physics professor at UC-Berkeley, to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaski in August 1945.

Also portrayed are General Leslie Groves, Edward Teller, George Kistiakowsky and others.

1. 1939




2. 1942


3. 1943


4. 1944 - 1945


5. 1945 (Trinity)



Potsdam Conference

July 17  -  August 2, 1945 

Image result for potsdam big 3

Allied Conference in Potsdam, a suburb of Berlin, in July 1945.

The "Big Three": Churchill, left; Harry Truman (replacing FDR, deceased), center; Stalin. right

When the world was reinvented: Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin & the end of  World War II | Salon.com

Potsdam Declaration/Proclamation/Ultimatum

26 July 1945 

Truman and Churchill issued a proclamation, an ultimatum to Japan to surrender unconditionally or face destruction.

Chiang Kai-shek was in China. Truman sent a copy to Chiang by the American ambassador to China.

Stalin did not sign the proclamation because the USSR was not yet at war with Japan. 

The proclamation was announced over the radio on the evening of 26 July 1945.  

Ultimatum to Japan

Image result for churchill and truman at potsdam

Proclamation by the heads of government

United States, China and the United Kingdom

"We, the President of the United States, the President of the National Government of China and the Prime Minister of Great Britain, representing hundreds of millions of our countrymen . . .

"We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."

"Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, and such minor islands as we determine."

". . . points in Japanese territory to be designated by the Allies shall be occupied . . ."

"There must be eliminated for all time the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest."

"Stern justice shall be meted out to all war criminals, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners."

"The Japanese military forces, after being completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their homes."

"Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just reparations in kind . . ." 

". . . access to, as distinguished from control of, raw materials shall be permitted. . ."

"Eventual Japanese participation in world trade relations shall be permitted."

"The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. Freedom of speech, of religion, and of thought, as well as respect for the fundamental human rights shall be established."

Image result for japan ignores potsdam ultimatum to surrender - newspaper

San Mateo Times (California), July 27, 1945


Conservatives lose elections

25 July 1945


Image result for churchill ousted July 1945 - newspaper
27 July 1945

The Conservatives had been in power since 1931. Winston Churchill became prime minister and leader of the Conservatives in 1940. Churchill formed a coalition government.

The war in Europe won, Churchill suggested to the Labour and Liberal Party leaders the coalition government continue till the Japanese were defeated.

The Labour Party wanted an election in October and informed Churchill they would leave the coalition government then.

Churchill resigned as Prime Minister on 23 May. The King reappointed him, to form a caretaker government until the elections.

The Conservatives decided to hold a quick election.

Parliament was dissolved on 15 June 1945.

The elections   -   the first since 1935   -   were held on 5 (and 12 and 19) July. The votes were counted and the results announced on 26 July.

Churchill won a seat in the House of Commons but his party, the Conservatives, and the Liberals were soundly defeated in the country. Voters felt Churchill was the right man during the war. To rebuild the country, voters preferred Labour. For the first time in history, Labour won a majority of seats and a plurality of the votes. 

Churchill, the prime minister, returned from Potsdam and resigned. As leader of the Conservatives, he would lead the Opposition in the House of Commons.  

Thread by @WestWingReport: "On This Day 1945: 2 1/2 months after ...

New York Times, 27 July 1945

After the War

Churchill's Defeat

British documentary (59:09)


The Potsdam Declaration, the ultimatum to Japan to surrender, was announced on the night of 26 July.

The new prime minister, Clement Atlee, went to Potsdam.   

Related image

The "Big Three" at Potsdam, July 1945: Clement Atlee (replacing Churchill, defeated in British elections), left; Truman, centre; Stalin, right.



USS Indianapolis


USS Indianapolis

 Related image

Route of the USS Indianapolis

The USS Indianapolis picked up the enriched uranium and atomic bomb parts in San Francisco on July 16 and delivered them to the US Air Force on Tinian Island on July 29.


The ship sailed for Leyte in the Philippines. On the way, the ship was sunk by two torpedoes from a Japanese submarine.

Of the 1,200 crewmen, 300 went down with the ship. The rest 

took to lifeboats or treaded water. They were spotted four days later. Of the 900 who survived the sinking only 300 lived to see rescue.     

July 29 to August 4, 1945


Vol. 22 of the 2005 documentary series The Last Days of World War Two






The USS Indianapolis


Episode from the 1997 - 1998 documentary series Sea Tales (45:56)









Related image

Sharks circle survivors about to be rescued.

Many sailors were killed by sharks.


USS Indianapolis | Construction, Sinking, Casualties, & Facts ...

Chart by the Encyclopedia Britannica with details of the Indianapolis and her fate. 


Mission of the Shark


The Saga of the USS Indianapolis


1991 movie about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the fate of its crew









Survivor accounts:


Edgar Harrell, USMC








Lyle Umenhoffer





Wreckage of USS Indianapolis found




Uploaded 20 August 2017













Ship of Doom



Sgt. Edgar Harrell, Marine guard on the USS Indianapolis, which carried parts of the atomic bomb to Tinian Island


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel





Image result for August 1945 map of Pacific showing Japan, Okinawa, Guam, Saipan and Tinian Island

A map of the western Pacific showing the Marianas and Japan.  

 Bob's War ( 1941 - 1946 )

Map of the situation in March 1945. B-29 Superfortress bases on Guam, Tinian and Saipan. Fighter base on Iwo Jima. The B-29 bombers could fly 1,600 miles and back. Fighters on Iwo Jima could escort the bombers.     

Chapter 14: Japan's Surrender

Map of the aerial bombardment of Japan from the Mariana Islands in 1944 and 1945 and Okinawa in 1945.

Tinian Island

The U. S. marines captured Tinian Island from the Japanese in 1944 and destroyed most of the airstrip called Ushi.

The navy rebuilt the airstrip and renamed it North Field.

North Field (Tinian) - Wikipedia

North Field, Tinian

Four parallel east-west 8,000-feet runways

Diagram of North Field


Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Little Boy and Fat Man


The U. S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan  -  the first, an uranium bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, and the second, a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945


At left, the uranium bomb, called Little Boy, dropped on Hisoshima; at right, the plutonium bomb, called Fat Man, dropped on Nagasaki.

The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in August 1945 were loaded onto B-29s on Tinian.

The bombers took off from Runway Able on North Field. 

Atomic Bomb

Silent Film Footage

Tinian 1945

1.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBP0IKaPZxI

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxfxCSaeWmA

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj6Iq-A5eWk


Film of a sight-seeing trip to Tinian in 2012



Image result for gen curtis lemay on guam august 1945
XX Bomber Command headquarters, Guam, 5 August 1945. Commander General Curtis LeMay is seated second from right. Standing beside Lemay is B-29 pilot Colonel Paul Tibbets.






Hiroshima was to be the military command centre against the anticipated American invasion. The city had not been bombed before in order to note the destruction of the atomic bomb.  


Time of bomb release and detonation:

08:15 a. m. (Japan time), Monday, August 6, 1945


Image result for B-29 Enola Gay


Related image

B-29 Superfortress Enola Gay dropped atom bomb on Hiroshima


Col. Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr., commander of the B-29 Enola Gay


Enola Gay crew, Dutch Van Kirk is top row, second from left: Photo courtesy Smithsonian Institution)
   11-man crew selected by Tibbets 



Tibbets (fourth from left) with ground crew (left photo); flight and ground crews (righ photo) 


Uranium bomb ("Little Boy"), untested prior to Hiroshima.  

 Enola Gay - Wikipedia

Paul Tibbets waves before taking off. The Enola Gay took from Tinian at 02:45 a. m.  

Countdown to Hiroshima: The bomb that changed the world - BBC Teach

Bomb bay doors open at 31,000 feet altitude.

Wars and Conflicts, World War II, Pacific Theater, Japan, Bombing ...

Reconnaissance photo of Hiroshima. "AP" in small circle at centre indicates the bombardier's Aiming Point. The wider circle indicates the area destroyed by the atomic bomb. 

August 6, 1945 – Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima, Japan | Legal ...

Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima   -  16 kilotons of TNT   -   released at 08:15 a. m. (Japan time) and detonated at 1,900 feet.

09.08.2019 - Sommacampagna (Vr) - 74° Anniversario dello sgancio ...

Photo of the Enola Gay taken from an observation plane.


Atomic bomb

Photo of the Enola Gay taken from an observation plane.  

Devastation 1945 Atomic Bomb Japan High Resolution Stock Photography and  Images - Alamy


Related image

Mushroom cloud created by atom bomb over Hiroshima. 


Flight path of the Enola Gay from Tinian to Hiroshima.

The Enola Gay was accompanied by four other B-29s   -   observation and weather planes.



Image result for Jesuit Church of Our Lady’s Assumption in Hiroshima after the bomb.

Hiroshima after the atom bomb. 

Image result for hiroshima atom bomb

Hiroshima after the atom bomb.

Related image

   Before the bomb.        After the bomb.   

Few buildings in Hiroshima survived the bomb blast. Two cathedrals survived. The Jesuit Church of Our Lady’s Assumption, in the photos above, remained largely intact. The Jesuit priests were inside the church for morning prayers and survived.

Related image

Related image

Enola Gay returns to Tinian after atom bombing mission.

Note that the tail markings were changed from a circle with an arrow to a circle with the letter R before the mission. This was to hide from the Japanese the purpose of mission. The circle with the arrow was the insignia of the plane's unit, which the Japanese may have observed dropping special practice bombs over Japan. The circle with the R was the insignia of another unit on Tinian.  


nuke : A-Bomb In-utero Survivor Speaks

General Carl Spaatz, First Chief of Staff of the USAF and Commander of the U. S. Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific, was on Tinian when the Enola Gay returned from its mission over Hiroshima. Spaatz pinned the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) on Col. Paul Tibbets.

Interview with crew of the Enola Gay after the mission


 509th Composite Group | Atomic Heritage Foundation

The crew of the Enola Gay decorated after the mission.

New York Times, August 7, 1945

 Newspaper headlines on August 7, 1945, revealed to the Bay Area ...

San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 1945

Enola Gay

The men, the mission, the atomic bomb

1980 movie (2:24:33)




Canadian and Japanese 1995 movie about the atomic bombing of Japan 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0J4BYjrq90 (Removed from You Tube)





Hiroshima: The First Weapon of Mass Destruction

2005 BBC documentary film (95 minutes)

www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0J4BYjrq90 (Removed from You Tube)





Hiroshima: The First Weapon of Mass Destruction

2005 BBC documentary film (95 minutes)

Excerpts from the documentary uploaded by BBC Worldwide

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0eHCytkcHg

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF4LQaWJRDg

Entire documentary

Part 1.


Part 2.


or see:

Documentary: HIROSHIMA 

Part 1.


Part 2.




Episode from the British documentary TV series Days that Shook the World (2003)


is the same as

Episode 5: Hiroshima


Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima announced


Harry Truman on board the USS Augusta

6 August 1945


Effects of atomic bombing

24 Hours after Hiroshima


Same as:

Horoshima   -   Nuclear Apocalypse
National Geographic documentary


 (in 3 clips)


"I'd drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima again if needed"

Enola Gay's last surving crew member, Theodore ("Dutch") Van Kirk, navigator 




Van Kirk recalls the Bomb


Van Kirk describes dropping the bomb



Underground WW2 Bomb Shelters in Japan

Episode about bomb shelters in Hiroshima from the 2008 documentary series Cities of the Underworld

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGgn8d58dRc (Removed from You Tube)


Richard Feynman, Physicist 

Recalls his role in the Manhattan Project and its aftermath



Ten Seconds that Shook the World

A David Wolper documentary (1962) (51:00)



The Decision to Drop the Bomb

NBC White Paper

Documentary, January 1965

Presented by Chet Huntley

1 hour, 27 minutes



NBC News


Shortened version

Encyclopedia Films

34 minutes, 40 seconds



University of Arizona

37 minutes, 22 seconds


J. Robert Oppenheimer

Father of the Atomic Bomb


CBS News




Paul Tibbets

Pilot of the Enola Gay B-29 Superfortress


Part 1.

The development of the B-29 and the training of the first bomber group

The mission to bomb Hiroshima


Part 2.



Paul W. Tibbets, Jr.

Reflections on Hiroshima


Bombing of Hiroshima


Paul Tibbets, Curtis LeMay, Averell Harriman



Harry Truman

Announces dropping of first Atomic Bomb




Image result for curtis lemay on guam 1945"

General Curtis LeMay

LeMay of the B-29s

Front cover of Time magazine

Monday, 13 August 1945 (actually Monday, 6 August 1945)

Weekly magazines are released one week before the date on the cover.

The magazine appeared on newsstands in the continental U. S. on Monday, 6 August, when it was Tuesday, 7 August on Guam.

The Last Bomb

War Department documentary about the bombing campaign of Japan from the Mariana Islands (1945) 

In 4 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z7z0rfE4xk

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66K1im3tgNw


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g571TQHDvU&feature=related


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osgxcfLCs-Y

In 1 upload with added comments



Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-Bombs

Air war against Japan, 1944 - 1945

1953 USAF documentary from the official history of the U. S. Air Force, vol. 1, chapter 24, 1944 - 1945:

B-29s arrive on Saipan; Gen. Curtis LeMay arrives to take command and launches B-29 offensive against Japan; Tokyo bombed day and night; atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Japan surrenders



The Atom Strikes

Atomic Weapons and Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

US Army documentary



The British Atomic Attack

Mark Felton 

Plan to use the Avro Lancaster to drop the atom bomb





B-29 Superfortress Bockscar dropped an atom bomb on Nagasaki

Time of bomb release and detonation:

11:02 a. m. (Japan time), Thursday, August 9, 1945

Maj. Charles Sweeney, commander of Bombing Group and B-29 Bockscar



Crew of the B-29 Bockscar on Tinian


A plutonium bomb was tested at Alamogordo in New Mexico in July 1945 and another, called Fat Man (above), was dropped on Nagasaki in August 1945.

Tinian, 9 August 1945

Major Charles W. Sweeney (left), pilot of the B-29 BOCKSCAR which ...

Before the mission, Colonel Paul W. Tibbets (centre), pilot of the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, shakes hands with Major Charles W. Sweeney (left), pilot of Bockscar, the B-29 that is about to take off to drop an atomic bomb on Kokura.

The man on the right is Major Sweeney's navigator, Captain James Van Pelt.

Image result for B-29 Bockscar - in flight to nagasaki

Bockscar en route to Japan, photographed from an observation plane. The plane took off from Tinian at 03:49 a. m.

Bockscar: The Aircraft and The Second Mission That Almost Didn't ...

Two of the four B-29s flying with Bockscar to Japan as observation planes.  

The Atomic Bombings: Why Hiroshima and Nagasaki? | Global Zero

Aerial reconnaissance photo of Nagasaki two days before the bombing mission.

Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki   -   21 kilotons of TNT. The bomb detonated 1,650 feet above the city.



Fearing Crash & Detonation On Takeoff, The First Atomic Bomb Had ...

The cloud from the atomic bomb explosion over Nagasaki viewed from ground level 15 minutes after detonation. Photo by Hiromidi Matsuda. 

Flight paths of the Enola Gay, indicated on the right, and Bockscar, on the left, from their base on Tinian to bomb targets in Japan.

Bockscar flew to its primary target, Kokura, but the site was obscured by weather.

Bockscar turned to its secondary target Nagasaki.

Nagasaki also was obscured by cloud cover. In a momentary break in the clouds, the city was sighted and the bomb released. The bomb detonated almost two miles from the target area.  

On its return to base, Bockscar made an emergency landing on Okinawa, to refuel, and continued back to its base on Tinian.


Bockscar was accompanied by three other B-29s   -   observation and weather planes.

Image result for nagasaki after the atom bomb 

Nagasaki after the atomic bomb.

The bomb killed an estimated 40,000 to 80,000 people, half of them immediately.

The bomb exploded three miles from the centre of Nagasaki, above the Urakami Valley.

The Spanish Jesuit missionary Saint Francis Xavier introduced Christianity to Japan in 1549. A Portuguese Jesuit missionary established the port of Nagasaki in 1571. In 1945, Nagasaki was home to a large population of Christians.

Pin on Church Buildings

Urakami Valley was inhabited by many Japanese Christians.

Photo of the Urakami Cathedral in Nagasaki, built from 1895 to 1925.

Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki and the Urakami Cathedral - Nagasaki Atomic Bomb  Museum — Google Arts & Culture Why We Shouldn't Overlook Nagasaki's Atomic Bomb Story | Time

Urakami Cathedral after the bomb.

The cathedral was rebuilt by the local Japanese after the war.

Nagasaki atomic bombing

Excerpt from 2005 BBC documentary

Uploaded by BBC Worldwide


also an earlier upload from another source 



Image result for bockscar takes off for Kokura

Bockscar after its mission.

Post-mission interview with Major Charles Sweeney, pilot of Bockscar


 Charles W. Sweeney | Atomic Heritage Foundation

Major Charles Sweeny and the crew of Bockscar are decorated upon their return to Tinian after their mission over Japan.


A Tale of Two Cities

1946 U. S. Army and Navy film of Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atomic bombing




History of the Air Force 1944-1945

1976 documentary from the Air Force History series



Sea Power in the Pacific

1946 US Navy documentary

(2 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEaUkASJm7Q

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhNi3rOhXKU

The General Effects of the Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

US Air Force documentary (22 min.)


Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

US Strategic Bombing Survey

US Air Force documentary (2:44:51) September and October 1945


The Atom Strikes!

1945 US Army documentary (30:53)



The Race

Episode from the ABC-TV documentary series The Century with Peter Jennings



The Race for the World's First Atomic Bomb

A Thousand Days of Fear





Interviews with the crews of the Enola Gay and Bockscar

August 1945


The Story of Bockscar

National Museum of the US Air Force

January 2023



Co-pilot / third pilot of Bockscar

The Bombing of Nagasaki

Interview in Titusville, New Jersey


20 minutes



Paul Tibbets

Reflections on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Atomic Heritage






Rain of Ruin

1995 documentary released on the History Channel in 2004






Atom bombs were not necessary to defeat Japan 

The Fog of War

Conversation with Robert McNamara

Gen. LeMay believed firebombing was sufficient to force Japan's surrender; atom bombs were not required.

Go to the 27:07 mark in this video:







How many atomic bombs did the U. S. have?

Accounts differ.

After the Nagasaki bombing, the U. S. warned it would drop more nuclear bombs if Japan did not surrender. 

There were doubts that the U. S. actually had more  bombs.

During the six days between the Nagasaki bomb and Japan's annoucement of surrender there was no atomic bombing. 

According to later reports, the U. S. had expended all of its uranium in the Hiroshima bomb. But it had more plutonium.

According to some accounts, one more nuclear bomb, a plutonium bomb like the one dropped on Nagasaki, was to be in Tinian in time for another strike on Japan on August 19. Three more bombs were to be ready in September and three more in October.

According to later accounts, the U. S. at the time had 12 nuclear bombs in all, or 12 more bombs, or could produce 12 more bombs.  

According to other accounts, seven nuclear bombs, or nine bombs, or as many as 15 bombs would be ready to drop on Kyushu in support of American troops invading Japan in November 1945.  

It was later claimed that the U. S. spent all of its nuclear resources in its first two post-war nuclear bomb tests in 1946.   

Radiation fall-out from nuclear bombing of Japanese forces on Japan would have killed and injured many American soldiers as well.    

Third Atomic Bomb Attack

Japan 1945

Mark Felton





Atomic Timeline

American Heritage Foundation







B-29 Superfortress

The Boeing B-29 Superfortress

Episode from the 1987 documentary series Great Planes

The Bombing Campaign in the Pacific
World War II History Round Table
October 10, 2013
Barrett Tillman, author of Whirlwind, and B-29 
crewmen discuss the bombing campaign in the Pacific
Stealing the Superfortress
The story of the Soviet TU-4
Documentary (1 hr. 31 min.)



Whirlwinds of Flame
The Strategic Bombing Campaign Against Japan
Lecture by John Curatola



Canadian - Japanese TV movie


Part 1.




Part 2.


Part 3.




Entire film in one upload

2 hrs., 6 min., 20 sec.






What is missing from the map and timeline below?



Typical map with timeline of the Second World War in the Pacific (the Pacific War) omits the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Korea, southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands in August 1945


What is missing from this video?

Inferno (1944 - 1945)

Episode 6 of the French documentary series Apocalypse: The Second World War

- Allied liberation of France; Allied invasion of Germany; Surrender of Germany

- Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Surrender of Japan



Film is divided into several clips that follow this first one automatically



The documentary film omits entirely the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Korea, southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands in August 1945.


Another documentary that omits entirely the Soviet Manchurian campaign:


The Invasion That Never Was

Episode from the 1999 documentary series Secrets of War narrated by Charlton Heston



Here is another:

Hell in the Pacific

Documentary (2001)

Four parts

Part 1. Inferno


Part 2. Purgatory


Part 3. Armegeddon


Part 4. Apocalypse



Napalm and the A-Bomb did not force Japan's surrender.

The swift Soviet invasion and occupation of Manchuria, southern Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and northern Korea in August 1945 and Soviet plans to invade Japan forced the Japanese to surrender to the Americans and accept American occupation of Japan.


As noted above, throughout the Pacific war   -   or since Pearl Harbor in December 1941 (or 1943)   -   the Americans asked the Soviets to attack the Japanese.

Likewise, after the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941 they asked the Japanese to attack the Soviets.

But in April 1941   -   two months before the Germans attacked the Soviet Union   -   the Soviets and the Japanese signed a four to five-year neutrality pact, the Japanese-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.

Soviets prepare for war against Japan 

Yalta Conference

February 4 – 11, 1945

 Related image

At the conference with Roosevelt and Churchill in Yalta in February 1945, Stalin agreed to attack Japan not later than three months after Germany's surrender (within the 90 days following
the German surrender).

Soviets void neutrality pact with Japan

April 1945

Image result for Soviet - Japanese Neutrality Pact 1941 - newspaper

New York Times, April 6, 1945

The Germans surrendered to the Allies on May 9, 1945.

The Soviets moved forces from Europe to Siberia to attack the Japanese in Manchuria. 

Image result for Japan occupied Manchuria (in green) from 1931 to 1945. Japan ruled Formosa (Taiwan) since 1895 and Korea since 1905/1910

Japan occupied Manchuria from 1931 to 1945. Japan ruled Formosa (Taiwan) since 1895 and Korea since 1905/1910

The Potsdam Proclamation

Announced on 26 July 1945

Image result for churchill and truman issue potsdam proclamation

Truman, left, with Churchill at Potsdam.

The Ultimatum to Japan

At the Allied Conference in Potsdam, Truman and Churchill issued a proclamation, or ultimatum, to Japan to surrender, announced over radio on 26 July.

"We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."

Harry S. Truman 

Biographical note from the American Presidents  -  Life Portraits series


Occupation Plans

Korea divided at the 38th Parallel

At the Allied conference in Potsdam, the US and USSR agreed to occupy the Korean Peninsula jointly   -   the Soviets in the north above the 38th parallel and the Americans in the south.

(Decades earlier, Imperial Russia and Imperial Japan discussed sharing Korea with the 38th parallel as the dividing line.)


The Allies agreed also to divide French Indo-China at the 16th parallel into two zones of occupation. The Chinese, under Chiang Kai-Shek,  would occupy the north and the British would occupy the south and return it to the French. (The French retook the north when the Chinese left in 1946.) 

The Americans planned to invade Japan from the south, landing on the southern main home island of Kyushu. But the Americans would not be ready before November, three months after the Soviets launched their offensive against the Japanese in Manchuria.

The Americans agreed to Soviet plans to occupy all of Manchuria, all of Sakhalin Island, all of the Kuril Islands and the northern Korean Peninsula.

The Americans, Soviets, British and Chinese were to occupy separate zones of Japan. The Soviets were to occupy the northern half of the Japanese home islands   -   the northern half of Honshu and all of Hokkaido. 

Image result for the planned occupation zones of japan 1945 by US, UK, China, USSR zones 

As the day of the Soviet offensive in Manchuria approached, however, the Americans told  the Soviets that they did not want them in Japan.

The Soviets ignored the Americans.

They planned to invade the Japanese main north island of Hokkaido (in dark green on the map below) from the Kuril Islands (in red) in late August 1945.

Hokkaido in dark green

Image result for the soviet occupation of hokkaido 1945 (map)
The Japanese north home island of Hokkaido
in red.


File:Romoi-Kushiro Line.png

The Soviets would occupy the northern half of the island, from the port of Kushiro on the eastern coast to the port of Rumoi on the west coast, as shown in the map above.

The Soviets and the Americans exchanged a series of top-level diplomatic cables about the possibility.

The Soviets prepared a plan to invade Hokkaido at the port of Rumoi from southern Sakhalin Island on 24 August 1945.

The plan was tabled on 22 August.  

Soviets declare war on Japan

As promised, the Soviets launhed their invasion of Manchuria, southern Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and northern Korea   -   just after midnight on August 9   -   exactly three months after the German surrender.

The Soviet Invasion of Manchuria led to Japan's Greatest Defeat ...

Soviet tank convoys roll through the Great Khingan Mountain Range of Manchuria in August 1945.

Image result for New York Times, August 9, 1945

New York Times, August 9, 1945

Later that same day, the Americans dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan   -   on the city of Nagasaki on the southern Japanese home island of Kyushu.

But the atomic bomb was not really more destructive than firebombing and there was no indication that steady bombardment of Japan would force the Japanese to surrender.

The Soviets rolled southward through Manchuria, Korea, Sakhalin and the Kurils.

The American maintained a steady aerial bombardment of Tokyo and other big Japanese cities, military installations and supply centres.

On August 14, the Americans conducted a 1,000-plane bombing mission of Japan   -   the biggest aerial bombardment of the Pacific War.    

But the course of the Pacific war was to be determined by the Soviets.   


Image result for Marshal Alexander Vasilevski,

Soviet Marshal Alexander Vasilevski, commanded Manchurian campaign


photo Malinovsky, Rodion Yakovlevich









Soviet Marshal Rodion Malinovski, commanded Soviet offensive in Manchuria


Soviet invasion of Manchuria - Wikiwand

The Soviet offensive in Manchuria was launched across three fronts   -   east, north and west   -   and included Mongolian forces.

File:Manchuria Operation map-es.svg

The Soviet invasion continued into September 1945.

Dark red = Manchuria occupied by Japan before August 1945

Dark red and light red = Manchuria occupied by the Soviet Union in 1945


 Soviet Invasion – August 1945 | Pacific Paratrooper

Soviet marines in Port Arthur, Manchuria in August 1945, after its capture from the Japanese. The Soviets turned the port over to China in 1953.

History | Japan-Russia Relations

File:Sakhalin Kuril Operation.svg

In addition to the overland offensive across Manchuria, the Red army and Soviet navy launched an invasion of southern Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands, a chain of islands between the Japanese north home island of Hokkaido and the Kamchatka penisula.


The Soviets took back territory lost by Imperial Russia to the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.

In 1905 the Japanese took southern Sakhalin Island and all the Kuril Islands. In 1945  the Soviets took southern Sakhalin and all of the Kuril Islands. 

The Soviet-Mongolian Cavalry-Mechanized Group crosses the Great Wall of China near Peking in August 1945. Mongolian leader, Commander-In-Chief Marshal Horlogyin Choibalsan, is third from right. In command of the Group, Soviet General Issa Pliev, is third from left.

The Soviet-Mongolian Cavalry-Mechanized Group drove through Inner Mongolia, beyond the Great Wall, and continued towards Peking. It was joined by the Communist Chinese 8th Route Army. It was recalled before reaching Peking.  

World War II : liberation of Korea

Soviet soldiers reached Korea on 10 August 1945. (Exact date of photo, taken in 1945, uncertain.) 

Far East of Russia/ Khabarovsk — US soldier meeting with Soviet troops.  Korea... | Female soldier, American soldiers, Soviet troops

Soviet soldiers greet arriving American soldiers in Seoul, Korea on 9 September 1945. 


Mongolian leader Choibalsan (far left) in conference with Soviet Marshals Vasilevsky (center) and Malinovsky (right), September 1945


Manchuria and the Atomic War

Why Japan surrendered 

The Americans dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6.

US President Truman warned the Japanese of more atomic bombing ("a rain of ruin") if Japan did not surrender. 

The following documentaries give a fuller account of the Pacific War.


The Last Battle of the Unknown War

The Manchurian campaign recounted by Burt Lancaster in the last episode, # 19, of the 1978 documentary series The Unknown War

Includes lengthy footage of the German surrender in Berlin and also the capture of Henry Pu-Yi in Manchuria


Or in 4 clips:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWrJ_Pb3Y6w

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwjCIYgejmk&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0haMD-JKk8M&feature=relmfu

4.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0haMD-JKk8M&feature=relmfu


The Battle of Manchuria

Episode from the Battlefield documentary series



War Against Japan

Episode 18 of 18 of the documentary series Soviet Storm (43:45)



On the Hills of Manchuria

Popular Russian song

Dmitri Hvorostovsky


Instrumental version
Central Military Band, Russian Ministry of Defence


Victory in the Pacific

Final episode of the World War II in Colour series




Victory in the Pacific


2005 documentary on American Experience on PBS


Japan's defeat viewed from an American perspective (1:52:29) 




Or in 8 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1yIcfEaVso


2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol6tIuRHlrU


3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH2anesFS1A


4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgXie9vKX78


5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaQHyiOTZUo


6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v2Z_2E3qlI


7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bcaOq_TCPk


8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M4OWoaDeZY



Or the same:  


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FswXA6WOTtU


2. . . . . .


August 5 - 11, 1945 

Volume 25 of the 2005 documentary series The Last Days of World War II


The atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the invasion of Japanese-occupied Manchuria, and the atomic bombing of Nagasaki





The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman

"Dialogue with the Future"


Part 1.





Truman and the Bomb 

Documentary (23:13)




Why the Bomb was Dropped


Documentary with Peter Jennings (July 1995)


The untested uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6 was already on its way from the US to Tinian at the time of the Trintity plutonium bomb test in New Mexico on July 17.   


The Soviet invasion of Manchuria compelled the Japanese to surrender.




US bombed Hiroshima to intimidate Soviets

Jacques Pauwels




It was right to drop the Atom Bomb on Japan

Father Wilson Miscamble of Notre Dame 



Nagasaki - The Forgotten Bomb

Episode from the 2008 National Geographic documentary series Seconds From Disaster

Includes comments by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, author of Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (2005)


Many Americans, including President Harry Truman, believed the threat of Soviet invasion of Japan would be enough to compel the Japanese to surrender.


But the Americans feared that a Soviet invasion of Japan would result in a Soviet conquest of Japan and a Soviet-controlled Japanese-puppet communist state.


Many Americans, including Truman, believed that the atomic bomb would frighten the Japanese and hasten their surrender, thus making the US invasion of Japan, which would cost an estimated million American casualties, unnecessary.


Truman hoped also that the atomic bomb would precipitate a Japanese surrender to the Americans before the Soviets declared war on Japan, thus keeping the Soviets out of Japan.


Truman hoped also to intimidate the Soviets with the atom bomb.


But the Japanese did not surrender after an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6.


Truman, among others, realised that atomic bombing would not demoralise the Japanese to the point of surrender.


It was not fear of more atomic bombing that compelled Japanese leaders to agree to American demands for unconditional surrender and to accept American occupation of Japan. It was their fear of Soviet occupation and communism.


According to this documentary, it is a myth that the second American atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki on August 9   -   eleven hours after the Soviets invaded Japanese-occupied Manchuria

   -    was an attempt to force Japan to surrender in order to spare the lives of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who were to invade Japan.


Thus the view, expressed in this documentary, that the second American atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki, was wholly unnecessary (and, to return to the series theme, a tragic “disaster”).


In other words, the first American atomic bomb, dropped on Hiroshima, was understandable: the Americans hoped the atomic bomb would frighten the Japanese into surrendering before the American invasion of Japan. But the second atomic bomb, dropped on Nagasaki three days later, was unnecessary because the Soviet declaration of war on Japan and the Soviet invasion of Japanese-occupied Manchuria would be enough to force the Japanese to surrender eventually.


That is to say, the Americans could continue the fight as before, without the atomic bomb, and expect the Japanese to agree to surrender unconditionally to the Americans at some point before the Soviets reached the Japanese home islands.














Tsuyoshi Hasegawa

Interview with the author of Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan


UCSB-TV (2005)






Stalin and the Soviet Union's Pacific War Strategy

The role and the agenda of Josef Stalin and the Soviet Union in the Pacific campaign

David Glantz

Institute for the Study of Strategy and Politic


Washington, D. C.

August 6, 2015







A better description of developments?


Following the capture of Okinawa, the Americans prepared to attack the Japanese home islands.


There were to be two American invasions of Japan. The first would be from the south in November 1945 and the second would be from the east in March 1946.


The Americans wanted the Soviets to join the war against Japan and create a second front in the north. The Americans were certain that the threat of a Soviet invasion of the Japanese home islands would be sufficient to compel the Japanese to surrender.


The Soviets assured the Americans they would declare war on Japan and invade Japanese-occupied Manchuria on August 15.


The Americans planned to drop an untested uranium bomb on Japan, also on August 15.


The Soviets planned to attack Japanese-occupied Manchuria three months before the scheduled American invasion of southern Japan. By the time the Americans could invade Japan, the Soviets could be in control of the Japanese north home island of Hokkaido and a large part of Honshu Island


The Americans feared a Soviet conquest of Japan and a Soviet-controlled communist Japanese puppet state. 

Image result for the planned occupation zones of japan 1945 by US, UK, China, USSR zonesImage result for the soviet occupation of hokkaido 1945 (map)

There was a possibility of Soviet control of the eastern (northern) half of Japan or all of Japan.


In the hope of precipitating a Japanese surrender before the Soviets declared war on Japan, the Americans decided to drop the atom bomb earlier than scheduled, on or before August 8. 


Truman hoped also to intimidate the Soviets with the atom bomb.


The Americans dropped the uranium bomb on Japan   -   on Hiroshima   -   on August 6.


The Soviets feared that before they invaded Manchuria the Japanese would surrender to the Americans.


The Japanese asked the Soviets to mediate an armistice for them with the Americans. The Soviets refused and invaded Manchuria on August 9, six days ahead of schedule.


The Americans demanded full and unconditional surrender by the Japanese. But the Japanese would not agree.


The Americans dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan, on Nagasaki, at mid-day on August 9   -   eleven hours after the Soviets invaded Japanese-held Manchuria.


The second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki to keep the pressure on the Japanese to surrender unconditionally. 


On the following day, August 10, the Japanese offered to surrender. This prompted victory celebrations in various parts of the world. But the Japanese were not prepared to surrender unconditionally. 


On August 14, the Americans conducted the biggest bombing raid of the Pacific War, with more than 1,000 planes, attacking Japan throughout the day and night.


On the same day, the Japanese informed the Americans of their intention to surrender unconditionally.


The Japanese broadcast their decision to accept Allied demands on August 14   -   five days after the Soviets invaded Manchuria and the Americans dropped their second American atomic bomb on Japan.


The Americans called for a cease-fire and scheduled formal surrender proceedings for September 2 in Tokyo Bay.








The 10,000-plane bombing raid

The largest bombing raid in history

14 August 1945

From the Marianas, 449 B-29s took off for Japan during the day and 372 B-29s took off at night. With seven more planes on special bombing missions. A total of 828 bombers on 14 August 1945.   

Plus 186 fighter escorts.  

A total of 1,014 aircraft.

Few losses.




The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence

Lecture by Ward Wilson (2008)

Destroying cities and civilian populations will not end war. That has been demonstrated throughout history and it was a major lesson of WW2.

Contrary to claims of Washington officials, the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not force the Japanese to surrender.

The Soviet invasion of Manchuria and Soviet plans to invade Japan, three months ahead of the Americans, did.



The Myth of Hiroshima

Interview with Ward Wilson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2014)




Ward Wilson:

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not the cause of Japan's surrender

Interview on Russia Today (RT), August 6, 2015









Transforming the Relationship between Science and Society:

Interpreting the Manhattan Project

A workshop conducted by Richard Rhodes, historian, "on the challenges and strategies for presenting the Manhattan Project to the general public". 

(Uploaded in 2013)

The Decision to Drop the Bomb

Discussion hosted by Richard Rhodes



The Debate over the Bomb

Discussion hosted by Richard Rhodes


Interview with Richard Rhodes

Atomic Heritage Foundation, Washington, D. C.

Uploaded by AHF in 2014 (I hr. 14 min.)



Richard Rhodes Interview





The Making of the Atomic Bomb

Richard Rhodes


Atomic Heritage Foundation



The Hanford site

DuPont and the Manhattan Project

The Alsos Mission

The capture of German physicists

The atom bomb was inevitable due to the principles behind scientific research



Alex Wallerstein's Interview

Voices of the Manhattan Project



Hiroshima and the Historians

History as Relative Truth

Lecture by Kenneth B. Pyle, historian, at the University of Washngton, Seattle, Washington, 2014

Discusses the different views and opinions of the atomic bombing of Japan

 - The atomic bomb saved the lives of one million American soldiers

 -  America resorted to atomic bombing because the Japanese emperor and the military refused to surrender unconditionally

 - The atomic bomb was intended to intimidate the Soviets









Did Japan have the A-Bomb?


The Atlanta Constitution- Oct. 3, 1946

Front page of the Atlanta Constitution, October 3, 1946


The Japanese might have built a nuclear bomb in Konan (Ham Heung) in northeast Korea and successfully tested it on a small island off-shore at dawn on August 12, 1945.


The Soviets captured Konan ten days later, on August 22, and might have details about such a bomb test in Soviet archives.


For full text of the article:  






Japan's Atomic Bomb




Japan built and tested an A-bomb in WW2   -   or so an American journalist claimed after the war.


The Soviets launched their offensive against the Japanese in Manchuria on August 9.


Later that same day, the Americans dropped a second atomic bomb on Japan, on the city of Nagasaki.


But the Japanese did not surrender.


Three days later, on August 12, the Japanese detonated a nuclear bomb in a test on the east coast of northern Korea.


The Japanese planned to detonate a nuclear bomb on the approaching American fleet in the Pacific.


Entire documentary in one clip:












Or the same in 5 clips:


1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdCe2wBeCiw

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCpZvyHW0NI

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCPH5kTj-5Y

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0fv2_-AJeE

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWOuxC9jkYs








Germans and Japanese collaborated in developing an atom bomb


The two documentaries indicated below recount how a German submarine, U-234, set out for Japan with a shipment of uranium in March 1945.


Following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, U-234 sailed to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and surrendered to an American naval vessel.


The uranium in the submarine's cargo was not enough to build an atomic bomb.


The uranium on U-234 was sent to the Manhattan Project.  





Hitler's Last U-Boat


Documentary (55:00)








The same in German


U-234 - Hitlers Letztes U-Boot



Hitler's Nuclear Arsenal

Episode from the documentary series Dead Men's Secret

Two giant Japanese submarines were to sail to the US west coast with planes and bombs. Their mission was to bomb San Francisco on August 17, 1945. It is believed the bombs were atomic or, more specifically, radiation bombs.



Submarine Aircraft Carrier

Japan's Super Sub







The Japs Give Up

On August 10, 1945 Japan offered to surrender if the emperor was retained.

Brooklyn (New York) Eagle, 12 August 1945

On August 12, the U. S. replied that the emperor would be subordinate to the Allied supreme commander. 

On August 14, Japanese radio announced that a message of surrender would be broadcast soon.   

Image result for Japanese surrender Chikiang,21 August 1945
New York Times, August 14, 1945


00:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) =
02:00 British Double Summer Time (= GMT + 2:00) =  
09:00 Japan Central Standard Time (= GMT + 9:00) =
20:00 Eastern War Time (EWT) (= GMT - 4:00) (previous day); 

01:49 New York (EWT) on 14 Aug. 1945 =
05:49 GMT on 14 Aug. =
07:49 London on 14 Aug. =
14:49 Tokyo on 14 Aug. 

The Providence Journal (Rhode Island), 14 August 1945

On August 14, President Truman received a reply from the Japanese foreign minister, Shigenori Togo, relayed through the Swiss Minister in Washington, D. C., accepting the Potsdam Declaration:

"His Majesty the Emperor has issued an Imperial rescript regarding Japan's acceptance of the provisions of the Potsdam declaration.

"His Majesty the Emperor is prepared to authorise and ensure the signature by his Government and the Imperial HQ of the necessary terms for carrying out the provisions of the Potsdam declaration.

"His Majesty is also prepared to issue this communication to all military, naval and air authorities to issue all forces under their control wherever located to cease active resistance and to surrender arms, and to issue such other orders as may be required by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces for the execution of the above-mentioned terms."

Image result for harry truman announces japan's surrender

President Harry Truman announces Japanese surrender in the White House at 19:00 on 14 August 1945 (10:00 on 15 August in Japan). 


"I deem this reply a full acceptance of the Potsdam declaration, which specifies the unconditional surrender of Japan."


U. S. President Truman announces Japanese surrender

August 14, 1945








Image result for The Evening Star, on August 14, 1945

Front page of a newspaper in Washington, D. C, The Evening Star, on August 14, 1945.

As Truman read Togo's reply to the press in the White House, Prime Minister Clement Atlee and Moscow radio announced the Japanese surrender.     

Clement Atlee



Related image

Crowds celebrate V-J Day in Times Square in Manhattan in New York City on 14 August 1945 (15 August in Asia).


Front page of the August 14 issue of the New York Journal American


Soong May-ling or Soong Mei-ling,  the wife of General Chiang Kai-shek of China (Taiwan) 1898-2003 Stock Photo
Madame Chiang with a copy of the
August 14 issue of the New York
Journal American

Radio News Bulletin

Evening of 14 August 1945

Hirohito's Broadcast


Photo of Japanese emperor Hirohito recording
his announcement of surrender on August 14, 1945,
broadcast the following day, August 15, 1945 (Tokyo time).
The message accepted the Potsdam Declaration, which demanded Japan's complete and unconditional surrender.
The Imperial Rescript

August 15, 1945 (Tokyo Time)

(August 14, 1945 in U. S.)  

Sometime in the second week of August 1945, the Japanese emperor, Hirohito, asked his staff to draft a statement of his acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration   -   the Allied demand for Japan’s full and unconditional surrender. 

Hirohito announced his intention to accept the Potsdam Declaration at a meeting of the Imperial staff in a bomb shelter of the palace on August 14. 

At 23:25, Hirohito recorded the announcement, the Imperial Rescript (since called the “Jewel Voice Broadcast”), twice in a palace bunker.

The recordings were locked in a safe.

Shortly after midnight, 1,000 soldiers, determined to prevent the surrender, overwhelmed the Imperial Guard and took control of the palace. But the soldiers could not find the recordings and gave up the revolt at 5:00.

The recordings were taken to a radio station outside the palace and broadcast at 12 noon on 15 August (Japan time) (11 p. m. in New York on 14 August).

The recording was of poor quality and Hirohito spoke in an old and uncommon Japanese language that was not widely understood.

At the end of the speech a Japanese radio announcer added that the speech meant Japan surrendered.  

For a translation of the full text see:


A Japanese radio announcer, Tadaichi {Joe) Hirakawa, who had lived in the U. S. in the 1930s, translated the announcement in English and broadcast it to the American zone. The text was printed in the New York Times on the following day, August 15.   



"We declared war on America and Great Britain . ."

"... the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation . ."

"Such being the case, how are we to save the millions of our subjects . . ."

"This is the reason why we have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the joint declaration of the powers." 

". . . it is according to the dictates of time and fate that We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace . . ."

"We have ordered our government to communicate to the governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union that our empire accepts the provisions of their joint declaration."

On the document from which Hirohito read:

Hirohito's signature (and official seal) 

Tokyo, August 14, 1945

Japan releases audio recording of Emperor Hirohito's surrender speech



Hirohito's Speech

Recorded August 14, 1945; broadcast August 15, 1945





CBS Radio Report

John Daly

August 14, 1945

Note: O. W. I. = U. S. Office of War Information; F. C. C. = Federal Communications Commission



Image result for New York Times, 15 August, 1945

New York Times, 15 August, 1945

For the article, see:


Japan Says "Enough"

Movietone News


VJ Day, Victory over Japan Day 1945

Nation Celebrates 

British Pathé newsreel



Surrender zones


Japan Surrenders

United News

Review of Japanese agression from 1931 to 1945 and its surrender 





V-J Day  -  Japanese Surrender

Army-Navy Screen Magazine newsreel (1946)





VJ-Day in London 1945




VJ-Day in Australia

British Movietone newsreel



Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh attend VJ-Day Memorial

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church, Trafalgar Square

August 15, 2015


Eternal Father



Prince Charles and the Prime Minister at Commemoration

VJ-Day 2015 




Kipling's poem The Road to Mandalay



Canada marks 70th anniversary of V-J Day






Henry Pu Yi (1906 -1967), the last emperor of China (1908 - 1912) and the emperor of Manchukuo (1932 - 1945), was captured by the Soviets in Mukden on 16 August 1945.

Pu Yi was fleeing Manchuria. He planned to fly to Korea and then to Japan. His plane was about to take off from Mukden when the Soviets landed.

The Soviets kept Pu Yi in Siberia and handed him over to Mao Tse-Tung in 1950. Pu Yi was imprisoned as a war criminal in China until 1959. He lived the rest of his life in Peking.


The Last Emperor of China

Documentary about Henry Pu Yi, last emperor of China (1 hr. 40 min.)







The Last Emperor


1987 movie in English about the last emperor of China, the Last Manchu, the Emperor of Manchukuo, Aisin-Gioro (Henry) Pu Yi (1906 - 1967)


This version is dubbed in Mandarin (3 hrs., 38 min., 34 sec.):





Japan's greatest defeat in World War i

Japanese soldiers of the Kwangtung Army surrender to the Red Army in Harbin, Manchuria in 20 August 1945.

1945: Our common victory

Soviet generals with liberated Allied PoWs in Manchuria.




American reconnaissance planes flying over Japan on August 17, 1945 were fired upon with ant-aircraft guns.

On August 18, 1945 two reconnaissance planes were attacked by fighter planes and one crewman was wounded and another killed.




Preliminary surrender arrangments

The Manila Conference, Nichols Field, (south of) Manila, 18 - 19 August 1945

Japanese agree to unconditional surrender of Japan and the occupation of Japan


Surrender Conference in Manila

Japanese surrender arrangement delegation arrives in the Philippines

Nichols Field, Manila

19 August 1945




Japanese surrender in Manila


19 - 20 August 1945



Japanese Surrender

Japanese surrender arrangement delegation stops in the Ryukyus on the way to the Philippines

19 August 1945





Image result for Japanese Surrender in Chihkiang, China


Japanese Surrender in Chihkiang (Chihchiang), Hunan Province, China

Silent film footage

21 August 1945







Japanese surrender Mili Atoll


Marshall Islands


22 August 1945


Image result for Japanese surrender in Marshall Islands


Japanese, in white caps, surrender Mili Atoll to Americans on 22 August 1945





Japanese surrender in Rangoon


             24 - 28 August 1945


File:The Japanese formally surrender to the British at Rangoon in Burma, 24 October 1945. SE5416.jpg

Japanese surrender to the British in Rangoon 



Manila and Rangoon 


Japanese Surrender


August 24 - 28, 1945


British Pathé newsreel







Manila and Rangoon


Government House, Rangoon 


26 August 1945


Movietone News









Image result for Chiang and Mao toasting on 1945. What were they toasting?

In Chungking, Mao Tse-tung, leader of the Chinese communists, on the left, and Chiang Kai-shek, China's supremo, toast the victory over Japan.


Mao flew from his headquarters in Ya'nan to the war-time capital of China, Chungking, on 27 August 1945 for seven weeks of talks with Chiang. Mao traveled with the American ambassador. On the followng day, 28 August, Chiang and Mao met at a dinner. It was their first meeting in twenty years. Mao left Chungking on 11 September. The earliest possible date for the above photo is 28 August and the latest possible date is 10 September. Most sources claim September, without offering a specific date.



Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek and General De Gaulle


British Pathé





Mme. Chiang returns to Chungking


September 8, 1945









Image result for japanese surrender in hong kong august 30 1945

Japanese surrender ceremony in Hong Kong on 30 August 1945



Japanese surrender Hong Kong to British 


30 August 1945 









Gen. Douglas MacArthur, at Manila City Hall, just before departing for Japan, 30 August 1945 


Allied forces land in Japan

August 1945



MacArthur Arrives in Japan


Silent color film footage






Reenactment of Gen. MacArthur’s arrival in Japan in August 1945 and Tojo’s suicide attempt

Excerpt from 2013 Hollywood movie Emperor

Tommy Lee Jones as Gen. MacArthur









The formal Japanese surrender

Tokyo Bay

2 September 1945

American military officials landed on Japan on 28 August 1945.

Gen. MacArthur arrived on 30 August.

Gen. MacArthur wanted the formal Japanese surrender ceremony to be held at the American Embassy in Tokyo. Admiral Nimitz brought a barge for the occasion. President Truman preferred the flagship of Admiral William Halsey's Third Fleet, the battleship U. S. S. Missouri.    


The U. S. S. Missouri anchored in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945.


General Douglas MacArthur (left) and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz on board the USS Missouri at the time of the Japanese surrender, 1945.

Gen. MacArthur and Admiral Nimitz on the USS Missouri to accept the formal Japanese surrender.


File:Perry flag 1945.jpg

General MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), presides over the formal Japanese surrender aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, September 2, 1945.

Gen. MacArthur:

"We are gathered here, representatives of the major warring powers, to conclude a solemn agreement whereby peace may be restored.

"The issues involving divergent ideals and ideologies have been determined on the battlefields of the world, and hence are not for our discussion or debate."

"The terms and conditions upon which surrender of the Japanese Imperial Forces is here to be given and accepted are contained in the Instrument of Surrender now before you."

"I now invite the representatives of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters to sign the Instrument of Surrender at the places indicated."



Japanese Foreign Minister, Mamoru Shigemitsu, representing the Japanese emperor and government, is the first to sign the surrender at 9:04 a. m. Standing to the left of the table is MacArthur's chief of staff throughout the war, General Richard Sutherland.


Standing on the right are Gen. Sutherland, before the table, and Gen. MacArthur.


Image result for macArthur at surrender 1945

Japanese General Yoshijiro Umezu, Chief of the Army General Staff, representing the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, is next to sign the surrender. 


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Gen. MacArthur signed the surrender as the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. Beside him were Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, who had surrendered the Philippines, and Gen. Sir Arthur Percival, who had surrendered Singapore. 


Image result for nimitz signs jap surrender

Fleet Admiral Chester Nimitz signed for the United States. Beside him were Admiral William Halsey and Admiral Forrest Sherman, Deputy Chief of Staff to Admiral Halsey.  

General Hsu Yung-Ch'ang signed for China, Admiral-of-the-Fleet Sir Bruce Fraser for the United Kingdom, Lt-General Kuzma Nikolaevich Derevyanko for the U. S. S. R., General Sir Thomas Blamey for Australia, Colonel Lawrence Moore Cosgrave for Canada, Général d'Armée Philippe Leclerc de Hautecloque for France, Vice Admiral Conrad Emil Lambert Helfrich for the Netherlands, and Air Vice Marshal Leonard M. Isitt for New Zealand.

File:Leclerc FRANCE 1945.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


Plate No. 132, Surrender Document

Page 2 of the surrender document.

Gen. MacArthur:

"Let us pray that peace now be restored to the world, and that God will preserve it always.

"These proceedings are closed."

Surrender Ceremony Ending the War

Radio broadcast of full ceremony

- Japanese surrender ceremony;

- President Truman's radio address to the nation in Washington, D. C.; 

- General MacArthur's radio address to the American people

- Admiral Nimitz's radio address to the American people



General MacArthur's Radio address to the American People

September 2, 1945

First two minutes



File:USS Missouri (BB-63) flyover, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945 (520775).jpg

US Navy planes fly in formation over the American and British fleets in Tokyo Bay during the surrender ceremony.

The USS Missouri is on the left.

Image result for new york times, sept 2, 1945

New York Times, September 2, 1945

Tokyo - The End of the Road

Paramount News



Japanese Sign Final Surrender!

United News



The Day Japan Lost Face




Japan Surrenders!

Castle Films



Appointment in Tokyo

1945 US Army documentary in tribute to Gen. MacArthur from Corregidor to Australia, through the Southwest Pacific and Dutch East Indies, through the Philippines to Tokyo









The American flag is raised at the American

Embassy in Tokyo on 8 September 1945.

Admiral Willam Halsey, left; Army Lt.-Gen. Robert Eichelberger, commander of Allied Occupation Forces in Japan, second from left; and General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), centre.




The First Eight Weeks  


Douglas MacArthur and Japan


August  -  October 1945


Lecture by Christopher L. Kolakowsky


Norfolk Historical Society


February 17, 2015





MacArthur at War


World War II in the Pacific 


Lecture by Walter Borneman at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, Pennsylvania


May 4, 2017





The Nimitz Gray Book


The 4,000-page diary of Fleet Adm. Chester Nimitz from December 7, 1941 to August 31, 1945


Lecture by Craig Simon at the Naval War College Library in Newport, Rhode Island in 2014


Lecture begins at the 27-minute mark


Actor's portrayal of Adm. Nimitz in a speech at the end





The Battle of the Pacific


The Setting Sun


Episode from the documentary series The Big Battles





Kamchatka commemorates 70th anniversary of victory in WWII

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, Kamchatka Krai

September 2, 2015



Russian President and WWII veterans commemorate Japanese surrender

Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai (on the Trans-Siberian Railway), September 2, 2015



World leaders and representatives at the V-Day parade

Beijing, September 3, 2015


China celebrates 70th anniversary of V-Day

September 3, 2015



China’s V-Day military parade in Beijing

September 3, 2015

Russia Today (RT)


17 countries took part in V-Day parade

September 3, 2015




Japanese sign surrender of Penang to the British on 2 September 1945.

Penang Reoccupied

British Pathe newsreel

The British landed at Penang on 28 August and the Japanese surrendered on 2 September






Japanese surrender more territory

1945 United News newsreel

1. Japanese surrender documents arrive in Washington, D.C.

2. Japanese surrender to the Chinese in China

3. American POWs leave Japanese prison camps

4. Japanese Gen. Yamashita surrenders in the Philippines

5. Quisling's trial in Norway

6. MacArthur in Tokyo 





Japanese surrender in Luzon

Kiangan, 2 September 1945

Lt. General Tomoyuki Yamashita, Supreme Commander of Japanese Imperial Forces in the Philippines, at centre in the photo, surrenders to Americans in Kiangan on Luzon on 2 september 1945.

Baguio, 3 September 1945 

Lt. General Tomoyuki Yamashita, Supreme Commander of Japanese Imperial Forces in the Philippines, at the formal surrender ceremony at the home of the Philippine High Commander in Baguio on Luzon on 3 September 1945.

Lt. General Yamashita is seated at one side of the table, on the right in the photo, at centre, second from left.

Lt. Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, who surrendered American and Filipino forces on  Corregidor to the Japanese in 1942, is seated on the opposite side of the table, at left in the photo.

British Lt. Gen. Archibald Percival, who surrendered British Commonwealth forces to Yamshita in Singapore in 1942, is seated 4th from left.  

First Pictures from Bomb Blasted Japan

Wainwright Returns Home to Hero's Welcome

United News

September 1945




Japanese surrender New Guinea, New Britain and Solomon Islands

HMS Glory, Rabaul

6 September 1945

Image result for japanese surrender rabaul on HMS Glory, Sept 6, 1945

Japanese surrender to an Australian general on board HMS Glory off Rabaul.


Japanese surrender Jaluit Atoll to Americans

5 September 1945


Image result for Japanese surrender on Jaluit Atoll, Marshall Islands, 5 September 1945

Japanese commander of the Marshall islands, on the right in the photo, surrenders Jaluit Atoll, Japanese headquarters of the Marshalls, to Americans on 5 September 1945. On board an American ship in the lagoon.


Japanese surrender Marshall Islands


Japanese commander, on the left, surrenders the Marshall Islands to the Americans on 10 September 1945.




Japanese in the Ryukyu Islands surrender on Okinawa

September 7, 1945


Image result for Japanese army and naval forces in the Ryukyus surrender to General Joseph Stillwell on Okinawa on September 7, 1945.

Japanese army and naval forces in the Ryukyus surrender to General Joseph Stillwell on Okinawa on September 7, 1945.



Japanese surrender in southern Korea


September 9, 1945

Image result for japanese surrender in Seoul, Korea, Sept. 9, 1945

Japanese officers, standing, surrender Korea to American army and navy officers in the Government Building in Seoul on 9 September 1945.  

Soviet Forces - Russian troops in Seoul, Korea

Soviet soldiers greet American soldiers in Seoul, Korea in September 1945.


Japanese troops surrender to Chinese

             Nanjing, September 9, 1945


Chinese General He Yingqin, left, receives the signed surrender of Japanese General Yasuji Okamura, commander of the Japanese China Expeditionary Army (all Japanese forces in CBI), at the Chinese Military Academy in China's capitol, Nanjing (Nanking), on 9 September 1945.

Silent film footage



Chinese documentary



Chinese WWII veteran witnessed Japan's surrender


Nanjing, September 9, 1945 









British Borneo


 Related image


Japanese commander surrenders to Australians on Labuan, British Borneo, 9 and 10 September 1945.  



Fighting continued before and after formal surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bay on September 2.

The Soviet offensive continued, as planned, and was completed in the Kuril Islands on September 4, two days after the formal Japanese surrender on September 2.

The Soviets wanted to occupy the entire Korean peninsula and sent forces into the American zone of occupation, south of the 38th parallel, even after the Americans arrived, but eventually withdrew upon American insistence.

Throughout the Pacific, stranded Japanese soldiers surrendered to the Allies.








Japanese surrender in Singapore

Supreme Allied Commander Earl Lord Mountbatten accepts the japanese Stock  Photo - Alamy Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia,...  News Photo - Getty Images

Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command, receives the Instrument of Surrender from General Seishirō Itagaki, commander of Japanese forces in Southeast Asia, in Singapore, September 1945

File:Japanese Surrender at Singapore, 12 September 1945 A30495.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons 

The Allied delegation led by Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten  and the Japanese delegation led by General Seishirō Itagaki face each other before signing the Japanese surrender.

Municipal Building, Singapore, 12 September 1945.

Image result for Lord Louis at Japan surrender 1945

Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command.

Related image 

Japanese surrender to the British in Singapore, 12 September 1945.

File:Official surrender Singapore.jpg

Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia Command, receives the Japanese surrender in Singapore.


British plan to retake Malaya and Singapore from the Japanese on September 9, 1945



Japanese in Southeast Asia surrender to British


12 September 1945


Japanese Capitulate to Lord Louis

British Movietone News


Singapore Surrender

British Pathe Newsreel



Order of the Day

Mountbatten's Words to his Men

British Pathe Newsreel



Flag raising ceremony

Short excerpt narrated by Mountbatten



Surrender at Singapore

Newsreel short with Lowell Thomas



The Japanese Surrender

Episode 25 of Diary of a Nation by the Singapore Broadcasting Company (1988)


British admiral Louis Mountbatten accepts the final surrender of all...  News Photo - Getty Images Surrender ceremony - Japanese surrender, Singapore, 1945 - 2/30 Battalion  Photo Gallery File:Mountbatten address, Singapore 1945.jpg - Wikipedia

Lord Louis Mountbatten proclaims the surrender of the Japanese, Municipal Building, Singapore, 12 September 1945 


Japanese surrender in Kuala Lumpur

13 September 1945

Related image

Japanese 7th Army commander presents his sword in surrender to a British general in Kuala Lumpur on 13 September 1945.  


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Japanese surrender to Australians on Cape Wom, Wewak in Australian Territory of New Guinea.

13 September 1945



Japanese surrender in Indo-China


13 September 1945

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A Japanese officer surrenders to a lieutenant of the Indian 20th Infantry Division of the British Army in Saigon on 13 September 1945.

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Japanese officer surrenders his sword to a French naval officer in Saigon on 23 September 1945.


Japanese surrender to Australians on Nauru

13 September 1945


Image result for Japanese surrender on Nauru

Commander of Japanese forces on Nauru hands his sword to the Australian commander on board HMAS Diamantina.   


Silent film of surrender




Japanese surrender Ocean Island to Australians

1 October 1945


Silent film (2:30)






Japanese surrender Hong Kong to British

Japanese surrender Hong Kong to British on 16 September 1945


Japanese surrender Hong Kong to British

September 16, 1945








The Admiral Rides the Emperor's White Horse
Admiral William ("Bull") Halsey rides a white horse at the First Cavalry Division command post in Tokyo on September 16, 1945
"If I had to give credit to the instruments and machines that won us the war in the Pacific, I would rate them in this order: submarines first, radar second, planes third, bulldozers fourth." - Fleet Admiral William Halsey (1947).
Film footage
A Horse for Bull Halsey
New York (1946)
British Pathé newsreel
The Gallant Hours

Excerpts from the 1959 Hollywood movie about Admiral Halsey. James Gagney portrayed Halsey.



Excerpts from ending





Japanese surrender in Indo-china


28 September 1945

Image result for japanese surrender in Hanoi 1945

Chinese Lieutenant General Lu Han, Commander of the Chinese First Front Army, centre at table, in Hanoi to accept the surrender of the Japanese 38th Army on 28 September 1945.

Image result for japanese surrender in Hanoi 1945

Japanese Lieutenant General Yuitsu Tsuchihashi and other Japanese officers surrender to Chinese Lt. Gen. Lu Han in Hanoi on 28 Sep 1945.


Japanese surrender in Peking

Japanese commander of the Japanese North Area Army signs formal surrender in the Forbidden City of Peking.
Japanese surrender in Peking


Forbidden City, Peking, October 10, 1945









Japan returns Formosa to China


25 October 1945

Image result for On 25 Oct 1945 in Zhongshan Hall in Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese representative Chen Yi accepted the Japanese surrender of the island.

Japanese General Rikichi Ando, left, last Governor-General of Taiwan and commander of the Japanese garrison on Taiwan, returns Taiwan to China, represented by Chinese General Yeng Yi, at Taipei City Hall on 25 October 1945.



Surrender in the Pacific


U. S. Armed Forces documentary









Last WWII Soldier Surrenders in 1974


Japanese Stragglers fought on after WWII Surrender


BBC News Japan WW2 soldier who refused to surrender Hiroo Onoda dies







Breaking the Japanese Code
Episode # 3 of the 1998 documentary series Secrets of War (Sworn to Secrecy) (51:54)
Narrated by Charlton Heston


What if the Japanese had not surrendered when they did?


What if America had Invaded Japan?

Operation Downfall



The Pacifc War: What if?

A blogger's upload







The Rise and Fall of Japan's Empire




Fall of Japan

In Color

Paul Courtney

Smithsonian Channel documentary (2015)



Japan's War in Colour

Documentary of the war in Japan, including pre-war and post-war scenes, in colour 

Includes footage of Allied POWs 







Excerpt from 2013 Hollywood movie Emperor with a reenactment of the meeting of Gen. MacArthur and Hirohito in Tokyo in 1945 (with Tommy Lee Jones as Gen. MacArthur) (5:11)


1997 Japanese public television documentary


MacArthur and Japan

Walter Cronkite




MacArthur and Hirohito at MacArthur's residence in Tokyo, September 27, 1945


Reinventing Japan

Documentary (57:31) 


Or in 9 clips

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKHxkzM7pa4

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm-fM3rycxU

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi28eOf76Rw

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P6YHOoER_s

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_O6B6b20_c

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlPxyrawgxE

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QzUu-Uka58

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hz2X9I81O0E

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5ZLFcxOFyI



Excerpt from 2013 Hollywood movie Emperor with a reenactment of the meeting of Gen. MacArthur and Hirohito in Tokyo in 1945 (with Tommy Lee Jones as Gen. MacArthur) (5:11)





MacArthur and Hirohito Photograph


MacArthur Memorial, Norfolk, Virginia






Emperor Hirohito


2007 BBC documentary







Episode # 34 of the 1994 A&E documentary series Biography narrated by Jack Perkins (43:58)





Hirohito's War


Documentary narrated by Charlton Heston (44:29)







The Chrysanthemum Throne


Episode from the 1979 documentary series Portraits of Power   -   Those who shaped the Twentieth Century







Episode from the documentary series History's Verdict (1 hr.)





L'énigme de l ' empereur Hirohito


Histoire de Comprendre Japon


Alexandre Adler






Japan under American Occupation

Film documentary about Japan during the American occupation (1945 - 1952)

(3 clips)

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuPYzWnT1aA&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WKHSYdFWCs&feature=relmfu

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbNz6Zhv8Bc&feature=relmfu



Japan's Emperor Hirohito in Yokohama during his first visit to see ...

Hirohito visits Yokohama in February 1946.

Yokohama, February 1946

Related image

Hirohito visits Okagi in 1946.

Related image

Hirohito visits Kobe on June 11, 1947.


Hirohito vists Hiroshima in 1947


 File:Emperor Showa visit to Kurume in 1949.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

Hirohito visits Kurume in 1949.




World War II in Colour

(2 1/2 hr. documentary) 



25 Interesting Things You Didn't Know About World War II










Know Your Enemy: Japan  
Documentary by Frank Capra
Released for screening to U. S. troops on 9 December 1945
1 hr.


War Crimes Trials


Image result for prison cell of japanese war criminal

War Crimes Trials in Asia


Documentary about Japan's War Crimes





War Crimes

Manila 1945 (17:33)

Introduction by Brig.-Gen. Carlos P. Romulo





Image result for Yamashita on trial

Yamashita on trial in Manila.


War Crimes Trial: Yamashita

Manila (1945 - 1946)





Yamashita Tried for War Crimes




Yamashita Trial




Yamashita on Trial for War Crimes




Yamashita Cross-Examined





Yamashita Sentenced by American Court




General Yamashita Sentenced to Death by Hanging




Treasure Hunting



Documentary (1 hr. 39 min.)





Image result for Homma on trial

Homma on trial in Manila


Japanese General Homma Tried For War Crimes




Homma Trial

4th Day

Manila, Philippines







Homma was sentenced to death and executed by a firing squad.




Japanese war criminals go on trial in Tokyo




The Tokyo Trials

Part 1.


Part 2.


Part 3.



Inside the Tokyo War Tribunal




Justice Radhabinod Pal






Image result for Hirohito on tour 1947

Tojo on trial in Tokyo


Hideki Tojo



Hideki Tojo's Suicide Attempt



Inside Beaten Japan




Tojo Defense





War Crimes Trial, Tokyo, Japan

Final Session



Tojo on Trial




Japan's War Lord Brought to Justice




Tojo and Aides Sentenced for Jap War Crimes

British Pathé





Japan's WWII Warlord Sentenced to Death



The Real Tojo

Documentary (52:47)






Shiro Ishii (1892 - 1959), director of Unit 731 in Manchuria, which conducted biological experiments that delibetately killed an estimated 10,000 people, including PoWs. Ishii and others of  Unit 731 were arrested in 1945 but granted immunity from prosecution for war crimes in 1946 by American occupation forces in exhange for details of their work.  


Shiro Ishii and Unit 731




Documentaries about Japanese human guinea pig laboratory in Manchuria:


Japan's Dirty Secret



Unit 731 - Nightmare in Manchuria





Execution of a Jap War Criminal





Japanese Stragglers Fought On after WWII Surrender



Many Japanese and their collaborators would have been tried as war criminals but escaped by paying their Allied captors big ransoms. 

MacArthur ordered the release of many Japanese and their collaborators after receiving payments from them (or payments made on their behalf). In one case, the Japanese consul of Tongo paid MacArthur $1 million to drop charges against him. 

Several Thais, like Plaek Phibunsongkhram, prime minister from 1938 to 1944, and Phin Choonhavan, army commander in the Shan States, and other southeast Asians could have been treated as collaborators and war criminals but ensured their freedom by making big payments to Allied occupation forces. Some payments were made through a Chinese banker in Bangkok, Chin Sophonpanich, whose house became the American Ambassador's residence. 



Image result for IJA Colonel Suzuki Keiji

Suzuki Keiji (1897 - 1967?)


IJA Colonel Suzuki Keiji

The role of Suzuki Keiji in Thailand before the war is not entirely clear. There are many stories. Suzuki was instrumental in the formation of the anti-British pro-Japanese Burmese army in Bangkok.

By some accounts, Suzuki ran Burma and Thailand during the war. 

Many maintain that Suzuki should have been tried for war crimes, including the torture and murder of American PoWs in Burma. By another account, Suzuki was recalled to Japan in 1942 to manage shipping and logistics.

According to some accounts Suzuki was much involved in amassing and hiding looted treasure in Southeast Asia during the war.  

Suzuki held the rank of general by the end of the war.

Post-war American occupation forces in Thailand claimed Suzuki was protected by MacArthur. He "disappeared". He was reported to have lived in Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan. The date and manner of his death are also unclear.




Japanese soldiers return home


Japanese POWs
Universal-International News
Japanese POWs return from Siberia in 1957
Japanese Internment in Siberia
Hideo Aeba (POW in Siberia 1945 - 1949)
Part 2 of interview

Japanese war criminals

Many were never charged. Many were freed.

Mark Felton






American traitors


The Zero Hour

Regular Japanese propaganda radio broadcast

Orphan Ann


24 August 1944








Mr. Hook: "Tokyo Woes"

1945 cartoon by the U. S. Navy  



Staged Post-War "Interview" of "Tokyo Rose"

With Iva Toguri

09 - 09 -1945





09 / 20 / 1945

A reenactment after the war with Iva Toguri 




Iva Toguri d'Aquino









The Second World War

Lecture 48 of The Western Tradition with Eugene Weber at UCLA in 1989



The Second World War

Antony Beevor, historian, interviewed about WW2 on Q & A in 2012


Another interview with Beevor on another show in 2012



Antony Beevor at the Cambridge Union Society

Uploaded in 2014



Cold War Borders

The Making of the New Frontiers of Europe During WWII

Lecture by Gerhard Weinberg

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, N. C.

October 28, 2014







For some, WWII ended only yesterday

Russian Great Patriotic War Memorial



For others, the war continues

The Karen of Burma - Forgotten Allies



Or in 5 clips

1.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5R_mkfTTzA&feature=related

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBs_o-TCFRs&feature=related

3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfN2lxud3Jg&feature=related

4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kni1spCnug&feature=related

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxYwBzT7YGE


ABSDF & KIA fighting against intruding Myanmar army

All-Burma Student Democratic Front (ABSDF) and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in recent fighting against the Burmese Army in the Kachin State of Burma ("uploaded" March 5, 2013)





The Surrender and Occupation of Japan

Episode 22 of a documentary series

Crusade in the Pacific

By the March of Time

1951 (26 min.)


Germany and Japan are Expanding their Military
Jules Suzdaltsev
How Powerful is Japan?
Tara Long (2014)
How Powerful is Germany?
Tara Long (2014)

Continue to the next page: The Post-War Years

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